Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rhyme and Reasoning

In the beginning there was the Son

This was well before there was such thing as Man or Woman

The Son (also known as God) wanted a companion

Thus the creation of the Moon

The Son and the Moon were together every day before the existence of Time

There was so much Loving between them they decided to start a family-All Life on Earth is the Divine Manifestation of the Son and the Moon

The Son represents Salt and Fire and the Moon represents Ice and Water. When the Son melts the Moon you get Salt Water the basis for everything that is Livin’

Look out on the deep blue horizon…

You cannot tell where the ocean is ending and the Sky is beginning

There are salty clouds in the Sky and a salty foam in the ocean

Humans, Animals, and plants are all comprised of the same DNA 50% Salt (Salt is blood) and 50% Water these are called Red and White blood cells in Babylon

The Son is bigger than the Moon and We can Sea this size differentiation between Man and Woman

In order to compensate for this the Earth comes furnished with the Moon

There is Ice in Alaska and Antarctica (polar ice caps top and bottom)

The Earth has a face, but you will not learn that from Babylon’s teaching

God’s Right eye is the Son-Also known as the Life Sea-Babylon calls it the Dead Sea because they get everything wrong

You can verify this theory by checking the contents of the Life Sea- pretty salty. Are you following?

God’s Left eye is a freshwater lake also known as the Sea of Galilee

Jesus is the Son and Galilee is the place of His birthing

Mary then came from Jesus right rib the same way that the Son created the Moon in the beginning

Ribs are hardened salt in case anyone is wondering

Life is a never-ending Love story

God’s neck is known as Sinai and this can be verified by looking at the two streams of water flowing to Egypt and Zion respectively

God’s heart is Meccah and Meccah is located at the Red Sea-Red because you can Sea the blood flowing…

It is outlandish the way that Babylon has got Us all Livin’

Subtracting Loving from the equation

The World is in need of some serious reprioritizing

We need to put Loving on the top and money on the bottom

The words Loving and Living are only one letter apart for a reason...

If you are not Loving than you are not Living

Just dead men and women walking…

Check out the ridiculous stories Babylon is selling

We are descended from apes is what they are saying

Has anyone ever seen an ape become human?

What happened they stopped converting because they did not like the people they were becoming…

It is all just a means of dividing

Stupid racist ideology is what they are teaching

Great Apes are African

Humans and Animals that live in Africa have darker skin coloring

This is because they are located on the equator i.e. closest to the Son

By claiming that We are descended from Apes they can then make the argument that African’s are less evolved humans

Giving evil European intellectuals further justification for slavery and sub human bondage that they have got My People currently living

Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama have black skin but they are not African

They are some cold blooded Europeans

These fools came to South Africa to steel worthless minerals and exploit the population

A diamond is quite literally the earth’s shit. A little fact worth noting

Diamonds start off as a gas crystal in the earth’s belly until she finally takes a dump at the Earth’s surface and then Babylon deems these turds as being worth something

The reason a diamond is forever is because it was never Living

I Am an African coming from mount Zion

Don’t be fooled by my lighter skin coloring

Zion used to be attached to Africa until the terrorist state of Israel decided to blow open the Earth’s skull and build the Suez Canal. They did this in order to save money on oil shipping

The European vampires who are sucking the Earth’s blood dry from the Red Sea wanted to improve their bottom line and overall efficiency

If African’s moved to Russia after a few generations they would have whiter offspring

Could you then make the argument that these people are no longer African?

We all appreciate bio diverse eco systems- a garden would be bland without differentiation

Shouldn’t We welcome this same diversity when it comes to the human population…

Free your mind-it is only division that Babylon is selling

Jesus was sacrificed in the town of Skull that is how the Skull and Bones got their naming

Their logo is a pirate insignia also known as pure poison

Skull is where the word skuuuul comes from

It amounts to a twelve step brainwashing

If it is free than why is it law that are children have to be attending…

What is the first letter you learn in kindergarden

It is the best letter you can get on the last exam you are taking

What have you learned? Nothing

That is why curriculum translates into going around in a circular form. It has its roots in horse racing

They got everyone rat racing and it is just Swiss cheese they are chasing

Switzerland is also where the Skull and Bones do their offshore banking

Time is money goes the saying…

That is why Switzerland is also known for watch making

Rocket scientist are supposed to have received the most elite education

They have never built anything capable of working

NASA claims to have been to the Moon and when they get their Neil Armstrong described it as a dry California desert. Really?

That is because those who came up with their space exploration story are the same people who make Hollywood movies

The Moon is ice and anyone with eyes can look up and sea that it is

White like the polar ice caps I was earlier describing

The Son is so hot it will cause burning the Moon is so cold it is freezing

They claim to be flying a four million pound space craft at 122 times the speed of light and these people call Me crazy

That is why My Father Bob Marley says: I sea men sailing on their ego trips. Blasting off on space ships. A million miles from reality…No care for you no care for Me

Stealing countless billions of tax dollars while people are homeless and starving

And We have not even begun to discuss their religion

Jews and Muslim’s worship the same person

The word for God in Abrahamic language is Allah. This is an important fact for your consideration

Jesus is Jewish so I don’t really know what it means to be Christian

The current pope is an admitted Nazi so we know where their KatholiKKK ideology is deriving

The pope and the KKK wear the same white clothing

It gives the term holy shit new meaning

Whether it is a mission or missionary position-you know the people on the bottom are taking a fucking

Abraham has two sisters Sara and Hagar and it was agreed that the Son of Man would be birthed by these two women

Sara’s family had the Jewish last name and Hagar took the Muslim naming

Sara gave birth to Isaac and Hagar gave birth to Rebekkah; Isaac and Rebekkah gave birth to Jacob. Since Hagar gave birth to Woman the Muslim insignia is a Moon

The word Christ means Cross. Picture Jews on one side and Muslims on the other with crosses in between

This is the story of Jacob’s Latter in case you are having trouble following…

It is also known as the Zion train

You will not learn about these teachings in their institutions

Jail’s and skuuuls are both called institutions because they are each prisons

Don’t get me started on the television

It is called programming for a reason

William Crooke’s invented the TV and it is your soul they are stealing

The American dream requires you to be sleeping

They give you freedom of speech so long as you don’t have a clue what you are saying

Anyone who wakes up will find themselves in prison or in a mental institution

There is a lot of wisdom and intelligence to Creation

Too much intelligence to have people this dumb ruling

These filthy pirates are not going to continue controlling the population

Read about it in Revelation

There is a reason that Revelation is only one letter difference from Revolution

People had better start preparing because there is going to be a reckoning

The last shall be first is still in the Bible’s teaching

The financially poor are going to find out they have hit the lotto while those pirates with money are going to be totaling Zero. This is going to be a reality

People need to come to the light that I Am shining

Either way, you are going to feel the heat that I Am emoting

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