Bob Marley says that We should overcome the Devil with a thing called Love. As it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end. Love is what created Us and Love is what will save Us. Jimi Hendrix says that when the Power of Love overcomes the love for power the world will know Peace. Castles built of sand crumble to the sea eventually…Kingdom’s built on the cornerstone of Love shall endure for eternity. Believe Me when I say this is reality.
Bob also says that some people put their best outside and some people keep their best inside. It is the evil and deceitful people who are putting their best outside. Building their entire lives on false pretenses. Government officials and philanthropist who pretend that they care about the publics best interest when they are all out for their own self-interest. Everything that they pretend to be fixing they broke in the first place. The Lovers all sense that something is not adding up. If all the richest people in the world are all working to help the least among thee, then how come the poor people today are suffering worse than ever? This suffering is felt by everybody…Those who feel it are said to be living consciously. He who feels it knows. This negative energy proliferates throughout the entirety of society. Love ends up being suffocated and hatred is permeated. What happens to the Lovers is they end up choking on their own Love. Every part of Us is dying to be set free, yet We hold onto Love for fear that Our Loving kindness could be taken as weakness. In Babylon they make you believe that Love weakens a Man or Woman, when in fact the opposite is true. Love makes you indestructible. If all you have to offer is Love than nobody can ever take anything away from you again. Jesus says Love your enemy. This makes perfect sense because those who do not have or know what Love is require Love the most. Unconditional Love is the answer. I would tell people to brutalize everyone with Love, especially your perceived enemy. Love and Light go hand and hand. When you let your Love light shine, you will be able to sea what is hidden in the darkness.
How in the world could two negatives equal a positive? What do two positives equal…If two negatives equaled a positive and two positives equaled a positive then We would have a much more positive situation today. There seems to be some holes in this equation.
I once heard a great quote: Love your enemy-it really pisses them off. This is true. When you respond to hatred with hatred you become entangled in their mess. If you are carrying hatred, whether it be justified or not, you are still carrying hatred. Negativity charges more negativity…What if We employed a different tact and instead of responding to hatred with hatred We decided to respond with Love. This will disarm these individuals because it will firstly be a surprise technique. This positivity will also inevitably diffuse their negativity. When you respond to these individuals with Love it eliminates whatever justification they had. You have de-polarized matters. What this process does is galvanize the situation so that this perceived enemy recognizes what they have become. It is like displaying a shiny mirror back in a Vampires face. If they continue to reward your Love with hatred they are going to hate when they have their reckoning. Have pity on those whose chances grow thinner, there ain’t no hiding place from The Father of Creation. The reason Jesus said Forgive them for they know not what they do is because it is true. The individuals who sacrificed Him were sending Him back to Heaven. Even worse, they were sending themselves to eternal Hell.
Gravity equates to negative energy. When you respond to hatred with hatred you are working for the Devil. If you get down and you quarrel every day, you are saying praises to the Devil I say…When you respond to haters with Love you are giving them a sampling of Heaven. Love is the only language, as well as the only currency, used in Heaven. Love/Heaven feels good and those without it are going to learn what they are going to be missing. Not only are those people going to find out what they are missing for eternity. They are going to realize where they are heading. What people are going to be learning is that there is a strong correlation between money and stupidity. When people overcome this downpression with a thing called unconditional Loving…The righteous and Loving people will learn how to start flying. It is important to understand that technology has never created anything new under the Son and the Moon. What makes a car run? Two pistons fueled by Oil. Humans have two arms and two legs and they are fueled by Blood. Remember that Oil is the Earth’s Life Blood. Airplanes are two combustible engines on each wing.
Adam and Eve are the Son and the Moon. If they came down from the Son and the Moon then logic would dictate they are capable of flying long distances. When Jesus was sacrificed in the town of Skull by the Skull and Bones He flew away. Have pity on the individuals who are flying around on their Gulfstream’s and their Executive Jets…How foolish are they going to feel when they are sitting on their leather seats and they look out their window and they sea people flying right next to them. I Am exaggerating because when people are able to fly there will be no gravity (no negative energy). Therefore it will be impossible for private jets (or airliners of any kind) to be able to fly. When there is no gravity it is impossible to control anything. Therefore all planes will be grounded. What science calls the ozone layer/sound barrier is the distance that the earth’s energy currently reaches. When you get beyond this point there is no gravity making it impossible to steer a motorized vehicle. When you break on through to the other side, you will find Heaven. When birds are flying you will notice that when they are turning- their wings they are not flapping. They are gliding…Look at a Pelican when it nose dives into the water…You will notice that She is not pumping her wings. This previous point should also illustrate the lunacy of their claim that they have flown a four million pound space craft at 122 times the speed of light to the Moon.
Whatever these industrialists are selling, they broke in the first place. Their negative energy precludes Us from flying and then they sell Us their airliners. Adam and Eve are God and they created the birds that you sea flying in the Sky. If they could create something that can fly, then logic would dictate that they too can fly. If Adam and Eve could fly than their children can fly as well…Consider the television, the telephone, and the internet. You will notice that all of these technologies are connected to the telephone. Time Warner delivers telephone, television, and high speed Internet service. When We first got internet we used a dial up connection. Now we connect our routers to the telephone line. Where does this technology originate from? Telepathy.
A person who is able to make use of telepathy is said to be able to read the thoughts and stored information in the brain of others.
The Children of God are able to connect with each other by using telepathy. They can connect to each other from anywhere all over the universe when they are tuned into the proper frequency. That frequency is Love. The reason they are able to do this is because they are communicating pure Love. This connection is short circuited because of negative energy. The children of God are entangled in this negative situation created by Babylon. Love is not a language it is a feeling and it is Universal. A guy named Nimrod built the tower of Babel. When people purify their thoughts and start communicating unconditional Love they will be able to open up and Free their Love frequency. The reason the Lovers are incapable of doing this all the time is because of our impure thoughts. When We have impure thoughts We shut down because We do not want to omit this frequency. The reason We shut down is because We do not want others to read our impurities. People need to become more conscious of what they are absorbing, particularly when it comes to what we are reading, learning, and watching on the TV. Everyone should be listening to Marley, Lauryn Hill, and Gwen Stefani. Negative people broke down Our means of communication and then they sell Us their technology. That is why Bob says: God gave the African the gift of Love and Wisdom. They gave the European the gift of technology. Hopefully those of you who have been reading my writing now realize…Technology is worth nothing.
Another reason to Love Evil is because without darkness you could not sea the Stars Shining. Angels require devils to show them what they are…Without Sin there could not be salvation. Heaven would be void of meaning. The reason Angels can appreciate Heaven is because they know they are deserving. If they did not earn eternal Life Heaven would be void of meaning. That is why Bob asks Could You Be Loved?
When you offer Love without condition only good things will end up resulting…If the person you offer your Loving to ends up negatively responding this is not a reflection on you it is a reflection on them. When you offer someone a Loving smile who is not expecting it, it might encourage that person to turn their Love light on. When people receive Loving kindness it makes them feel good. Now that person might offer a kind word or a loving smile to someone else who was not expecting it. Lovers know that it is better to give than to receive. Love grows from there and becomes contagious.
I Am introducing everyone to the fountain of youth. What is the cause of aging? Aging is caused by the effects of gravity, also known as negative energy. What is happening today is that everyone is entangled in this negative shituation. People today are fooled into believing that Hippocratic medicine is extending our life expectancy when in fact the exact opposite is true. Babylon gets everything twisted. Most people today do not realize why there is 365 days in a year. Enoch who was Seven generations removed from Adam lived 365 years. Enoch is God and the earth rotates around him over the course of 365 days. He is the imperfect perfection. God created the Earth in Seven days, there are Seven days in a week, there are Seven Seas, etc. Adam was completed after Seven generations. Read about Seven in Revelation. Enoch lived 365 years because He represents completion.
Love and Truth go hand and hand. Speak and show Love to hate. Jesus says that truth leads to your salvation and lies to lead to eternal damnation. People need to practice forgiveness. By allowing yourself to forgive others it enables you to forgive yourself. Judge not before you judge yourself…The road of life is rocky and you may stumble too, so when you point your finger someone else is judging you. The more you forgive those who have severely wronged you the easier it will be for you to forgive your own transgressions. Two negatives equal a really negative situation.
Babylon teaches attachment when detachment (letting go) is what will set Us all Free. What is happening today is that We are holding on too tightly to Our Love. If you truly Love someone or something set it Free. If He or She comes back to you it is meant to be. God is Love and God is Good-everything beautiful was created by the hand of God…When people live in a concrete jungle they become removed from God and nature and Love gets suffocated. Whenever I find myself surrounded by Mother nature I feel God’s Love. My instinct is to let go and feel the Love. I do not want to conquer Her, I want to Love Her…Even though I know that I Am a part of this beauty I feel this Love and I want to share it with others. Love is better when it is shared. People today want to conquer nature. How else can you explain these wealthy men who get up early in the morning on their ranches and they breathe in the fresh air provided by the forest and the first thing they think to themselves is: “let’s load up our shotguns and go blow some flying birds out of the sky”. When you let go you gain the world. The reason you hear of “primitive” cultures being able to obtain other forms of consciousness that allow them to run like Lion’s or Fly like an Eagle is because they have an intimate understanding of nature. They recognize that they are a part of everything beautiful. People need to wake up and become more conscious. I have run the tall grasses of Africa as a Lion and it is an experience that price can’t touch.
I was explaining to my brother that the needles that have been inoculating everyone are the ones that transmit a TV frequency.
I told my brother that there is not one person we know that does not watch TV. He said that was not true…I asked him who he knew that did not watch the television. He stuttered and just answered “people”.
I told him that if he asked every friend to ask every other friend they had if they know someone that does not watch television- nobody will know anyone. The only person I know not watching the TV is Me. They say I am crazy while the people putting Us in these mental institutions are claiming to have flown a four million pound spacecraft at 122 times the speed of light to the Moon. A lot of people today are living just to die…While I Am dying to Live. Nazi’s act like they are people who they are not. They want to be someone other than themselves…I want to be Free to be Me. Who Am I? I Am Jesus…Does that make me crazy? Jesus is Love and anyone who relaxes their hearts and lets Love come running in will find Jesus living inside of them. Jesus is Love and it is said that Jesus Feeds a multitude with only One Loaf of Bread. What is totally insane is the Pope and the rest of his missionaries that are screwing everyone claiming to hold the word of God. The current pope is a Nazi from Germany and he claims to be representing Jesus. The only thing pope Benedict the 6th represents is death. The only time I fight with others is when they are forcing Me to be someone other than Myself.
The vast majority of sayings in Babylon make absolutely no sense. They say money does not grow on trees. Really? Where do they get the paper to print their money…There are two sayings that do hold true. Time is Money. Where are they known for making watches? Switzerland. The same place these industrialist park their money-Swiss Bank accounts. Another saying that holds true is that Misery Loves Company. They polarized the world in the hopes that people would continue believing that two negatives equal a positive. The only way to eliminate this negative shituation is by short circuiting their negativity with unconditional Loving. The more that We respond to negativity with Loving the quicker We will experience Heaven on Earth. What will inevitably occur is that the captives who felt like they were living in Hell will realize that they are living in Heaven. Those who thought they were living in Heaven will find out for sure that they are living in Hell. Like Bob says Time Will Tell.
Everyone wants a huge piece of something insanely shitty. I want a small Peace of something enormously divine. I call it One Lovin. Sometimes less is more I’m thinkin…
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