Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rhyme and Reasoning

In the beginning there was the Son

This was well before there was such thing as Man or Woman

The Son (also known as God) wanted a companion

Thus the creation of the Moon

The Son and the Moon were together every day before the existence of Time

There was so much Loving between them they decided to start a family-All Life on Earth is the Divine Manifestation of the Son and the Moon

The Son represents Salt and Fire and the Moon represents Ice and Water. When the Son melts the Moon you get Salt Water the basis for everything that is Livin’

Look out on the deep blue horizon…

You cannot tell where the ocean is ending and the Sky is beginning

There are salty clouds in the Sky and a salty foam in the ocean

Humans, Animals, and plants are all comprised of the same DNA 50% Salt (Salt is blood) and 50% Water these are called Red and White blood cells in Babylon

The Son is bigger than the Moon and We can Sea this size differentiation between Man and Woman

In order to compensate for this the Earth comes furnished with the Moon

There is Ice in Alaska and Antarctica (polar ice caps top and bottom)

The Earth has a face, but you will not learn that from Babylon’s teaching

God’s Right eye is the Son-Also known as the Life Sea-Babylon calls it the Dead Sea because they get everything wrong

You can verify this theory by checking the contents of the Life Sea- pretty salty. Are you following?

God’s Left eye is a freshwater lake also known as the Sea of Galilee

Jesus is the Son and Galilee is the place of His birthing

Mary then came from Jesus right rib the same way that the Son created the Moon in the beginning

Ribs are hardened salt in case anyone is wondering

Life is a never-ending Love story

God’s neck is known as Sinai and this can be verified by looking at the two streams of water flowing to Egypt and Zion respectively

God’s heart is Meccah and Meccah is located at the Red Sea-Red because you can Sea the blood flowing…

It is outlandish the way that Babylon has got Us all Livin’

Subtracting Loving from the equation

The World is in need of some serious reprioritizing

We need to put Loving on the top and money on the bottom

The words Loving and Living are only one letter apart for a reason...

If you are not Loving than you are not Living

Just dead men and women walking…

Check out the ridiculous stories Babylon is selling

We are descended from apes is what they are saying

Has anyone ever seen an ape become human?

What happened they stopped converting because they did not like the people they were becoming…

It is all just a means of dividing

Stupid racist ideology is what they are teaching

Great Apes are African

Humans and Animals that live in Africa have darker skin coloring

This is because they are located on the equator i.e. closest to the Son

By claiming that We are descended from Apes they can then make the argument that African’s are less evolved humans

Giving evil European intellectuals further justification for slavery and sub human bondage that they have got My People currently living

Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama have black skin but they are not African

They are some cold blooded Europeans

These fools came to South Africa to steel worthless minerals and exploit the population

A diamond is quite literally the earth’s shit. A little fact worth noting

Diamonds start off as a gas crystal in the earth’s belly until she finally takes a dump at the Earth’s surface and then Babylon deems these turds as being worth something

The reason a diamond is forever is because it was never Living

I Am an African coming from mount Zion

Don’t be fooled by my lighter skin coloring

Zion used to be attached to Africa until the terrorist state of Israel decided to blow open the Earth’s skull and build the Suez Canal. They did this in order to save money on oil shipping

The European vampires who are sucking the Earth’s blood dry from the Red Sea wanted to improve their bottom line and overall efficiency

If African’s moved to Russia after a few generations they would have whiter offspring

Could you then make the argument that these people are no longer African?

We all appreciate bio diverse eco systems- a garden would be bland without differentiation

Shouldn’t We welcome this same diversity when it comes to the human population…

Free your mind-it is only division that Babylon is selling

Jesus was sacrificed in the town of Skull that is how the Skull and Bones got their naming

Their logo is a pirate insignia also known as pure poison

Skull is where the word skuuuul comes from

It amounts to a twelve step brainwashing

If it is free than why is it law that are children have to be attending…

What is the first letter you learn in kindergarden

It is the best letter you can get on the last exam you are taking

What have you learned? Nothing

That is why curriculum translates into going around in a circular form. It has its roots in horse racing

They got everyone rat racing and it is just Swiss cheese they are chasing

Switzerland is also where the Skull and Bones do their offshore banking

Time is money goes the saying…

That is why Switzerland is also known for watch making

Rocket scientist are supposed to have received the most elite education

They have never built anything capable of working

NASA claims to have been to the Moon and when they get their Neil Armstrong described it as a dry California desert. Really?

That is because those who came up with their space exploration story are the same people who make Hollywood movies

The Moon is ice and anyone with eyes can look up and sea that it is

White like the polar ice caps I was earlier describing

The Son is so hot it will cause burning the Moon is so cold it is freezing

They claim to be flying a four million pound space craft at 122 times the speed of light and these people call Me crazy

That is why My Father Bob Marley says: I sea men sailing on their ego trips. Blasting off on space ships. A million miles from reality…No care for you no care for Me

Stealing countless billions of tax dollars while people are homeless and starving

And We have not even begun to discuss their religion

Jews and Muslim’s worship the same person

The word for God in Abrahamic language is Allah. This is an important fact for your consideration

Jesus is Jewish so I don’t really know what it means to be Christian

The current pope is an admitted Nazi so we know where their KatholiKKK ideology is deriving

The pope and the KKK wear the same white clothing

It gives the term holy shit new meaning

Whether it is a mission or missionary position-you know the people on the bottom are taking a fucking

Abraham has two sisters Sara and Hagar and it was agreed that the Son of Man would be birthed by these two women

Sara’s family had the Jewish last name and Hagar took the Muslim naming

Sara gave birth to Isaac and Hagar gave birth to Rebekkah; Isaac and Rebekkah gave birth to Jacob. Since Hagar gave birth to Woman the Muslim insignia is a Moon

The word Christ means Cross. Picture Jews on one side and Muslims on the other with crosses in between

This is the story of Jacob’s Latter in case you are having trouble following…

It is also known as the Zion train

You will not learn about these teachings in their institutions

Jail’s and skuuuls are both called institutions because they are each prisons

Don’t get me started on the television

It is called programming for a reason

William Crooke’s invented the TV and it is your soul they are stealing

The American dream requires you to be sleeping

They give you freedom of speech so long as you don’t have a clue what you are saying

Anyone who wakes up will find themselves in prison or in a mental institution

There is a lot of wisdom and intelligence to Creation

Too much intelligence to have people this dumb ruling

These filthy pirates are not going to continue controlling the population

Read about it in Revelation

There is a reason that Revelation is only one letter difference from Revolution

People had better start preparing because there is going to be a reckoning

The last shall be first is still in the Bible’s teaching

The financially poor are going to find out they have hit the lotto while those pirates with money are going to be totaling Zero. This is going to be a reality

People need to come to the light that I Am shining

Either way, you are going to feel the heat that I Am emoting

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Y ask Y

In my previous writing Free Your Mind I dispelled the myth that two negatives equal a positive. I believe that is one of the most troubling myths permeating throughout society today. The following myth that I Am about dispel has caused more trouble than people can possibly imagine...It is the idea of their being an X and a Y chromosome (whatever a chromosome is). The reason Y We ask Y is because there is no such thing as a Y chromosome. All Life on Earth is the Divine Manifestation of the Son and the Moon. The Son represents Fire and Salt; the Moon represents Ice and Water. When the Son melts the Moon you get Salt Water the basis for all Life. When you look out on the deep blue horizon you cannot tell where the ocean ends and the sky begins. There is a salty foam on the water and salty clouds in the sky. Humans are comprised of 50% Salt/Blood and 50% Water. Babylonian scientist call these Red and White blood cells. When the Son and the Moon came down to create Life on Earth Adam came down first. God could very easily have made Adam and Eve instead of just Adam. Why did Adam come to Earth first? The reason being is that Jahova represented the Divine Manifestation of the Son and the Moon. Eve came from Adam’s rib in order to ensure that Eve will always be a part of Adam and Adam will always be a part of Eve. A rib is hardened salt (bones are white like salt or corral in the ocean). After Eve was created all Life would ultimately go through her. Adam gave birth to Eve and Eve gave birth to Life. Like a Loving 45 record that goes round and round. Bob Marley was born again in 1945. Some people use a Colt 45 and others listen to a Loving 45. The Houston AstroNots were originally named the Colt 45’s.

Consider what an X actually looks like…It is the union of Two just like the Star of David. The Star of David is represented in the form of Two triangles. One triangle represents the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. The other triangle represents the Mother the Daughter and the Holy Spirit. The two are intertwined in the shape of a 69. If you think what I Am saying does not add up then I ask you to consider who created you…Everyone was created by a Man and a Woman. One would have to reason that all Men must be comprised of 50% Woman and 50% Man and all Women are comprised of 50% Man and 50% Woman. Who determines the Sex of a child? That would be what I like to call God. What I hope my writing does is illuminate the absurdity of science. More importantly, it is my hope that my writings help to illustrate the Truth of God.

Violence and War have decimated the relationship between Man and Woman. People living in Babylon are inundated with violence. There is nothing but brutality on TV. If you watch the local news it combines violence in your neighborhood or hoods followed by world news that focuses on War and rumors of War. The most popular sport in America is football. A violent game that they play on Sunday’s and if it is a good game maybe you will sea a Hail Mary at the end. The games usually begin with the National Anthem. “And the bombs bursting in air”. Followed by two American F-16’s flying overhead… The reason football is called futbol is because it used to be soccer which involves using your feet to kick a ball. The British and European South African’s did not think this sport was violent enough so they invented Rugby. Any time you sea the word football in the following definition of Rugby they are referring to soccer.

Rugby is any of a number of sports through history descended from a common form of football developed in different areas of the United Kingdom.

The game of rugby developed from a version of football and was originally one of several different versions of football played at English public schools during the 19th century. This sport caused major injuries at times. The innovation of running with the ball was introduced some time between 1859 and 1865. Rugby union is both a professional and amateur game, and is dominated by the first tier unions: South Africa, Argentina, Australia, England, France, Ireland, and Italy.

This violence did not satisfy American’s blood thirst so the Skull and Bones invented American football (it no longer resembles Futbol).

Walter Chauncey Camp (April 7, 1859 – March 14, 1925) was a sports writer and American football coach known as the "Father of American Football". Camp was born in the city of New Britain, Connecticut, the son of Leverett Lee and Ellen Sophia (Cornwell) Camp. He attended Yale College in 1876, and graduated in 1880. At Yale he was a member of the Skull and Bones fraternity.

I guess We know where the term summer Camp comes from. They score Six points followed by a One point Kick making it Seven. The kicking part of American football has been made almost inconsequential in American football. Field goals equal 3 points. What is the name of the venue in Rome where they used to have gladiator games? The Coliseum…I live in Los Angeles and the Raiders used to play at the Coliseum. Their logo is a Pirate, isn’t the Skull and Bones a Pirate logo too? The Raiders have moved back to Oakland and now USC calls the Coliseum their home. The Houston Astrodome was modeled after the Coliseum as well. Since it was the first dome one would have to conclude that all domes that were constructed after it were also modeled after the Coliseum. The Bush’s were the original owners of the AstroNOT’s. Every single Bush is a member of the Skull and Bones and all of them attended Yale. When did the Roman Empire fall again? The last two Roman popes were Nazi’s from Germany….Like Damian Marley says: Give me the microphone and watch Me burn down Rome and all of the Church’s that cast dem stones. They fight against the Lion of the Royal Throne…The worlds become a graveyard of Skulls and Bones.

It can hardly be surprising that the second most popular sport in America (based on per event viewership) is Ultimate Fighting. This is when two men get into a steel cage and beat each other senseless with bare knuckles until someone gets knocked unconscious or “taps out”.

Women (and men) naturally feel unsafe and unprotected in this type of violent environment. What then occurs is that the male and female relationship becomes imbalanced. A woman looks for protection and the man assumes the role of protector. This results in men and women assuming unintended roles. Men become overmasculated and women become immasculated. What happens is Men and Women start to identify with these assumed roles and the relationship between these two sexes gets polarized. They end up at opposite ends of the spectrum. Men become the protectors and providers while women become protected dependents. These roles end up manifesting in unhealthy relationships because both sexes end up looking for the wrong attributes in one another. Women look for men who can protect and provide for them and men look for women that they can provide for. All a woman should need from a Man is Love and support and all a Man should need from a Woman is Loving support. Whenever We require more than Love from anyone the situation gets dicey…

When women start looking for Dirty Harry types they end up with an angry man. Angry men are likely to beat a woman. The reason for this is because they are so repressed emotionally the only way they can express themselves is through anger and violence. Because we are inundated with so much violence on television (and often times in the dangerous neighborhoods people are living in) this becomes their unnatural form of expression. Anyone who hits a woman is not a man they are a Turkey. Some women do not like it when a man cries…There is nothing sadder than a man who does not cry. Except for a man who only cries when he is sad. Like Bob Marley says We are built to cry. Some men end up being intimidated by strong women who have an opinion. This makes no sense either because weak women breed weak children. Everyone needs to come together in order to feel the One Lovin’. This is how We can all start de-polarizing this negative shituation. Forget about this Y chromosome Babylon is selling. This only leads to a lot more questions than answers I’m thinking.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Free Your Mind

Bob Marley says that We should overcome the Devil with a thing called Love. As it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end. Love is what created Us and Love is what will save Us. Jimi Hendrix says that when the Power of Love overcomes the love for power the world will know Peace. Castles built of sand crumble to the sea eventually…Kingdom’s built on the cornerstone of Love shall endure for eternity. Believe Me when I say this is reality.
Bob also says that some people put their best outside and some people keep their best inside. It is the evil and deceitful people who are putting their best outside. Building their entire lives on false pretenses. Government officials and philanthropist who pretend that they care about the publics best interest when they are all out for their own self-interest. Everything that they pretend to be fixing they broke in the first place. The Lovers all sense that something is not adding up. If all the richest people in the world are all working to help the least among thee, then how come the poor people today are suffering worse than ever? This suffering is felt by everybody…Those who feel it are said to be living consciously. He who feels it knows. This negative energy proliferates throughout the entirety of society. Love ends up being suffocated and hatred is permeated. What happens to the Lovers is they end up choking on their own Love. Every part of Us is dying to be set free, yet We hold onto Love for fear that Our Loving kindness could be taken as weakness. In Babylon they make you believe that Love weakens a Man or Woman, when in fact the opposite is true. Love makes you indestructible. If all you have to offer is Love than nobody can ever take anything away from you again. Jesus says Love your enemy. This makes perfect sense because those who do not have or know what Love is require Love the most. Unconditional Love is the answer. I would tell people to brutalize everyone with Love, especially your perceived enemy. Love and Light go hand and hand. When you let your Love light shine, you will be able to sea what is hidden in the darkness.
How in the world could two negatives equal a positive? What do two positives equal…If two negatives equaled a positive and two positives equaled a positive then We would have a much more positive situation today. There seems to be some holes in this equation.
I once heard a great quote: Love your enemy-it really pisses them off. This is true. When you respond to hatred with hatred you become entangled in their mess. If you are carrying hatred, whether it be justified or not, you are still carrying hatred. Negativity charges more negativity…What if We employed a different tact and instead of responding to hatred with hatred We decided to respond with Love. This will disarm these individuals because it will firstly be a surprise technique. This positivity will also inevitably diffuse their negativity. When you respond to these individuals with Love it eliminates whatever justification they had. You have de-polarized matters. What this process does is galvanize the situation so that this perceived enemy recognizes what they have become. It is like displaying a shiny mirror back in a Vampires face. If they continue to reward your Love with hatred they are going to hate when they have their reckoning. Have pity on those whose chances grow thinner, there ain’t no hiding place from The Father of Creation. The reason Jesus said Forgive them for they know not what they do is because it is true. The individuals who sacrificed Him were sending Him back to Heaven. Even worse, they were sending themselves to eternal Hell.
Gravity equates to negative energy. When you respond to hatred with hatred you are working for the Devil. If you get down and you quarrel every day, you are saying praises to the Devil I say…When you respond to haters with Love you are giving them a sampling of Heaven. Love is the only language, as well as the only currency, used in Heaven. Love/Heaven feels good and those without it are going to learn what they are going to be missing. Not only are those people going to find out what they are missing for eternity. They are going to realize where they are heading. What people are going to be learning is that there is a strong correlation between money and stupidity. When people overcome this downpression with a thing called unconditional Loving…The righteous and Loving people will learn how to start flying. It is important to understand that technology has never created anything new under the Son and the Moon. What makes a car run? Two pistons fueled by Oil. Humans have two arms and two legs and they are fueled by Blood. Remember that Oil is the Earth’s Life Blood. Airplanes are two combustible engines on each wing.
Adam and Eve are the Son and the Moon. If they came down from the Son and the Moon then logic would dictate they are capable of flying long distances. When Jesus was sacrificed in the town of Skull by the Skull and Bones He flew away. Have pity on the individuals who are flying around on their Gulfstream’s and their Executive Jets…How foolish are they going to feel when they are sitting on their leather seats and they look out their window and they sea people flying right next to them. I Am exaggerating because when people are able to fly there will be no gravity (no negative energy). Therefore it will be impossible for private jets (or airliners of any kind) to be able to fly. When there is no gravity it is impossible to control anything. Therefore all planes will be grounded. What science calls the ozone layer/sound barrier is the distance that the earth’s energy currently reaches. When you get beyond this point there is no gravity making it impossible to steer a motorized vehicle. When you break on through to the other side, you will find Heaven. When birds are flying you will notice that when they are turning- their wings they are not flapping. They are gliding…Look at a Pelican when it nose dives into the water…You will notice that She is not pumping her wings. This previous point should also illustrate the lunacy of their claim that they have flown a four million pound space craft at 122 times the speed of light to the Moon.
Whatever these industrialists are selling, they broke in the first place. Their negative energy precludes Us from flying and then they sell Us their airliners. Adam and Eve are God and they created the birds that you sea flying in the Sky. If they could create something that can fly, then logic would dictate that they too can fly. If Adam and Eve could fly than their children can fly as well…Consider the television, the telephone, and the internet. You will notice that all of these technologies are connected to the telephone. Time Warner delivers telephone, television, and high speed Internet service. When We first got internet we used a dial up connection. Now we connect our routers to the telephone line. Where does this technology originate from? Telepathy.
A person who is able to make use of telepathy is said to be able to read the thoughts and stored information in the brain of others.
The Children of God are able to connect with each other by using telepathy. They can connect to each other from anywhere all over the universe when they are tuned into the proper frequency. That frequency is Love. The reason they are able to do this is because they are communicating pure Love. This connection is short circuited because of negative energy. The children of God are entangled in this negative situation created by Babylon. Love is not a language it is a feeling and it is Universal. A guy named Nimrod built the tower of Babel. When people purify their thoughts and start communicating unconditional Love they will be able to open up and Free their Love frequency. The reason the Lovers are incapable of doing this all the time is because of our impure thoughts. When We have impure thoughts We shut down because We do not want to omit this frequency. The reason We shut down is because We do not want others to read our impurities. People need to become more conscious of what they are absorbing, particularly when it comes to what we are reading, learning, and watching on the TV. Everyone should be listening to Marley, Lauryn Hill, and Gwen Stefani. Negative people broke down Our means of communication and then they sell Us their technology. That is why Bob says: God gave the African the gift of Love and Wisdom. They gave the European the gift of technology. Hopefully those of you who have been reading my writing now realize…Technology is worth nothing.
Another reason to Love Evil is because without darkness you could not sea the Stars Shining. Angels require devils to show them what they are…Without Sin there could not be salvation. Heaven would be void of meaning. The reason Angels can appreciate Heaven is because they know they are deserving. If they did not earn eternal Life Heaven would be void of meaning. That is why Bob asks Could You Be Loved?
When you offer Love without condition only good things will end up resulting…If the person you offer your Loving to ends up negatively responding this is not a reflection on you it is a reflection on them. When you offer someone a Loving smile who is not expecting it, it might encourage that person to turn their Love light on. When people receive Loving kindness it makes them feel good. Now that person might offer a kind word or a loving smile to someone else who was not expecting it. Lovers know that it is better to give than to receive. Love grows from there and becomes contagious.
I Am introducing everyone to the fountain of youth. What is the cause of aging? Aging is caused by the effects of gravity, also known as negative energy. What is happening today is that everyone is entangled in this negative shituation. People today are fooled into believing that Hippocratic medicine is extending our life expectancy when in fact the exact opposite is true. Babylon gets everything twisted. Most people today do not realize why there is 365 days in a year. Enoch who was Seven generations removed from Adam lived 365 years. Enoch is God and the earth rotates around him over the course of 365 days. He is the imperfect perfection. God created the Earth in Seven days, there are Seven days in a week, there are Seven Seas, etc. Adam was completed after Seven generations. Read about Seven in Revelation. Enoch lived 365 years because He represents completion
Love and Truth go hand and hand. Speak and show Love to hate. Jesus says that truth leads to your salvation and lies to lead to eternal damnation. People need to practice forgiveness. By allowing yourself to forgive others it enables you to forgive yourself. Judge not before you judge yourself…The road of life is rocky and you may stumble too, so when you point your finger someone else is judging you. The more you forgive those who have severely wronged you the easier it will be for you to forgive your own transgressions. Two negatives equal a really negative situation.
Babylon teaches attachment when detachment (letting go) is what will set Us all Free. What is happening today is that We are holding on too tightly to Our Love. If you truly Love someone or something set it Free. If He or She comes back to you it is meant to be. God is Love and God is Good-everything beautiful was created by the hand of God…When people live in a concrete jungle they become removed from God and nature and Love gets suffocated. Whenever I find myself surrounded by Mother nature I feel God’s Love. My instinct is to let go and feel the Love. I do not want to conquer Her, I want to Love Her…Even though I know that I Am a part of this beauty I feel this Love and I want to share it with others. Love is better when it is shared. People today want to conquer nature. How else can you explain these wealthy men who get up early in the morning on their ranches and they breathe in the fresh air provided by the forest and the first thing they think to themselves is: “let’s load up our shotguns and go blow some flying birds out of the sky”. When you let go you gain the world. The reason you hear of “primitive” cultures being able to obtain other forms of consciousness that allow them to run like Lion’s or Fly like an Eagle is because they have an intimate understanding of nature. They recognize that they are a part of everything beautiful. People need to wake up and become more conscious. I have run the tall grasses of Africa as a Lion and it is an experience that price can’t touch.
I was explaining to my brother that the needles that have been inoculating everyone are the ones that transmit a TV frequency.
I told my brother that there is not one person we know that does not watch TV. He said that was not true…I asked him who he knew that did not watch the television. He stuttered and just answered “people”.
I told him that if he asked every friend to ask every other friend they had if they know someone that does not watch television- nobody will know anyone. The only person I know not watching the TV is Me. They say I am crazy while the people putting Us in these mental institutions are claiming to have flown a four million pound spacecraft at 122 times the speed of light to the Moon. A lot of people today are living just to die…While I Am dying to Live. Nazi’s act like they are people who they are not. They want to be someone other than themselves…I want to be Free to be Me. Who Am I? I Am Jesus…Does that make me crazy? Jesus is Love and anyone who relaxes their hearts and lets Love come running in will find Jesus living inside of them. Jesus is Love and it is said that Jesus Feeds a multitude with only One Loaf of Bread. What is totally insane is the Pope and the rest of his missionaries that are screwing everyone claiming to hold the word of God. The current pope is a Nazi from Germany and he claims to be representing Jesus. The only thing pope Benedict the 6th represents is death. The only time I fight with others is when they are forcing Me to be someone other than Myself.
The vast majority of sayings in Babylon make absolutely no sense. They say money does not grow on trees. Really? Where do they get the paper to print their money…There are two sayings that do hold true. Time is Money. Where are they known for making watches? Switzerland. The same place these industrialist park their money-Swiss Bank accounts. Another saying that holds true is that Misery Loves Company. They polarized the world in the hopes that people would continue believing that two negatives equal a positive. The only way to eliminate this negative shituation is by short circuiting their negativity with unconditional Loving. The more that We respond to negativity with Loving the quicker We will experience Heaven on Earth. What will inevitably occur is that the captives who felt like they were living in Hell will realize that they are living in Heaven. Those who thought they were living in Heaven will find out for sure that they are living in Hell. Like Bob says Time Will Tell.
Everyone wants a huge piece of something insanely shitty. I want a small Peace of something enormously divine. I call it One Lovin. Sometimes less is more I’m thinkin…

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Den of Thieves

In my previous writing Burst Their Bubble I discussed some of the schemes that these captains of industry employ. I explained that it was risky business investing in individual equities because everyone is cheating. The following writing will help to illustrate how Mike Milken and his partner Ron Perlman use their investment vehicle Macandrew Forbes to manipulate publically traded equities for private gain.

I Am going to review their Revlon deal and if things get confusing I can assure you that it is the subject matter and not the professor. If you go on Macandrew Forbes Wikipedia page it explains their complex transaction history. I Am breaking down what they wrote for you:

Pantry Pride Inc. was purchased in June 1985 as it had losses that could offset gains of the corporation.

They state right from the jump that Pantry Pride was purchased by Macandrews Forbes because it had losses that could offset gains. Pantry is the vehicle they used to purchase Revlon. Ron Perelman first used Mike Milken’s junk bonds to purchase a 38% controlling stake in Pantry Pride. The reason they bought a loser with a loser is because it is a tax write off (as previously stated). They actually purchased Pantry Pride out of chapter 11 (they knew they were buying a stinker).

In 1985, using junk bonds, 38% of Pantry Pride (establishing effective control) was acquired by investor Ronald Perelman, who liquidated its assets, kept its losses on the books to offset profits from MacAndrews and Forbes, which he had previously acquired, and used Pantry Pride as a vehicle to acquire other companies, in particular Revlon. By 1986, the name of Pantry Pride was changed to Revlon Group.

While Ron Perlman loses money on Revlon (as its share price falls) it actually serves as an invisible gain. It appears they are losing money, but they are actually earning money when the stock goes down. Every dollar they lose is a dollar they earn (these losses are written off against gains). It benefits their leveraged buy out firm MaCandrews and FORBES. Mike Milken and his partners at Drexel Burnham Lambert collect exorbitant interest returns on the junk bonds they use to acquire these companies. Junk bonds pay a very high rate of return, because of a perceived risk. There is no risk to Mike’s investors on these particular deals. People who buy AAA government bonds get lower rates of return (and there is more risk). You should be confused- nothing is what it seems. Ivy league kids are stupefied reading my words. It is a good thing I only took a beginners business class and struggled to get a C at Berkeley.

The interest costs that they incur do not get paid by Macandrews and Forbes, instead the costs get absorbed by Revlon. Remember that the company Pantry Pride that is purchasing Revlon was originally purchased because it had losses that could be offset against gains of their corporation (that corporation being Macandrews Forbes). Here are the specific details of Pantry Prides acquisition of Revlon:

In 1985, Perelman took on his biggest deal yet: The Revlon Corporation. Financed with over $700 million in junk bonds from Michael Milken's firm Drexel Burnham Lambert, Pantry Pride Inc. offered to buy any or all of Revlon's 38.2 million outstanding shares for $47.5 a share when its street price stood at $45 a share. Initially rejected, he repeatedly raised his offer until it reached $53 a share while fighting Revlon's management every step of the way. Forstmann Little & Company swooped in at $56 a share, a brief public bidding war ensued, and Perelman triumphed with an offer of $58 a share. Perelman paid $1.8 billion to Revlon's shareholders, but he also paid $900 million of other costs associated with the purchase. Perelman had Revlon sell 4 division: 2 for $1 billion, vision care division for $574 million and National Health Laboratories division became a publicly owned corporation in 1988. Revlon stubbornly resists turning a profit. As of the first quarter of 2007, it has had one profitable quarter in the past 32. Its lack of profitability shows in its stock price which has plummeted to less than $1.20 a share as of 2007.[8] A major cause of Revlon's financial problems is the huge debt load stemming from Perelman's purchase of the company.

These guys are amazing (and I mean that in the worst possible way). Mike and Drexel set up Ronald’s Pantry Pride with a $700 million dollar line of credit. They call their friends who are on the board at Revlon and tell them to buy all they can at $45 per share. Ronald and Mike are coming in with some funny money to purchase their company at a healthy premium. The previous paragraph states that Ronald was willing to purchase “any or all shares of the company.” If they bought all of the shares of the company, why would the stock continue trading? When one company buys all of the shares of another company, they take it private. If they own all of the shares then who would be trading the stock? If Pantry Pride purchased all 38.2 million outstanding shares then all future trading would be among themselves. Gives new meaning to the term insider trading.

When Perleman “triumphs he pays $58 for a stock that was trading at $45. Nothing fundamentally had changed that would justify paying such a premium. They even bring in their buddies from Forstman to gain some publicity and increase the share price a little. They claim that Forstman came in with a bid for $56 a share and that a “brief bidding war ensued” before Ronald triumphed…When they say brief they mean it. If Forstman offered $56 then what was Pantry Pride and Ronald’s counter offer? Not $57 because then Forstman group would have re-countered at $58. All the while they are telling the board members to hang tight they are going to golden parachute out shortly. Now Ronald and Mike pay 1.8 billion to purchase Revlon. And another 900 million of “costs associated with the transaction.” I will explain what this 900 million premium was a little bit later in this writing.

Here is where things get confusing…I assure you the problem is with the subject matter and not the man doing the explaining. The way that I determined the original book value of Revlon (before they got raided by Pantry) was by multiplying 38.2 million outstanding shares by the $45 share price…The total value equals $1,719,000,000. Pantry paid $58 per share-$58 x 38.2 million outstanding shares equals $2,215,600,000. Macandrew Forbes inflated Revlon’s asking price by $496,600,000 ($2,215,600,000 - $1,719,000,000). They say that Perelman paid $1.8 billion to Revlon’s shareholders. We know that the total value of all the outstanding shares was $2,215,600,000. If you subtract $1.8 billion from $2,215,600,000 you will get $415,600,000. If you divide the previous mentioned balance by $58 per share it will total 7,165,517 shares still outstanding. This means that Ronald Perelman and Macandrew Forbes purchased approximately 83% of Revlon. Seven million shares divided by thirty eight million shares represents 18.5%...Subtract 18.5% from 100% you get 82.5%. The reason that they did not buy all of the outstanding shares is because of the reasons I discussed earlier in this writing. If they owned all the shares they would be trading with just themselves and their shares would become illiquid.

This is where things become extremely hazy. The company that Pantry raided for $1.8 billion plus $900 million in Mike’s incidentals has not earned a penny in over 26 years. From the time they purchased Revlon in 1985 until 2007 they have had only one profitable quarter. If the company were earning fifty million a year this would still be considered a bad investment for $2.7 billion (the company was worth $3,186,000,000 if you include the other 18% in equity + 900 Million in Drexal junk). If the company were earning fifty million a year it would take Pantry 63 years to recuperate its investment (not adjusted for inflation). Even if the company were to earn $100,000,000 a year it would still take them 31 years before they broke even. Somehow this company has never earned one SINGLE PENNY!

Let’s sea if we can identify the reasons Revlon has become such a loser for the other 18% of shareholders.

A major cause of Revlon's financial problems is the huge debt load stemming from Perelman's purchase of the company

Guess who makes big money on this transaction…Mike Milken and Drexel. That is why they saddled the company with an extra 900 MILLION in debt. These extra borrowing costs ensure that Revlon never earns a penny. That way everyone wins…Except for the unsuspecting Revlon shareholders that own the other 18% of the company (they are collateral damage). The other losers include American taxpayers who have to pay taxes on their financial gains. Mike and Drexel Brunham Lambert collect these exorbitant interest rates from Revlon shareholders. Ronald is happy to pay these interest costs because these costs are the reason his stock continues plummeting and this is why he is able to continue writing off losses (through Macandrew Forbes). Don’t forget that Ronald is a Corporate Raider (also known as a Pirate). In order to ensure that this investment never returns a penny he immediately sold off the most profitable assets for almost two billion dollars. This money gets neatly folded back into Drexal and Macandrew’s pocket. The other shareholders never sea this money…There was never a DIVIDEND paid. By first saddling the company with 900 Million of Mike’s junk and then selling off and pocketing some of the most valuable assets Ronald is left with a shitty cosmetics company that will never turn a profit. Now Ronald writes off these losses against gains in companies which he is artificially inflating the stock price on. This is how they park their losses. How did I do at explaining how Wall Street works?

Like Gordon Gecko (the lizard) says Greed is Good. I heard that the character Michael Douglas played in the movie Wall Street was based on Mike Milken.

In April 1990 Mike Milken pleaded guilty to Six felonies, including illegally concealing stock positions, helping clients evade income taxes and a conspiracy, involving secret record-keeping

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Burst Their Bubble

I can remember sitting in my class at Haas Busyness School at Berkeley and just staring at the word inflation. Ironically, the Haas’s own Levi Jeans (Levi is Moses Father-My birth father’s name is Gene). It took Me a long time to figure out what inflation is. I would be reading the Wall Street Journal and if the job report came out good, this was bad. If the job report came out bad, this was good (counter intuitive). If people are being hired that means they are eating and the economy is doing well. What Alan Greenspan then does is increase interest rates. When interest rates increase the borrowing costs for companies goes up. Therefore they do not borrow money to expand their businesses reducing the job expansion that this cheap money was creating (and people lose jobs). Low interest rates expand the economy; high interest rates contract it. It should not come as a surprise that Mr. Greenspan is a member of the Nazi organization known as the Bohemian club. The Bohemian’s are known as the men of Bavaria. Bavaria Germany is where the Nazi pope Benedict is from.

When interest rates were incredibly low during this most recent housing boom the economy kept expanding. Not only were companies borrowing at these low rates, but new home buyers quickly flooded the market. Many of these individuals bought more than one home with no money down. It is called a Ponzi scheme. This fueled new construction. Cheap cash was flooding the market artificially inflated the prices of homes. That was until the FEDS and Fannie Mae decided to jam up the markets. They stopped making inexpensive money available for new home purchases. Instead of home prices rising as people had become accustomed to, home prices started falling. There was a large supply of homes, but limited demand because cheap money was no longer available. Artificially inflated home prices plummeted…Now the people who had made all of this illusory home equity were saddled with very real debt. People were literally upside down on their homes. They took it in arrears as they say in the mortgage game. What is interesting is that when all of this cheap money was made available to homebuyers, the stock market did not benefit during this period. It was mostly flat which is incredibly confounding when you consider that we were at war during the majority of this period. War is supposed to be good for the economy, but when Bush is leaving office, somehow he is asking the taxpayers to pay hundreds of billions of dollars to bail out the CEO’s of these companies. Where did the hundreds of trillions of dollars go to fund this war? Halliburton, Carlyle group, Apollo group, Blackstone, Exxon Mobil, Shell, Texaco, 76, Boeing, Hughes, Smith and Wesson, etc. are all publically traded companies. Why didn’t the overall stock market reflect these gains? If the American taxpayers spent hundreds of trillions for war than who received this money? Something is not adding up...

They create bubbles-They started back in the seventies with the Savings and Loan crisis when they deregulated the industry. Instead of banks taking in savings and then making loans they deviated from the plan when the government created rampant inflation (through the supposed Oil Crisis). The S and L’s had loans out at fixed rates, but they had to pay their new customers exorbitant interest rates. They were receiving 5-6% interest on their home loans and they were paying bank customers 13% on their new savings accounts. Instead of the S and L’s eating these losses the government deregulated the industry and told the S and L’s that they could now invest in real estate themselves, Junk Bonds, as well as other highly risky investments. This of course led to reckless speculation because they needed to get unrealistic returns that exceeded the 13% rates that they were paying to their savings customers.

All of this funny money artificially inflated the real estate market. After this bubble burst people who thought that they had invested in FDIC insured savings accounts learned that honest Lincoln savings was owned by Charles Keating’s American Continental Corporation. Lincoln Savings operated as a standard bank claiming that it was FDIC insured. The FDIC signs were posted on all of their entrance doors, the salesmen at Lincoln Savings told prospective customers that their investments were secured by the Federal Government. After the S&L collapse, however, Lincoln customers learned that none of their money was secured. The reason the government decided not to insure this money is because Charles Keating and American Continental Corporation (the parent company) were not FDIC insured. Since American Continental was not FDIC insured the government stiffed all of Lincoln’s customers. John McCain and Alan Greenspan worked hard on Keating’s behalf in order to make this heist possible.

Keating had taken several aggressive measures to oppose the FHLBB, including recruiting a study from then-private economist Alan Greenspan saying that direct investments were not harmful.

The result was that countless people lost their lives savings. Senior citizens died penniless because of the S&L crisis.

Doesn’t Lincoln make a Continental? Lincoln was shot at Ford theatre before a Ford car was ever made (maybe the Ford’s had money before they started manufacturing Ford cars). Ford owns Lincoln. Just thinking out loud…

The customers that did purchase CD’s and savings accounts from banks that were in fact FDIC insured got indemnified up to a certain amount, after the American taxpayer came up with the money.

The junk bonds that were popularized during the S&L crisis were used to fuel the development of Silicon Valley. Silicon and Silicone are literally the same thing…Fake shit. The junk money created silicone valley and the dot.com boom then arrived. The stock market was the next bubble. A new IPO every day…Amazon goes public with no earnings and people could not purchase enough of this stock. What Amazon did with this artificially inflated currency was take this money and spend it on marketing and purchasing anything that might resemble competition. The rest they stole and put in their pockets. Now that they are the only online superstore that I know of and they are actually making money their stock price has been going down…

People eventually learned that this dot.com craze was all a big hoax. The analysts who were praising these stocks on TV and the WSJ (giving them strong buy ratings) were all claiming these stocks were crap privately. This was revealed when Investment bank internal emails were made public. Not only that, but there were tons of accounting irregularities at all of these companies. It turns out that they were reporting earnings that did not exist. Enron is one example of false earnings. They used George Bush Jr.’s Harken energy technique to falsely inflate earnings.

Aloha Petroleum was sold in a controversial deal in which Harken's equity stake in Aloha was turned into a loan, thereby disguising financial loses. This questionable accounting technique, which can serve to inflate profits, was also used by Enron. It helped result in the infamous 2003 Enron scandal, when the fifth largest corporation in America at the time suddenly collapsed into bankruptcy.

Harken has attracted attention because of the role played in its affairs during the 1980s by George W. Bush, later the President of the United States. While a member of the company's board of directors, Bush sold stock in Harken on the 22nd of June, 1990, shortly before the company announced substantial losses. This transaction resulted in a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission investigation of probable insider trading

George H.W. Bush’s other son Neil Bush got caught stealing during the Savings and Loan crisis as well. Neil was the head of an S&L bank called El Dorado savings. He was making huge loans to one of his own oil companies in which he was the executive. It was illegal to make loans from your own bank to your own company. That is why Neil did not disclose that he was an executive at the Oil company he was lending the money to. The bank lost a couple hundred million on this bad oil investment. They also lost a billion plus on other bad investments… Neil was found guilty for what he did, fortunately George Sr. went to war with Iraq right around the time Neil was found guilty and the entire matter was swept under the carpet. It is good to be the president’s son (maybe not).

MCI WorldCom and Global Crossing were using capacity swaps. No different than the Harken/Enron Energy scandal. They were booking earnings that did not exist. Mike Milken and Gary Winnick owned these two companies respectively (MCI and Global Crossing). Mike Milken and Gary Winnick were selling junk bonds during the S&L crisis. Milken is widely credited for popularizing the use of the junk bond. Gary was Mike’s salesman at Drexel Burnham and Lambert. Mike is also close friends with Carl Lindner who Charles Keating worked for at American Financial Group. Lindner then backed Keating’s American Continental Corporation. Lindner is a close ally of George W. Bush.

Lindner, a close ally of George W. Bush, secured the use of Great American Ball Park for Bush's re-election campaign on October 31, 2004, two days before the 2004 Presidential Election.

Mike’s junk bonds helped fuel silicone valley’s bio-technology and dot.com craze. Den of Thieves. Mike Milken and Gary Winnick both own large Jewish religious centers next door to one another in Los Angeles. Mike owns the largest Jewish temple in the United States known as Stephen S. Wise Temple. Right next door to that temple is Gary Winnick’s Skirball Jewish Cultural Center.

So the dot.com bubble burst and money went back into real estate. Creating the artificially inflated housing scheme that began this discussion. I do not follow the stock market and I have not seen where the stock markets levels are at for quite some time, but I would guess that it has probably been doing decent over the past two or three years. MCI Worldcom, Global Crossing, and Enron are all good investments compared to the investment I made my senior year at Berkeley. I invested in a company called Loral Space. They were supposed to be making satellites that flew to the moon. It can hardly be surprising I lost a pretty nice sum on this investment since nobody has ever flown a motorized vehicle of any kind to the moon. I remember looking at the cover of their quarterly earnings and there was a picture of a Satellite floating over planet earth on the cover of this report. That is how stupid I was after 21 + years of their finest institutions. I just decided to find out what ever happened to Loral space. They were acquired by MCI Worldcom and have since gone into voluntary bankruptcy. That does not mean anything- You can view their Web site to sea images of them launching space shuttles into space.


Loral's manufacturing business, Space Systems/ Loral (SS/L), is one of the world's largest designers and manufacturers of satellites and satellite systems for commercial and government users. Since the advent of the space age more than 50 years ago, SS/L has developed state-of-the-art spacecraft for applications that include satellite services, television broadcasting, direct-to-home (DTH) television services, broadband communications, military communications, wireless telephony, digital satellite radio, weather monitoring and air traffic management. SS/L is located in Palo Alto, Calif.

They are located right next door to Silicone Valley in Palo Alto. Check out the following article and then tell Me whether you think I made a good investment. Hopefully this helps to illuminate the pure stupidity of investing in the stock market.


Inflation is an economic lynching of the poor. What inflation does is increase the cost of living. Those who are barely surviving end up suffering even worse. The cost of goods increases, but their minimum wage does not. The wealthy are able to keep up with the pace of inflation because they have savings. Disposable income that has been preserved generation after generation…They invest their money in the stock market. When I invested in the stock market I lost money because I was not cheating and people were intentionally cheating Me. The only people who make big money in the stock market are cheaters. Good people who manage to save a little money are going to find the stock market a bad bet. If you are not cheating when you invest in the stock market than you should be investing in the indexes. It is all total bullshit, but if you invest in those indices you should outpace inflation. The reason being is that the stock market is based on consumer confidence. The only thing that the Dow Jones, Nasdaq, and S&P 500 indices are supposed to do is create the illusion that they are doubling the rate of inflation. If you invest in individual equities you do not have a clue what is going on with these companies. You might invest in Revlon cosmetics with Ron Perlman and Mike Milken who are parking their losses in this particular equity, so they can write it off against gains in other investments. I wanted to sea how they explained what determines the Dow Jones rise and fall and this is the explanation that I found.

Even though it’s called the Dow Jones Industrial AVERAGE, they don’t simply add up the stock prices of the 30 companies and divide by 30. No, the average is price-weighted, meaning each stock influences the Dow in proportion to its share price. In order to account for stock splits (when a company’s existing shares are divided into multiple shares making, for instance, a $100 share worth 2 $50 shares, typically done to make shares seem more affordable when a company’s stock gets too high or higher than that of other companies in the same industry) and stock dividends (dividends made in stock pay out rather than cash), they concoct a Dow divisor by which the sum of the 30 companies prices is divided. That divisor is constantly changing depending on the stocks in the average, the splits and extra shares issued.

This sounds like a pretty advanced program that they have concocted. Remember that Rocket Scientist are supposed to be the best mathematician’s in the world and they have never made anything that works. When they make up a story about going to the Moon they claim that they sent a spacecraft that weighs 15 times the queen Marry at 122 times the speed of light to the Moon. This Dow Jones divisor is complete numbers BS. It is all one big Mirage (also known as a Ponzi Scheme or a House of Cards).

What if this writing were to catch a fire and I told everyone to take their money out of individual equities and start buying Dow Jones Diamonds because it’s returns will double inflation. Let’s sea how they describe these Diamonds:

When most investors talk about blue chip stocks, the companies appearing in the Dow Jones Industrial Average somehow always weave their way into the conversation. But is it possible to really "own the Dow" without spending a lot of money creating your own portfolio of these stocks?

That's exactly where the Dow Diamonds come into play. Basically the Dow Diamonds is an exchange traded fund that attempts to mirror the DJIA. Technically the fund's name is DIAMONDs Trust and its stock ticker is DIA. DIAMONDS Trust trades on the American Stock Exchange.

As previously mentioned, one of the biggest advantages of owning the Dow Diamonds is that you've instantly got a portfolio of stocks like you'd find in a mutual fund or index fund. However, because the Dow Diamonds is an exchange traded fund, you can trade shares in the Diamonds just like you trade shares of common stock.

Furthermore because you're able to buy this pre-packaged bundle of the DJIA, it's a very efficient way to diversify away the risk you'd have by buying stock in just one company. With the Diamonds, you've got the same exact 30 large cap stocks in the same price weighted average you'd find in the DJIA index itself.

Remember that a Diamond is quite literally the Earth’s shit. It is a gas crystal that goes through the Earth’s core until She finally takes a dump in the form of a diamond. What if everyone who invested in the Dow Jones individual securities decided to take their money out and invest in Diamonds? Technically the Dow Jones should remain flat in this scenario. More than likely the Dow index would fall. When people invest in these diamonds they are investing in nothing (or shit). If everyone were to invest in these Dow Jones diamonds this would not increase the Dow Index ticker. If they are purchasing tons of “Diamonds” than the price should skyrocket, but because they are investing in something fake and artificial the price of the Dow Jones will not reflect these purchases. In order to buy something, someone has to be selling. Who would sell something that everyone is buying? The only way that someone would sell in these circumstances is if they got a price that was above asking. The market would not be moving because it is a complete Mirage. One diamond should be purchasing one thirtieth of every stock, but the purchases would not reflect this. That is the reason I would not recommend people investing in Dow Jones Diamonds.

Look at the Dow Jones/AIG oil futures trading that dictates the price per barrel of oil. The oil company’s claim that they do not determine the price of their barrels, the futures traders do. How can people who do not own the barrels of oil dictate the price of oil? Billions of barrels of oil are traded every day and every single one of these transactions are trading on pure air (or pure BS). Every barrel of oil is owned by the oil companies. Futures traders are literally buying and selling barrels of oil that they do not own. If I were to recommend an investment it would be going long oil. I know this contradicts what I have just said, but if all of the investments are bull shit than this one is the cream of the crap. The price per barrel of oil needs to continually increase in order for inflation to continue (gasoline is inflations lifeblood). The whole world runs on oil and when the price of oil goes up the price of goods naturally increases (shipping and manufacturing costs go up). If the price of oil goes down the price of goods will go down. If the price of oil increases then you make more money on your futures than you pay for the increased cost of consumer goods. Here is the most important reason to invest in these so called oil futures…Every government official of every nation is heavily invested in oil. If the price of oil goes down than the greediest human beings that the world has ever known make less money.

Russia’s gigantic oil monopoly Gazprom is owned by Vladimir Putin. The Saudi Arabian Oil company Aramco is owned by the US oil companies and the Saudi “Royal” Family. The American oil companies now own all the Oil in Iraq and Kuwait. They owned it before we invaded, all of Iraq’s oil was already being drilled by Brown and Root’s Halliburton (Dick Cheney’s company). Saddam Hussein is still alive, he is a 33rd degree FreeMason. Halliburton is also drilling in the Caspian with Vladimir Putin’s Gazprom. Hugo Chavez owns all of the oil in Venezuela. We know who owns the oil in Texas, the Bush’s and the rest of the Rockefeller family. George H.W. Bush was close friends with Enron’s CEO Kenneth Lay. George’s father Prescott Bush helped fund the Nazi war effort through Brown Brothers Harriman. Remember Enron was heavily involved in oil futures trading. This is how the Bush’s and their partners at the major oil companies manipulate the price of oil. They do not leave it to the free markets to dictate the price of their oil. After Enron collapsed all trading and operations were moved over to another Houston based company known as Dynegy:

Dynegy Inc. (NYSE: DYN), based in Houston, Texas, United States, is a large owner and operator of power plants and a player in the natural gas liquids and coal business. The corporate headquarters are in Suite 5800 in the Wells Fargo Plaza at 1000 Louisiana Street in Downtown Houston.

Once known as "The Natural Gas Clearinghouse," Dynegy adopted the "New Economy" branding in 1998, after which the company structured itself in a manner similar to Enron, launching several business ventures, including an online trading platform and broadband communications services, which could be misconstrued of those of its larger rival.

They specialize in online trading and what are they trading? Oil futures…Dynegy is owned by Dyncorp:

DynCorp International[2] is a United States-based private military company (PMC) and aircraft maintenance company. DynCorp receives more than 96 percent of its $2 billion in annual revenues from the federal government.

The corporate headquarters are in Falls Church, Virginia. However, substantially all of the company's contracts are managed out of its office at Alliance Airport in Fort Worth, Texas.

Their headquarters are located next door to the CIA in Church falls Virginia. They keep the majority of their offices next door to their oil. These animals trade more than just oil:

According to whistleblower Ben Johnston, a former aircraft mechanic who worked for the company in Bosnia, Dyncorp employees and supervisors engaged in sex with 12 to 15 year old children, and sold them to each other as slaves. Ben Johnston ended up fired, forcing him into protective custody. According to Johnston, none of the girls were from Bosnia itself, but were imported by Dyncorp from Russia

That is why they are called traders.

If the people reading this went long oil they should not lose. Even if these traders tried to manipulate the barrels and have the price go down, then the price per gallon of oil would need to reflect this depreciation at the pump. Notice that the name of the oil futures trading is called Dow Jones AIG. AIG is an insurance company and most of the companies that are going long oil are hedging/insuring against inflation. What is the cause of inflation? Oil. Federal Express, UPS, trucking and shipping companies, etc. all buy these futures as insurance against the price of oil increasing. The reason going long oil traps Enron/Dynegy is because they cannot manipulate the price per barrel if everyone is going long. If they decide to lower the price per barrel of oil in order to get people to stop investing in oil, then all of the shipping companies that are going long oil will want cheaper gasoline to reflect these decreased per barrel costs. If there is no inflation you don’t have to invest your money and wall streets house of cards would collapse. Plus the greediest people in the world would no longer be making the kind of money they have grown accustomed to.

The previous investment scenario at first made cents to Me. But the more I analyze the situation the more I realize that it is all one gigantic illusion. I learn as I teach…On Friday June 18th oil closed trading at $77.00 a barrel. There are 42 gallons of gasoline per barrel. The average price per gallon of gasoline at the pump today is $3.00. If you multiplied $3.00 X 42 gallons it equals $126.00. The average American consumer is paying a $49.00 premium per barrel. American’s are paying $3.00 a gallon and the average governmental corporation is paying $1.83 per gallon…If truckers pay at the pump the oil companies credit back the difference to the shipping companies. If you are not a member of their big Nazi Fascist Bohemian club, you are going to get punished investing in their markets. Remember that Oil is natural and it is the earth’s lifeblood. The poison that they add to the oil creates gasoline and pollution. Consider how large their margins really are…People should email this article to others and try to have the “government” explain why We are paying a $49.00 premium at the pump.

To give you some perspective on how greedy these oil companies are- they all decided to go public. If you owned a business where the large majority of all of your expenses are paid for by the American taxpayer…Think about the war in Iraq that the US taxpayer covered the costs for…And the product that they are selling is perceived as invaluable to our way of life. People are completely addicted to oil and our entire economy runs on it. Why would the greediest people in the world take on new investors? The reason these companies go public is because they are the greediest people in the world. They want to sell worthless stock certificates to their customers so that they can steel more money from the unsuspecting chumps. These oil companies list themselves on every single stock exchange all over the world. What do they care, they do not pay their investors anything. When the stock market first began, investors were supposed to receive a piece of the earnings. It was called a dividend. Now that people have become so blinded by skuuul, television, and the business periodicals they are reading- now they just purchase worthless pieces of paper.

It amazes Me when I consider the stupidity of money and wall-street. It is one gigantic hustle. I would like to sea one instance where a major shareholder unloaded shares before their companies earnings report and the company surpassed analysts expectations...People are buying AAA bonds from Bank of America and Bank of America. USA AAA bonds are the same as Bank of America bonds (get it). There is no separation between government and corporate America. Think about what you know regarding the Bush’s and their connections to oil and big business. Dick Cheney was the vice president of Brown and Root/Halliburton. George Bush Sr. was the head of the CIA for an undisclosed period of time until he became vice president under Ronald Reagan for eight years. He went on to be president for another four years. When he stepped down his two sons were governors of the most vital ports in America (Florida and Texas) while Clinton was president for eight years. Then his son George Bush jr. became president for eight years. Jon Rockefeller III is a US congressman. Separation between business and government- PLEASE!

America’s deficit is larger than the amount of paper currency in existence worldwide. If America had to repay its debt in cash there would be no more trees left in the world. Yet this Country with the world’s largest debt has a AAA rating…What is a junk bond? Bank of America is billions in debt losing a billion a quarter and they also have a AAA debt rating. How is Bank of America billions in debt in the first place? They are holding over a trillion dollars that they pay no interest on. Everyone I know has money in banking, checking, and savings account in which they receive little to no interest. Bank of America then takes this money and lends it at 6% +. This is to say nothing for the 20 + percent returns they receive on their credit cards. The reason they are allowed to charge rates that are two times what would be considered usury rates by our government is because they are the government. If Bank of America has not figured out how to not lose billions a year, then they probably have some pretty stupid people running that company. They are as dumb as they are greedy (yikes).

What if I asked a Bank of America shareholder why their stock had a good day and its share price went up. If they are well educated (to me this means poorly educated) they might tell me that the job report came out bad (meaning lots of people lost their jobs) and this is good. The reason they believe this is good is because the FED is now going to cut interest rates…But why would this be good for Bank of America?

B of A is holding countless amounts of money in different banking accounts that they pay no interest on…When rates increase they make more money when they lend this money. Even if they were borrowing money from the FED- when rates increase the margins on their spreads increase also improving their returns. Too many people have received too much skuuuling. The world needs to stop buying what wall street is selling. What wall street sells today is the same thing it sold when it first start auctioning slaves…Slave labor and death.