Sunday, June 6, 2010

Daughters of Woman

After reviewing the most recent Sons of Man We are now going to explore the Daughters of Woman. It is important to understand that the Son and the Moon are Equals. The Men that I just discussed are God’s and the Women I am about to discuss are Goddess’s. Why in the world would God’s want women who were subservient “arm candy?” Real Men are not threatened by Real Women. After all, if you want beautiful strong Children you had better have a beautiful strong Woman. It is important to plant your seed in fertile soil. The reason people might find this truth surprising is because Babylon is a “Pimper’s Paradise.” They create inequity in order to subjugate women and force them to rely on the man to provide for them. They brainwash education to make women the fools. Truly intelligent Women do not excel in Babylonian academia. They do not make for good money counters (accountants), Liars (Lawyers), Investment Bankers (Dip Shits), Vampires (Insurance Salesmen), Doctors (murderers), Writers (Propagandists) Rocket Scientist (Bull Shit Buzz artist), etc…Therefore they are forced to count on their man to bring home the cheese (rotten Italian cow milk). Sharia Muslim’s do not allow women to receive an inheritance in order to ensure that their women remain dependent on the man. These are the same men that take multiple wives when they are incapable of satisfying just one woman. That is why they remove their clitoris- in order to relieve themselves of the pressure of satisfying a woman. They all have very fragile gigantic egos. Relationships get strained and imbalance and resentment grow when one person is expected to support the other. All We need is Love, but Babylon has removed the Love and replaced Love with money. If a woman makes more money than the man, the man feels emasculated because he has been conditioned into believing it is his responsibility to provide for the woman.

People might argue that before Babylon men were hunters while women prepared the food that they killed. Really? You mean to tell Me that when Adam and Eve were out chilling in the Garden of Eden- Adam was hunting…They are in the Garden of Eden with all the fruits, vegetables, and Herb they could possibly want and all the Love they could possibly need… One day Adam said to Eve:

Adam: Honey- help Me tear down this tree

Eve: Why?

Adam: I thought I would break off a piece of wood and sharpen it into a spear

Eve: What are you going to do with a spear?

Adam: I am going to stab one of our pets in the neck and then drag its carcass back so you can gut it than cook it

Eve: That sounds nutritious. Better than fruits, vegetables, and Ganja…I will use the remainder of the tree to start rubbing sticks together in order to build a fire. Have fun!

What nutritious value would the animals provide? The animals were eating what the people were eating (fruit, vegetables, and Herb). Why would Adam and Eve need to eat the food out of the animal’s carcass…People need to understand that there were no hoofed creatures in the Garden of Eden. It was not until Cain sacrificed Abel that hoofed creatures were created. Pawed creatures like the Lion look like they have Crosses in their palms. To quickly illustrate this concept of reincarnation I will use the example of Hamburger. Before Hitler took office in 1933 his ancestors used to slaughter cattle and people would eat the prime rib, flank steak, and tri-tip. When you look at a cow on a meat hook in a meat locker you will notice that it is gutted. Before Hitler they used to discard the guts (i.e. internal organs) of these creatures…Hitler thought this was inefficient and he decided to make ground beef also known as Hamburger. Nazi headquarters are located in Hamburg Germany. Hamburg is the most vital port in Germany located right in front of Berlin, it is also called the Soviet Zone (Hitler and Stalin are partners). I welcome you to view the Hamburg specialty dish at the following link:

You will notice they add a chicken fetus sunny side up with that raw Hamburger meat. Chickens are also members of Hitler’s bloodline, they have wings but they don’t fly. I find it amusing when people claim that Chickens are high in protein. What do Chickens consume? Steroids, human growth hormones, and synthetic food…Do you mean to tell me that their bodies magically convert this poison into protein so that the people who slaughter them can enjoy a meal that is high in protein? Think about it. They even have a pickle on the side of this Hamburg specialty dish. Hitler was Jewish and he created the modern day delicatessen. Pickles are cucumbers salted in formaldehyde and preserved like the jars containing body parts in science class. McDonald’s opened its doors in 1940 seven years after Hitler took over as Fuhrer of Germany.

One last example of this reincarnation concept…Ted Turner is the largest landowner in America, he is a direct descendant of Christopher Colombus.

Turner attended Brown University and was vice-president of the Brown Debating Union and captain of the sailing team.

In 1977, he successfully defended the America's Cup for the United States as skipper of the yacht Courageous

The reason Ted attended Brown University is because he is also related to the slave trader John Brown. John Brown and Christopher Colombus are part of the same Skull and Bones pirate bloodline. That is why he attended the school that Jon Brown founded. Ted is also a sailor like Christopher. The Brown family were also a large ship building family (naturally- they are pirates).

Through Turner Enterprises, he owns 15 ranches in Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and South Dakota. Totaling 1,910,000 acres (7,700 km2), his US land-holdings make Turner the largest individual landowner in North America.

Turner's biggest ranch is Vermejo Park Ranch in New Mexico, at 920 square miles (2,400 km2), it is the largest privately owned, contiguous tract of land in the United States.

America used to be known as Mexico to the Indian’s that were living here. It is not surprising that the first pilgrim’s descendant owns the largest ranch in New Mexico.

The ranch's most visible component is its guest ranch and hunting. It is stocked with elk, mule deer, pronghorn, bison, Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep and Merriam's Turkey (a subspecies of the Wild Turkey).

Let’s look at some of the characteristics of Ted’s Turkey’s.

Adult Wild Turkeys have long reddish-yellow to greyish-green legs and a black body. Males have a large, featherless, reddish head and a red throat, and red wattles on the throat and neck. The head has fleshy growths called caruncles: when males are excited, a fleshy flap on the bill expands, and this, the wattles and the bare skin of the head and neck all become engorged with blood, almost concealing the eyes and bill.

The original slaves are women. Remember the story of Moses…Christopher is the anti-christ and a rapist. When he returned to Europe he brought with him slaves. Do you think those slaves were male Indian/Mexican laborers or beautiful Indian/Mexican Queen’s? Look at the characteristics of these pilgrims Turkey’s (they are identical). Bloodthirsty rapist. Ted married Jane Fonda and her father is Henry Fonda a member of the Bohemian Club. A Nazi organization located in San Francisco. Bavaria Germany is where the Pope is from and Bohemian means the men of Bavaria. This is what their women are like:

Female feathers are duller overall, in shades of brown and gray.

This is precisely why they want to steel, rape, and subjugate the Real Queens. Goddess’s come in a variety of beautiful colors…

Further description of these Turkey’s:

Males are polygamous, they mate with as many hens as they can. Male Wild Turkeys display for females by puffing out their feathers, spreading out their tails and dragging their wings. This behavior is most commonly referred to as strutting. Their heads and necks are colored brilliantly with Red, White, and Blue.

It is interesting the colors that these strutting blood thirsty Turkey’s turned. The Turkey’s did not show up until the pilgrims arrived. Back to my original point, the animal’s that were living in the Garden with Eve and Adam were family. Haile Selassie I lived with 26 Lion’s and they were house pets. Jesus usually has a Dog too. It was several hundred years before Cain became so dumb he thought he could kill Abel without repercussion. He did this because he wanted Jane’s Loving. The reason Cain was allowed to continue proliferating is because the story of Good and Evil required unfolding. Without darkness you could not see the stars Shining. Cain and NightMary were obviously banned from the garden so Abel and Jane’s children could continue proliferating. Their animal family now consists of Cattle, Chickens, Pigs, Turkey’s, Donkey’s, Horses, coldblooded reptile’s, etc…They treat their animal family the same way they treat their children. They kill them and eat their own. As soon as their child accepts the swastika and their false bloodline story they are dead.

The original point being that Women are equal to Man. In the animal kingdom where do you see the imbalance between male and female that you find with people? The Lioness is known as the hunter…They feast on Zebra’s in Africa. Black and White’s with hoofs. Think of referee’s, police, priests, or Hollywood executives that like to paint the world in black and white. They play them like a Piano.

With that said, We will now introduce the Daughters of Woman. The first Queen I Am going to introduce is Jean Harlow. She is the original “Platinum Blonde.” She was born into an unhappy marriage in Kansas City Missouri. Her mother was forced to marry a man whom she did not love. Jean’s parents divorced when she was eleven years. When Jean was twelve her mother came to Hollywood in order to become a movie star. After finding no success she was forced to come back to Kansas City. Somehow Jean ended up in Michigan and when she was fifteen years old she was introduced to a nineteen-year-old Chuck McGrew, heir to a large “fortune”. When Jean turned sixteen she was married off to Chuck. Shortly after they got married Chuck turned twenty-one and he received a large part of his “inheritance.” They then left Chicago and moved to Beverly Hills where Chuck became a full time drunk. One day one of Jean’s friends asked Her for a ride to Fox studios for an appointment. While Jean waited in the car Fox executives took notice of Jean’s beauty (while she was sitting in her car) and asked Her if she was interested in auditioning for some of their parts. Jean was not interested, but her friend dared Her to audition and her mother who had desperately wanted to be an actress herself pressured Her into going back to the studio.

Jean quickly began getting work and signed a five-year contract with Hal Roach studio’s. After two years of marriage Jean and Chuck legally separated. Shortly after her divorce when she was eighteen she was spotted by an actor named James Hall who was filming a Howard Hughes film titled Hells Angels (should have been titled Angels in Hell). She immediately became an international “Super Star”. Howard Hughes sold her to a couple of studio’s where she appeared in a few different movies. The next Hughes movie she did was titled Platinum Blonde in order to promote her “image”. While Jean was on the set of Hells Angels she became romantically involved with Paul Bern an executive at MGM. Paul tried to convince Louis B. Mayer to sign her at MGM, but he refused because MGM’s leading ladies were elegant and Jean was seen as a “floozy”. Jean fever was too much for MGM to resist, however, and they finally decided to sign the floozy. She started to take on comedic roles and audiences were enthralled. Her and Clark gable proved to be a winning formula at the box office. As her star ascended MGM began introducing leading men as co-stars in Jean’s movies. Knowing this would gain these men worldwide attention…Jean married Paul Bern and shortly after their marriage he turned up dead. The mystery of his death was never solved, but rumors circulated that Jean had been a potential suspect (of course this was ridiculous). After her relationship with Paul she started a relationship with boxer Max Baer who was separated from his wife at the time. His ex-wife planned on naming Harlow as a correspondent for “alienation of affection” a legal term for adultery. MGM wanted to diffuse the situation and they arranged for Jean to marry Harold Rosson (pimps).

The Daughters of Woman are Love and people can never get enough Love. These leading Ladies are invaluable assets to these studios.

By the mid-1930s, Harlow was the biggest star in America and the foremost star at MGM. She was still a young woman with her star continuously on the ascendant, while the popularity of other female stars at MGM, such as Joan Crawford and Norma Shearer, were waning. Her movies continued to make huge profits at the box office, even during the middle of the Depression. Some credit Harlow's films with keeping MGM profitable while other studios fell into bankruptcy.

Hollywood likes to short circuit the Love and charge the hate. With stars like Harlow they are torn because on the one hand they are a gold mine, but on the other hand they run the risk of their Love flame catching Fire. Before that can happen these sick pimps try to put out the Fire. Jean died of uremic poisoning at the age of twenty-six.

Acute kidney injury (AKI), previously called acute renal failure (ARF),[1] is a rapid loss of kidney function. Its causes are exposure to poisonous toxins

The media reported that her hair dye seeped through her scalp and poisoned her. Fifty years after her sacrifice CIA documents were declassified and it was revealed that the CIA had in fact poisoned her. Jean was not a dumb “floozy”. She was only twenty-six years old when she was sacrificed and she was a world wide super star. She also was writing a book (or screenplay) and it was titled Today is Tonight. Maybe she knew that her Grandson and Granddaughter were going to unite the Son and the Moon. When the Son and the Moon come together it will be a solar eclipse of the heart. When the Two merge it will be permanent Dusk, no more day or night, Today is Tonight. In Revelation it states there will no longer be night or day…

Marilyn Monroe

Jean Harlow’s daughter is of course Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jeane). Marilyn had a much more difficult childhood than Jean. She never knew her birth father and her mother had been abused and suffered from serious mental ailments. Marilyn bounced around from foster home to foster home after her mother was committed to a state hospital. She intermittently stayed with her aunt Grace. Marilyn was abused at several of the homes in which she grew up. She had a dog that used to live with her in her foster home. The dog would walk with her to school and then wait for her to finish to walk home with Her. One day when she was headed back home some sick boy decided to take a hoe and stabbed her dog to death (she was obviously devastated). When she was sixteen she was once again living with her aunt Grace and her man Doc Goddard (who also abused her) and they were going to move to Virginia. Doc had received a lucrative job offer and they were not willing to take Marilyn with them. Marilyn was going to be forced to go back to an orphanage. Instead of going back Grace arranged for Marilyn to marry a neighborhood boy named James Dougherty. Shortly after they got married James was enlisted in the merchant marines and shipped off to go fight somewhere for something.

While Dougherty was in the Merchant Marine, Norma Jeane found employment in the Radioplane Munitions Factory. She sprayed airplane parts with fire retardant and inspected parachutes. During this time, Army photographer David Conover snapped a photograph of her for a Yank magazine article. He encouraged her to apply to The Blue Book Modeling Agency. She signed with the agency and began researching the work of Jean Harlow and Lana Turner.

Norma Jeane Dougherty became one of Blue Book's most successful models, appearing on dozens of magazine covers. Jim Dougherty was oblivious of his wife's new job and only became aware of it when he discovered a shipmate of his admiring a photo of a sexy model in a magazine—and the model was Norma Jeane. Dougherty wrote her several letters telling her that once he returned from service, she would have to give up her modeling. A dissatisfied Norma Jeane, who now saw the possibilities of a modeling and acting career, decided then to divorce Dougherty. The marriage ended when he returned from overseas in 1946.

Her successful modeling career brought her to the attention of Ben Lyon, a 20th Century Fox executive, who arranged a screen test for her. Lyon was impressed and commented, "It's Jean Harlow all over again."

Do you see the parallels between these two Queens lives? They both got married off at the age of sixteen. Their beauty was so captivating that they inevitably attracted the attention of the “Fox” studios. Unlike Jean, Marilyn grew up dreaming of becoming a movie star.

It was Grace who had told Monroe that someday she would become a movie star. Grace was captivated by Jean Harlow, and would let Norma Jeane wear makeup and take her out to get her hair curled. They would go to the movies together, forming the basis for Norma Jeane's fascination with the cinema and the stars on screen.

When Marilyn was living in the orphanage she was assigned to one of twenty-seven metal beds in a huge dormitory. After the lights went out she slipped out of bed and went to the window. In the distance, she could see the water tower at the Gower Street studios of RKO Pictures. This site provided the poor lonely Marilyn with some hope for a better future envisioning her self as a “star”. When Marilyn got to Hollywood she was immediately pimped by Hollywood executives. The second person she started “dating” was Johnny Hyde who was a big time agent at William Morris. Hyde wanted to marry Marilyn, but Marilyn was not interested in being a housewife, she wanted to be someone. There were not many options available to women then (or now) so I can understand her desire to be an actress. Especially when you consider her Mother is Jean Harlow. Marilyn was having trouble getting parts probably because Hyde wanted to contain her. Hyde did manage to get her small parts in two movies Asphalt Jungle and All About Eve. As Hyde’s health began to deteriorate he pleaded with Marilyn to marry him and offered her everything he had. He even had Joe Schenck try to convince Marilyn to accept his marriage proposal. “Uncle Joe” was the first president of the Nazi organization known as United Artist, he then went on to form 20th Century pictures in 1933. The man he formed this organization with was named Daryl Zanuck the two of them merged with Fox in 1935. Marilyn explained to this sick pimp Uncle Joe that she was not interested in money, she wanted Respect.

Marilyn unfortunately knew Joe well prior to this. Joe had been the first person she met when she came to Hollywood. He was considered the richest man in Hollywood and his card games were famous for the aspiring actresses that serviced the powerful Hollywood moguls that attended. Whenever one of these “men” got up from the table they would summon one of the girls to join them in one of the mansions many bedrooms. When Marilyn first got to Hollywood she was known as “Joe’s girl.” She would stand behind him at the card games and fix people’s drinks and empty out their filthy ashtrays. This is how women get discovered in this Pimper’s Paradise known as Hollywood. The richest man in Hollywood had the real Queen standing behind him in the hopes of getting a part in one of his shitty movies. It was a better situation than the rest of the aspiring actresses who were getting turned out by a different guy every time they attended. When Marilyn became involved with her voice coach, Joe ended their relationship. Shortly after this she was over at Joe’s one night and was taken into one of the rooms by three guys who attempted to hold her down and rape her. She was luckily able to escape this attack and she never attended another one of Uncle Joes “parties”. This attack reminded her of her experiences in orphanages and with her aunts man “Doc.” She was often blamed for provoking these incidences because of her extreme sensuality. It was Her fault that She was surrounded by a bunch of filthy Pirate rapist?

Now Joe is approaching Marilyn on Johnny Hyde’s behalf in order to encourage Her to take the money from a man who should be dead soon…Hyde died shortly after this conversation and the people in Hollywood thought she was a fool for not taking the money. Now that she was “single” again she was vulnerable to the predators. I hope that this is as hard to read as it is for me to write. These heathens know they have the Queen. They claim that all of the these moguls did not think she had what it took. Meanwhile She was minding her own business making parachute retardant when her picture gets taken…The pictures spread all the way across the Pacific. Remember that James Dougherty’s fellow soldiers were all ogling at her photos in “Yank” magazine. They invited her to Fox! This “unknown” girl immediately becomes known as “Joe’s girl”. She was living at the mansion of the richest man in Hollywood’s home right when she got to town. Schenck was the first or second largest shareholder at Fox. Marilyn met Johnny Hyde shortly after her experience at Joe Schenck’s (when she was almost raped by three men). Hyde was broken up about losing his biggest star Rita Hayworth who was purchased by an Oil Prince named Aly Khan. When considering how these men treat Queens like Jean Harlow and Marilyn Monroe, what type of message do you think they are conveying in the movies they are producing? It probably is not one of respect, Love, and concern. The Television and Movies that people watch are the directors not the reflectors. I do not fault Marilyn one bit for doing anything that she did in order to accomplish what she set out to accomplish…Remember that Moses was freeing the Queens in Egypt from these filthy Egyptian pimps. The Queens that Moses was freeing were also being prostituted, they were known as “concubines”.

After Hyde died Marilyn was back to square one. Fox did not honor her previous contract and they failed to give her credit for the parts she had already performed. This is when Elia Kazan of the Yale skull and bones performing arts school approached Marilyn. He was in town working with Arthur Miller on some stupid play adaptation. The two of them had worked together on Death of a Salesmen in New York (Arthur wrote Kazan directed). Elia had an off and on affair with Marilyn and he could not help her to get any work either. I have never seen a Marilyn Monroe movie, but I have seen hundreds of pictures of Marilyn Monroe and I can see without a doubt that she has what Hollywood calls the “It Factor”. I am certain she is one of the greatest actresses that ever lived, because her face is so expressive. Whenever I see one of her pictures I can sea the message she is trying to convey. After her first photo was taken at the munitions factory people were already comparing her to the greatest actress that ever lived. All of these petty insecure little men wanted Marilyn all to themselves. They were concerned that if they gave her a part she would grow out of them immediately, they did not want her light to shine.

Hollywood has been run by the same people since its inception. Look at Elia Kazan’s granddaughter:

Zoe Kazan (born September 9, 1983) is an American actress and playwright. Kazan was born in Los Angeles, the daughter of screenwriter Nicholas Kazan and actress/producer/writer/director Robin Swicord, and the granddaughter of film and theatre director Elia Kazan.[1] Kazan has stated that she did not know her grandfather was famous until she was thirteen.[2] She was educated at the private Windward School in Mar Vista and Yale University, from which she graduated in 2005.

She even attended college at Yale (like Elia). Remember that Yale is where the Skull and Bones are headquartered.

It was around this time that Marilyn was invited to Charlie Feldman’s house for an event catered by his Nazi Hillcrest country club. Women showed up stag and they were paired with Hollywood writers, directors, and producers. Marilyn showed up in a cab as the women were instructed to do. She was Arthur Miller’s date for this evening. Arthur had about as much personality as Al Gore. He had written the Death of A Salesmen and since he had no creativity the story was autobiographical. His alternative title for the screen play was The Inside of My Head. Arthur took Marilyn home that evening since she obviously had no car for this very purpose. When they arrived back at Marilyn’s apartment something interesting happened that Marilyn had never experience before. Arthur did not make an advance. Marilyn’s entire life she had been groped and attacked by men and now Arthur was politely saying good night to her. Arthur flew back to his family the following day and had planted the longing seed in Marilyn’s mind. Marilyn thought she might have met the first gentleman in Hollywood. Before she got to realize that he was a schmuck just like the rest of them, he was already back home with his family back east. This allowed her to create this image in her mind as to the type of man he was.

Marilyn’s career was going nowhere at this point and she did not know what her future held. This is when Joe Schenck comes back into her life. He asks her out to dinner and it was at this dinner that Joe asks her to give up her hopes of becoming an actress and that she should marry him. He informed her that he had no children and that he wanted to leave his entire estate to her. He further tried enticing her by informing her that he was now impotent (he could no longer fuck people with his penis) and that she was allowed to sleep with other men if she wanted to. The only stipulation being that she could not sleep with any man twice. He obviously did not realize that what he was saying is that you can sleep with anyone you want, but you cannot like it. If she did like it she would want to sleep with that person again…Pirates!

Marilyn could have decided to give up her hopes of being an actress. Especially when you consider the fact that her career was not as much in park as it was in reverse. She had no money and no family and the richest man in Hollywood is offering her everything he has before he dies…Marilyn declined the offer. She was much smarter than people give Her credit for and she always paid attention to the discussions that Hyde and Schenck had with their coworkers when she was standing behind them (serving drinks or emptying ash trays). She remembered that they would discuss the tension between the Fox studio President Spyros Skouras on the East Coast and the production chief Daryl Zanuck on the West Coast. Skouras handled finances while Zanuck handled production and they were often at odds. Zanuck claimed that he was happy so long as Skouras was on the East coast. Unfortunately for Zanuck Skouras came to the west coast for a five-day trade show. Marilyn decided to take that opportunity to charm the old Greek (as Spouras was referred to). When Marilyn appeared at the trade show in her cocktail dress looking her best nobody could resist. People described her as looking like Cinderalla. The Greek was not interested in Marilyn physically he was interested in how much money she could generate for the studios because of her undeniable beauty. Skouras was strictly about dollars and cents and he knew how much money someone of her beauty could make for the studio. He demanded to know what parts the studio had prepared for her (there were none). Before he left he insisted that she be cast in some upcoming Fox films. Zanuck did not agree entirely, but he said that he would have her “test” for some parts.

The tests went well and they put Marilyn on the cover of Colliers magazine. This was fairly unprecedented for someone to be on the cover of a magazine before receiving star billing in a movie. It was a sympathetic piece that told of Marilyn’s difficult upbringing. Suddenly the public was rooting for her and pressure was building for her to get top billing. She had already become a star and she had not received a substantial part in any movie yet…She was working on her first leading role when a nude photo spread of hers surfaced. When Hyde was attending Rita Hayworth’s wedding she was left in LA with no money. She had refused nude photo spreads in the past, but she was in desperate need of money at that time so she accepted the $50 for the nude photos. Naturally these photos were adorned on every single wall throughout America. These high class Fox executives were concerned about their image. These filthy pimps would not want their studio to be associated with a beautiful nude woman. They suggested that Marilyn deny the photos were of her. She stated that she was not embarrassed about the photos and how could she possibly deny it was her…The photos were literally everywhere. Fox conceded that this might have been a difficult story to spin. They then decided to arrange for her to begin dating Joe Dimaggio who was considered the “last American knight”. American’s will naturally trust Marilyn again if she could win the affection of a man who hits a baseball with his wooden bat.

Do you see how Jean and Marilyn were both cajoled into marrying men they did not love in order to help their image (to protect the studios image). They say that Joe was Marilyn’s rock, but he was at best the cream of the crap. He physically beat her before they left on their honeymoon. Let me guarantee you that anyone who laid a finger on Marilyn or harmed her in any way-that person now finds themself in Hell. By the time you are done reading her story I am fairly certain that you will agree with me. It was at this time that Marilyn’s movies started being released with her cast as the star. It did not take long for Marilyn Fever to sweep across the world. Like Jean Harlow critics were impressed with her comedic talent. Fox immediately realized they had a gold mine on their hands (big surprise). The outrageous demand quickly put Marilyn in command. Marilyn now wanted creative control of her future film projects. She was no longer going to allow Fox to dictate what films she was going to be cast in. Marilyn wanted to be able to choose the films she would act in as well as the director for these films. These demands were ultimately conceded by the studio and Zanuck was so outraged by these concessions that he retired as Fox’s studio head. Marilyn had brought the stupid little man to his knees, the same man who did not think she had what it took to even be a star in one of their films.

During these turbulent times (Marilyn’s entire life was turbulent) Joe D. and Marilyn got a divorce. While these negotiations with Fox were taking place Marilyn went to New York to start her own production company (Marilyn Monroe Productions). The first movie she wanted to produce (and act in) was of course Harlow. Interesting that Hollywood has never done a movie on Haile Selassie, Bob Marley, Jean Harlow, or Marilyn Monroe…Marilyn was always insecure about her acting skills and while she was in New York she met Lee Strasberg of Studio One. It is amazing that the most beautiful dynamic actress of her era was always insecure about her acting prowess. Babylon breeds a world of insecurity. Strasberg had started Studio One with Kazan although by the time Marilyn got to New York their relationship had become strained. These people cannot stand themselves, how could they possibly be expected to like each other.

Marilyn was determined to work on her acting craft so she would be taken more seriously by Hollywood. It was during this time in New York that she once again crossed paths with Arthur Miller. Miller’s brief encounter with Marilyn had left quite the impression on him as well. All of Arthur’s work after his encounter with Marilyn centered around her. His work was like an open diary, the man had no creativity. Arthur was probably in the middle of one his plays which focused on a man who was unhappy in his marriage obsessed with a beautiful Angel. When they were reacquainted he told Marilyn that his relationship with his wife was coming to an end. As soon as he saw Marilyn again it certainly was. Part of the reason Marilyn was interested in “stage acting” was because Miller and Kazan were both originally stage writers and directors. Broadway was scene as something artful (please). Miller quickly ended his relationship with his wife and Marilyn and him were engaged shortly there after. At first Marilyn thought she had finally found her shining knight. It did not take her long to figure out she had been wrong about Arthur. Aside from having no talent he had no personality and no spine. Everything he did was total crap and he desperately wanted to make a featured Hollywood film. The one that him and Kazan were working on never panned out…

During the majority of their relationship he was writing a film titled The Misfits. The story was about some cowboys he had encountered while he was living in Reno in order to expedite his divorce proceedings with his ex-wife. For some reason he needed to live in Nevada for a period of time in order to do so (legal BS). The love interest was named Roslyn and of course she was inspired by Marilyn. During their marriage Arthur was working tirelessly on this script. When Marilyn peaked at a few of the pages she was mortified. The hardest part for her to swallow was how Arthur had romanticized Her…Marilyn saw herself as a survivor who had made it all by herself from nothing. Some of it was not pretty, but that was what made her the beautiful person that Arthur was supposed to be in Love with. Instead he portrays her as some innocent naïve girl. Arthur was clearly incapable of loving the good and the bad. In other words, he was not accepting Marilyn for who She is. Marilyn’s whole life She was searching to find someone to Love Her for Her. She was devastated when She realized that the man She had married had rationalized Her past instead of accepting it. When you truly love someone you accept them for who they are- unconditionally. Their past (good and bad) is what makes them who they are.

One of the reasons she was so difficult to deal with in Hollywood was because she wanted to give the men who had given her a hard time when she was starting out a hard time- now that she was the one in charge. They now needed to work on her time line and it was up to her to decide who was going to direct her movies. Whose scripts she would and would not accept. She did not forget those days at Uncle Joe’s and Feldman’s. She dragged Feldman’s ass through the mud when he was begging to represent her, she turned him into her bag man. The Misfits was the death nail in Arhtur and Marilyn’s relationship. After reading the script Marilyn made life unpleasant for Arthur going forward. She knew how badly he wanted to make a movie and all she would have had to do was call any executive and say let’s do the Misfits and the project would have received the green light. Instead she had Arthur pitch the project all by himself. She agreed to act in the film, but that was as far as she was willing to go. She watched as Arthur did re-write after re-write of his shitty script. You cannot imagine how bad this film was, Marilyn had agreed to act in it and that was usually a formula for success. Even with her name attached to the project Arthur only got one director interested (Jon Huston) and he kept sending it back to Arthur for re-writes. Marilyn kept trying to do everything in her power to end the relationship, but Arthur was so desperate to do the film he endured all of the mistreatment. Marilyn saw him for what he was, a spineless no talent loser, desperate to make it Hollywood no matter the cost. Eventually the film got the green light.

In the movie Roslyn’s love interest was Gay the cowboy. In the movie Roslyn seas what he has become. He is so much less than she thought. Gay, once a heroic cowboy, has been reduced to selling wild horses for dog food. Something similar happened to Marilyn when she saw Arthur at work on The Misfits. After the movie finished filming Marilyn and Arthur parted company. The movie was one of Marilyn’s few box office failures. Arthur met a German on the set of this movie and ultimately married her. They had an autistic child that Arthur refused to sea (man of great character that he was).

After her failed relationship with Arthur things started to deteriorate for Marilyn. She was abusing drugs and alcohol and she was left with nobody in her life. She of course Loved children and now it seemed like her dream of having a family was lost. This is when the Nazi studio doctor from UCLA Dr. Greenson began taking over her care full time. When I call people Nazi’s I mean that very literally. Dr. Greenson was a total fake who was good friends with Anna Freud. Sigmund Freud is the founder of modern day psychology/therapy.

While Freud was a first-year medical student at the University of Vienna, he was supervised by German physiologist Ernst Wilhelm von Brücke. Freud adopted Brücke's new "dynamic" physiology.

In 1932, Freud received the Goethe Prize in appreciation of his contribution to psychology and to German literary culture

He was a German Jew receiving awards in Germany in 1932. Hitler took control in 1933…

Dr. Greenson even had a fictionalized account of his experience during World War II titled Captain Newman M.D. All of the Nazi’s have fictionalized War stories written or told about them. Their weakness is their vanity. Think of John McCain, Bob Dole, George Bush Sr., John Kerry, and on and on.

Dr. Greenson is the man prescribing Marilyn. It was during this time that Marilyn had the misfortune of coming into contact with Ted Lawford. Two names that I absolutely hate Law and Ford. Ted was JFK’s brother in law and he served as Jack’s pimp. He was known as “Jack’s Plenipotentiary to the Girls of Hollywood”. Marilyn had attended some parties over at Ted’s home in Santa Monica while she was living in Brentwood. Jack had viewed Marilyn as a desirable “scalp to add to his belt”. Marilyn knew Joseph P. Kennedy (JFK’s father) through her relationships with Charles Feldman and Joe Schenck. Both had entertained the young Jack when he was growing up. Ironically, Joe Kennedy was the founder of RKO pictures (the same RKO that Marilyn had dreamed about working for as an orphan). Jack and Marilyn were reacquainted briefly at Lawford’s home after Jack had attended Sunday services (good Catholic that he was). Ted then made arrangements for Marilyn and Jack to get together two weeks later in New York. Lawford had flown Marilyn in and she was supposed to be meet Jack at the Walforf-Astoria and Marilyn as usual was running late. This infuriated Ted the pimp as it was his responsibility to make sure all such encounters ran smoothly.

What was Marilyn doing with Jack at this point in her life? If I were to argue her case I would plead insanity on her behalf. She was being prescribed pure poison by her Nazi doctors Greenson and Engelberg. Quite literally date rape drugs…There is no doubt that her judgment was terribly impaired. She had just divorced a toad who she thought was a prince…There was literally nobody in her life who cared about her, everyone was a Nazi who was looking to exploit her. Even though she was the most Loved personality of her era, she felt completely alone and unloved. The next time Marilyn connected with Jack was March 24th over at Bing Crosby’s home in Palm Springs. Bing Crosby was also a Nazi who was a member of the Bohemian Club, if you would like to see a membership list of the members of Bavaria here it is:

You will notice that Arnold Shwatrzenneger is also on this list. Arnold is an Austrian Nazi who is currently married to JFK’s niece Maria Shriver. After there tryst in Palm Springs Marilyn was invited to sing at a Democratic “fund raiser” for JFK’s presidential campaign (this coincided with his 45th birthday). She was uncertain whether she was going to perform, until she saw Arthur Miller being honored at the White House as one of their distinguished artist. To make matters worse Arthur was seated right next to Jackie O. On May 19th Marilyn showed up at Madison Square Garden. The word Madison spelled backwards reads Nosi Dam. Pig Latin. After Marilyn’s performance there was rampant speculation about the nature of JFK and Marilyn’s relationship. JFK was always able to easily squash any rumors regarding his extra marital affairs as the Kennedy’s controlled the media. Marilyn Monroe, however, was not a story that could easily be contained. She is larger than Life and She is undoubtedly the most recognizable face in the World. While it is public knowledge today that JFK was with Marilyn (as well as countless other women) it was not known to the public at the time of his presidency. Consider the political fall out that ensued when Clinton got a blowjob from some fat girl in the White House. Now imagine thirty years earlier and instead of a no name, it is America’s Sweetheart.

It was at this point that JFK decided to blow Marilyn off (no longer taking her calls) like she was just another one of his “scalps”. Exacerbating matter furthers Marilyn was on set filming a skinny dipping scene for the movie Something’s Got To Give. This scene took place four days after she sang at MSG (May 23rd). While she was underwater she removed her flesh toned see through bikini. When she emerged from the pool photographers went crazy snapping away. Her image showed up on Seventy Magazine Covers in Thirty Two Countries. How are the Kennedy’s going to spin matters if Marilyn decided to open her mouth about her relationship with Jack? JFK had RFK intercede on his behalf sending his younger brother over to her house in Brentwood to try and handle the situation. In addition to RFK-Ted Lawford tried to smooth things over with Marilyn. For good measure they also sent “Railroad Executive” Bill Thompson to Marilyn’s home to try and put out a potential political bombshell. JFK for his part had assigned an entire staff of White House personnel to try and put out the fire.

On August 4th Marilyn was supposed to attend a party at Peter Lawford’s home that evening. Peter attempted to reach her at her home in Brentwood to find out where she was…Ted claims that she told him that she was not feeling well. Her last words to him were “Say goodbye to Pat (his wife). Say goodbye to Jack. And say goodbye to yourself because you’re a nice guy.” Ted was supposedly the last person that Marilyn ever spoke to. At 3:40 am on August 5th Marilyn was discovered by Dr. Greenson and ten minutes later Dr. EngelBerg pronounced her dead. Just months after her performing at the Nosi Dam Marilyn turns up dead (she of course cannot die). There has been speculation through the years that Marilyn was indeed poisoned…Let’s review what these fine Nazi doctors had prescribed her. At the time of her death these men were supposedly treating her for substance abuse. Dr. Engelberg was administering her a daily shot and He and Greenson had an agreement that any additional medicine Engelber prescribed would have to be approved by Greenson. Engelberg apparently did not honor this agreement as he prescribed Marilyn twenty five Nembutal capsules in addition to the injection. Engelberg claimed that Marilyn had told him that Greenson had recommended this prescription.

I don’t know how believable that story is. Engelberg is treating an addict and he is not supposed to prescribe any medicine without the other doctor’s permission. If the addict says that she was given permission wouldn’t it be prudent to verify this with the other doctor before prescribing? Let’s review this substance “Nembutal” that they were prescribing Her.

Pentobarbital is a short-acting barbiturate that was first synthesized in 1928. Pentobarbital is available as both a free acid and a sodium salt. One trade name for this drug is Nembutal, coined by Dr. John S. Lundy, who started using it in 1930

This drug is widely used to induce comas when people have suffered traumatic brain injuries or liver failure.

Off-label uses of pentobarbital include reduction of intracranial pressure in Reye's syndrome, traumatic brain injury[1] and induction of coma in cerebral ischemia patients.[3] Pentobarbital-induced coma has been advocated in patients with acute liver failure refractory to mannitol

Its veterinary application is euthanasia. Notice that all of its trade names start with EUTH.

It is used by itself, or more often in combination with complementary agents such as phenytoin, in commercial animal euthanasia[7] injectable solutions. Trade names include Euthasol, Euthatal, Euthanal, Euthanyl (in Canada

Human euthanasia

Pentobarbital has also been used for physician-assisted suicide. It is commonly used in the US state of Oregon for this purpose.[8], and is also used by the Swiss euthanasia group Dignitas. Pentobarbital was also used for this purpose in the Northern Territory of Australia, prior to euthanasia becoming illegal in that region.

In the Netherlands, a pentobarbital elixir is used for physician-assisted suicide (an alternative to euthanasia for patients who wish to take the barbiturate needed for the lethal cocktail themselves, instead of having it administered intravenously, in which case thiopental is used). Pentobarbital has no medical use anymore in the Netherlands, and is only used for this purpose.

Sodium pentobarbital is also used for executions by lethal injection in China

The Coroners report of Marilyn Monroe's death concluded her death was due to an overdose of Nembutal capsules.

These two fine doctors did not want to take any chances. In addition to her injection she was also prescribed Chloral Hydrate. Let’s review this medication.

Chloral hydrate is a sedative and hypnotic drug as well as a chemical reagent and precursor. The name chloral hydrate indicates that it is formed from chloral. It was discovered through the chlorination of ethanol in 1832 by Justus von Liebig in Gießen.

Let’s find out a little bit more about Justus the inventor of this fine medicine:

Justus von Liebig (12 May 1803 – 18 April 1873) was a German chemist who made major contributions to agricultural and biological chemistry, and worked on the organization of organic chemistry. As a professor, he devised the modern laboratory-oriented teaching method, and for such innovations, he is regarded as one of the greatest chemistry teachers of all time. He is known as the "father of the fertilizer industry"

The greatest chemistry teacher of all time is a German known as the “father of the fertilizer industry”. That sure puts their medicine in perspective. Let’s see how this drug is currently being prescribed today:

It was also formerly used in veterinary medicine as a general anesthetic. Today, it is commonly used as an ingredient in the veterinary anesthetic Equithesin

Equithesin is the proprietary name for a commercial mixture of chloral hydrate, magnesium sulfate and pentobarbital sodium that was used as a general anesthetic in horses.

Marilyn Monroe had chloral hydrate in her possession, and it has been speculated that it contributed to her death.

Both of these drugs are also used as “date rape” drugs. It has been “speculated” that this was the cause of her death. There should be No Doubt that those who were treating her were trying to eliminate her. She was prescribed two drugs that are used to euthanize horses (individually). She was prescribed both of these drugs in addition to an injection.

If you have ever wondered why the Kennedy’s have suffered such “unfortunate” luck this previous writing should help to explain their Karma. Mess with the Queen Bee you are sure to get stung. That is the reason JFK and RFK were both smoked. Haile Selassie I attended JFK’s funeral because Jah wanted to make sure JFK got to where he was going…JFK Jr’s plane also fell out of the sky (hmmm). If you have any doubt who Marilyn is, I suggest you review the circumstances of Peter Lawford’s death:

Lawford died at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles on Christmas Eve

People might be surprised to find out that Jesus gets birthday gifts too. See them fighting for power-but they know not the hour.

As for Marilyn she is in a much better place right now. Once she arrived back in Heaven she was reintroduced to her King. Bob Marley was only seventeen living in Jamaica. You can rest assured she had a major hand in his development. Jane got on the telepath immediately and started communicating a message to Bob (aka King David). Bob read each one of her letters out loud in His songs. “No Woman No Cry-Everything is going to be alright”. Another brother Moses is coming to lead them out of this filthy Pimper’s Paradise. Now the two of them are serving as the DJ (David and Jane) while their Redemption Song’s continue playing their music…David is the stone, Jesus is the slingshot; Mary and Jane are the guiding hands. If any Peace is missing, there is No Shot.

Jean and Marilyn are Love. Their “job” is to spread the Love and put a smile on people’s faces. Love makes people feel good and a Queen’s job is to bring people up who are feeling down. Jean and Marilyn left a gigantic void. How many entertainers today dye their hair blonde like them? You could not count the number of people who emulate them. People cannot comprehend the pressure that these two Queens were under (I do not know who any of their contemporaries were). Each of them carried entire studios on their back (MGM and Fox respectively). Marilyn created a huge demand for her daughters. There are several Marilyn imposters today, but this works to the benefit of Her real daughters. By having a ton of knock offs it relieves Her children of the additional burdens (that she had to carry all by herself). Today her real kids are spreading this Love to the four corners of the earth, selling out entire football stadiums and putting a smile on people’s faces. What people need more than ever during these harder days of the heathen’s rain is Love and Smiles. Both Bob and Marilyn’s children provide this. Bob wants to free the people with music and overcome the devil with a thing called Love.

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