Thursday, May 27, 2010

Overstand This

The purpose of Governments and nation’s is to divide the people, exploit their resources, and steel their Soul. That is why the England-ish word for the “heal” of a shoe is called a sole. Something that gets stepped on, chewed up, and then thrown in the trash. Or sometimes given away to someone who is poor. I find English to be a very twisted language. The only time you hear the word wisdom used in a sentence is when someone is referring to having their wisdom teeth removed. It makes cents that a dip shit wearing a mask removes anything having to do with wisdom (for a fee). They first need to drug you to sleep before they can remove the wisdom issue. It is called the American Nightmare. Fortunately nightmares can end quickly, all people need to do is wake up and become Conscious (or conscience).

You cannot use the word sold with out the word Sol. Spanish word for Son. Notice I spell Son correctly, switching just one letter here and there can confuse someone’s interpretation of the truth. The Son represents salt/fire and Man and the Moon represents Ice/water and Woman. When the Son melts the Moon you get Salt Water the basis for all Life. Two souls creating their divine manifestation of one Soul called Life on Earth. Look out on the deep blue horizon, you cannot sea where the ocean ends and the sky begins. The ocean has a salty foam and the sky has Salty clouds. If you took samples of all the water on earth and determined the aggregate percentage of Salt to Water you will find that it is 50-50. Fifty percent of the population is comprised of Women and fifty percent Man. The human body is thus comprised of 50% Salt/blood and 50% Water. Babylon calls these Red and White blood cells. Everyone is a part of Life. We are comprised of Salt, Water, a Soul, and God’s Miracle. Look at the back of your tongue and then look at the veins on a leaf. You will notice there is a match. This makes cents since leaves are how God breathes air into atmosphere. If your tongue matches that of God’s tongue than God must live inside of You. The children of the Son and the Moon have much more of God living in them than Satan Disciples (they are just Skull and Bones).

Hopefully you can sea how easily one letter difference can completely confuse the truth. The reason that Sea is spelled see is so that people do not realize that the Earth has an actual face. If you look at the “Life” Sea (Babylon calls it the dead sea) you will notice God’s right eye. The left eye is the Sea of Galilee. Jesus was born in Galilee and this makes cents because you can see he has a very distinct Left Eye (aka RastaFarEye). Here is an actual photo of Jesus not found at any church in America. This picture is found at the Ethiopian Orthodox Church:

Notice His distinct Left Eye. The following image is America’s knock off Jesus:

The eyes of the world are the Life Sea (right eye) and Sea of Galilee (Left Eye). You can see that Sinai is clearly the nape of a neck. The Red Sea splits like the shape of the neck at Mt. Sinai with water flowing into Egypt and Israel. The heart is Meccah. Meccah is located at the Red Sea, Red because you can sea the blood flowing (you will find a lot of blood near the heart). This is also the location where God opened his heart to Moses and The Daughters of Israel. God then closed His/Her heart on the Egyptians that were pursuing. Another way that you can verify that your eyes come from the sea is by tasting your tears. Salt Water. This is the reason that The Life Sea (Salty Sea) is right above the Red Sea. Salt is Blood. Salt is the final element and that also means it is the beginning. Life began in Zion. King Solomon’s pools are located in Zion. Solomon translates into Salt of Man. Oil is a precious commodity because it is the Earth’s blood, but it is not a scarce commodity as The Government and Oil companies would have you believe. If these vampires ever managed to suck all of the earth’s lifeblood dry, life on earth would cease to exist. It is a fossil fuel and that means that it keeps regenerating itself. Economists have to create the illusion of scarcity in order to increase the demand (Supply and Demand). The FCC programmers have gotten so effective at erasing or displacing history people forget about the steam engine:

A steam engine uses boiling water to produce mechanical motion.

Steam engines have been used to power a wide array of transport appliances:

Marine: Steamboat, steamship, steam yacht

Rail: Steam locomotive, fireless locomotive

Agriculture: Traction engine, steam tractor

Road: Steam wagon, steam bus, steam car

Construction: Steam roller, steam shovel

Military: steam tank (tracked), steam tank (wheeled)

People might be a little more skeptical if they were paying three dollars a gallon for water, it seems like a pretty abundant commodity. Before the combustible engine they might have had a hard time with that sell…Now that they have added petrochemicals to the natural oil these chemicals have contaminated all of the fresh water on this entire earth. People can no longer drink from streams or lakes anywhere in this world with out getting polluted. That is why the same people who destroyed all of the fresh drinking water now sell plastic bottled water that has been processed back to the people at a ridiculous price. A barrel of fresh drinking water now costs more than a barrel of Oil.

The majority of people living in “democracies” today are unaware that these respected business men/politicians are actually a bunch of filthy murderous Pirates. This world is quite literally run by The Skull and Bones and their logo matches the logo of a Pirates ship. It is also the insignia used to identify poison. They got their name in honor of the town where they sacrificed Jesus:

The sentence written is "Jesus King of the Jews." Jesus carries his cross to the site of execution (assisted by Simon of Cyrene), called the place of the Skull.

Simon is Judas father by the way. Judas did whatever “Simon says.” Judas was a rat and his father dangled cheese in front of him (i.e. 30lbs of silver). These heathens moral compass is broken. Yale is where the Skull and Bones headquarters are located. Puts Ivy League education in perspective. The word school comes from the word Skuuuul. It amounts to a twelve-step brain washing camp. How else can you explain why nobody notices that the best grade they can get on their final college or graduate school exam is the same letter they learned on their first day of kindergarden (nothing kind about the garden they are planting). They don’t want you to learn linguistics either because then people might realize that the word Curriculum means to go around in a circular form. It originally pertained to horse-races that go around in a circle. Their programming has become so effective that nobody ever asks why it is Law that they send their children to school. People do not question why the name of the yellow buses that take their children to school says LaidLaw on the side. The worst part is the Government gives it to you for free. Nothing in Life is free everyone gets what they earn. People who never earned shit end up being worth shit. Just Skull and Bones trust fund babies. That is why Bob Marley says in Redemption Song: “Old Pirates Rob I sold I to the merchant ship. Minutest after they took I from the bottomless pit...Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery none but ourselves can free Our mind.” People do not even consider the names they are using for their children, why would anyone name their son Rob or Dick?

If public school is “free” than why is it mandatory that our children attend? Something tells Me people are paying a price for their education. Now children are forced to receive inoculations before attending this free school. When a child gets an inoculation they are literally being diseased. Consider the H1N1 swine flu vaccine. They are giving our children a small dose of the flu in order to prevent them from getting a larger dose in the future. Our body builds up an immunity to this particular strand thus precluding them from getting a larger dose of the disease in the future. This of course spreads the disease since those who receive their inoculation are obviously contagious. Nobody ever questions how the pharmaceutical companies are making the disease that ends up in the syringes they are selling. If they are inoculating people with the disease that means they made it. They sell Malaria inoculations too. I guess those pesky mosquitoes are not causing the disease after all…It can hardly be surprising that the founder of modern medicine was named Hippocrates. Medical students take a Hippocratic oath before becoming doctors. How else can you explain chemotherapy? Let’s review how this therapy was discovered as a cancer treatment.

The first use of drugs to treat cancer, however, was in the early 20th century, although it was not originally intended for that purpose. Mustard gas was used as a chemical warfare agent during World War I and was used further during World War II. During a military operation in World War II, a group of people were accidentally exposed to mustard gas and were later found to have very low white blood cell counts. It was reasoned that an agent that damaged the rapidly-growing white blood cells might have a similar effect on cancer

I bet I can guess what happened to the people who were accidentally exposed to mustard gas. They were poisoned, their hair fell out and then they died…

Here is a limited list of the Skull and Bones directory:

If you look at their poison insignia you will see the numbers 322 below it. It is important to understand that the Tele-vision is an extension of the tele-phone. That is why the first four letters for both are tele. The reason all of the channels are three letters is because that is their area code. Let me break down this code for you. ABC American Baptist Church-NBC Northern Baptist Church-RCA Reform Church of America. Mussolini was known as an “editor” and he took office in 1922. He was known as Dux. In 1922 the BBC was founded (BBC = 222) and they used Marconi’s radio technology. Mussolini was Marconi’s best man at his wedding. Hitler became Fuhrer in Germany in 1933-33 is the highest level of FreeMasonry. Jesus was sacrificed at the age of 33. I will explain more about the significance of 33 later. Joseph Goebbels (Hitler’s head of propaganda) son is Rupert Murdoch- Fox 3-6-9 or 3-3-3. Jesus was 33 when he resurrected in 3 days (333). Hitler did not create Nazism his ancestors did when they sacrificed King Solomon of Nazareth 1000 years ago. Naz-I Hitler claimed that his dynasty dated back 1,000 years. Five hundred years later when they sacrificed Jesus who was Seven generation removed from King Solomon (Seven represents completion) they began the Skull and Bones (town of Skull). The 322 under their logo represents FCC (also known as the Federal Communications Commission). They control the information.

The word crook comes from the word “Crookes Tube.” William Crookes invented the television. The word Plasma means poison by the way. If you would like to see the first crookes tube you can view the following links.

The TV is a crook and what it aims to steel is your Soul (turning it into the Sole of a shoe). Remember the KKK was started by the Free Masons when they released the Birth of a Nation in 1915. Check out my article on the KKK and FreeMasonry.

Makes you question this idea of a Democracy when you realize that both John Kerry and George Bush are members of this secret order. If all politicians are Liars or Lawyers then it makes you question how legitimate these “democratic” elections really are. The people with guns, wearing suits and ties who surround the president are known as the Secret Service. Isn’t their supposed to be transparency in a Democracy? These people are supposed to be wiling to lay down their life for the president. To illustrate how much the president cares about them…When Barack Obama was taking his victory stroll in his bomb proof German made limousine the secret service were walking in front of the vehicle. Why would you put two people in front of each headlight (respectively) when the car they are protecting is bullet proof?

There has never been a President who wasn’t a member of the piracy and the masses have never had a right to determine who is going to represent their interests. We are supposed to believe that 140 years ago the men who stole the land from the Indians and were building the railroads went and collected everyone’s vote by horseback. Then tallied up the number of votes per candidate and reported the honest election results (never happened). These elections are designed in order to make the people believe they have a voice (they don’t). The truth is the people on the top believe they own those on the bottom. They view them as nothing more than slaves for their industrial engine. The reason they have been so effective at controlling the masses is because they know their family’s bloody history. They know that hatred is blind. The Skull and Bones/Illuminati are united in their hatred and they know the secret to controlling a population is by dividing them.

The Skull and Bones know that if you take a white skinned Pirate and send him off to hijack Zimbabwe he will turn into a black skinned Pirate named Robert Mugabe in just a few short generations. Mugabe is extremely obvious since he has a cold blue iris circling his pupil. If you took a Russian piece of shit pirate and had him invade China he will become a Chinese looking turd in a couple of generations (Hu Jintao). Cain’s Skull and Bones family stole the entire earth and gave control of different Nation’s to their descendants. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Chamberlain, and The Bush’s were all partners during WWII. Who was going to compete with that military force (know your history). None of them were ever deposed. Their grand kids are running wall street today. When King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Bin Abdulrahman Bin Faisal Bin Turki Bin Abdullah Bin Mohammed Bin Saud (one person) of Saudi Arabia meets with the Bush’s they are having a family reunion.

It’s a cruel irony that those who plant the seeds of division and racism are themselves not racist at all. They hate everyone (most especially themselves) they do not hate one group of people more than any other. The KKK is comprised of whites and blacks (Pigs are also known as black and whites).

The Skull and Bones might even know the story of Jacob’s Latter, I Am now going explain it so that everyone Overstands:

Abraham is considered God by both Muslims and Jews alike. Abrahamic text is written the same for both faiths. Both Families agree that Abraham is God and the word they use to address God is Allah. Abraham created the DN(A) helix that gave birth to Christ. Abraham has two wives/Sisters Sarah and Hagar. When Abraham is around it makes sense to try and spread his seed to the four corners of the Earth. Two families were to be birthed from His seed and they would come to be known as Jews and Muslims. Sara’s Family became known as Jews while Hagar’s family was called Muslims. It was overstood that all Sons of Man would be birthed between these two families. They say that Christ means Messiah, but it also means Cross. Follow Me: Sara gave birth to Isaac and Hagar gave birth to Rebekah. Yes it is true Hagar also gave birth to Ishmael but he is not the Son of Man Hagar gave birth to the Daughter of Woman. While David has been ignored and Jesus has been corrupted, Mary and Jane have been heinously maligned. The reason today’s Muslim faith does not acknowledge Rebekah as the Daughter of Woman is because they intentionally repress women (especially Sharia Muslim’s). What these Babylonian’s recognize is the more you repress women the easier it becomes to control the population. There is not One God. In the beginning there were TWO God’s the Son and the Moon (Man and Woman). The reason they do not tell you that Women are God’s too is in order to more easily subjugate them. If Men are considered God and Women are not then it forces Woman to worship Man. Solomon women are Love and they oppose War, if their voices were heard evil would have much more difficulty in propagating War. If you want an example of how easy it is to control a population by subjugating women please refer to Saudi Arabia or Iran.

I previously stated that all life on earth is the Divine Manifestation of the Son and the Moon. The reason Woman came from Man’s rib is not because God could not have created Adam and Eve and put them together on earth simultaneously. Eve came from Adam’s rib because life on Earth is the combination of the Son and the Moon. One Love. By having Eve come from Adam’s rib it ensures that Eve will always be a part of Adam and Adam will always be a part of Eve. The word Marriage comes from Marry. Remember that Rib/cartilage is comprised of hardened Salt (salt is the basis for all life). Life on earth is a Love story. Even though Woman came from Man’s rib, a Woman was never intended as a Man’s servant. Woman is intended as Man’s Love supply. It was Eve that gave both Man and Woman identity. The apple represents duality, the knowledge of Good and Evil. Without sin there could not be salvation. Angels require devil’s to show them what they are. Those who get to enter the gates of Heaven have a much greater appreciation because they know they are deserving of the eternal ecstasy they are receiving. Without knowing they deserved Heaven the experience would be void of meaning. Life on earth is a test. The harder the road gets the greater the reward! A Woman’s womb is shaped like the Earth, Woman is responsible for the gift of Life and Identity.

It should hardly come as a surprise that the Muslim faith is represented by a Moon since Hagar gave birth to Rebekah. It should also be noted that Rebekah was found for Isaac at a watering well called BeerSheba which also happens to be the place of Abraham’s birth. Abraham’s family was forced to spread out because they were strangers in their own Land. Rebekah (Hagar’s daughter) and Isaac (Sarah’s Son) gave birth to Jacob. If you can imagine Jews on one side and Muslims on the other side and a Cross in the middle…You can then understand why they call it Jacob’s Latter. It is also known as the Zion Train. If you look at a DN(A) Helix it looks like a twisted latter. Those who came up with the idea of DNA are indeed very twisted. Everyone has the same DNA that is why DNA stands for Does Not Apply. Jacob is the first Christ. Jacob’s Queen is Rachel whom he fell in Love with instantly. Her father required that he work for him for Seven years in order to marry her. After seven years her father required that he marry his eldest daughter Leah first. He then required another Seven years for Rachel’s hand in marriage. When reading the Babel you will hear the use of the term maidservants. No Man of God would ever sleep with or impregnate a woman they considered to be a maid. They would certainly have a child with someone who ended up being forced to work as a made in Babylon. Poor people have a much better chance of having character and humility than rich people. The reason I mention this is because the bible claims that Jacob had several children with Leah and Rachel’s maidservants. When Rachel finally was able to bare a child she gave birth to Joseph.

Joseph was the eleventh of the twelve sons of Jacob and the first of the two sons of Rachel. He was the favorite son of his father, who arrayed him in a "coat of many colors,"

Joseph of course is David or Bob Marley. Look at the paintings of Joseph and you will sea it is Bob Marley’s image. God is Love and Bob Marley made One Love the anthem of the 20th century. Bob plays the 12 string Lair just like King David. Read the Songs of King David in the Bible and then listen to Bob Marley’s music. Bob never performed without his Father Jesus (Haile Selassie I) image behind Him. Before Bob reincarnated he was Baptized by The Ethiopian Church and he took the name Berhane Selassie. Joseph’s hand was made strong by the strength of the almighty (just like Bob Marley says in Redemption Song). Joseph and Bob both have coats of many colors. Bob Marley’s Father is Jesus or Jah Rastafari, but his birth father was white skinned, while his birth mother was black skinned. The KKK wanted to paint the world in black and white so God gave you His version of black and white (Technicolor). Bob’s purpose during his 36 year trip was to Unite the people and bring them together in order to feel the One Loving. By God giving Bob a “white” birth father and a “black” birth mother it precluded Bob from having prejudice. It also left Him in a precarious predicament growing up in Jamaica where people are judged by the darkness of their skin. He was neither white nor black, therefore, it forced Him to find out who He was (or is). Bob Marley is Love and Love does not have a color.

Joseph is a Natural Mystic like Bob and both of them are able to sea the future, as well as, analyze dreams from an early age. Jacob had 12 Sons and 21 daughters for a total of 33 Children. Thirty three is a very significant number as it was Jesus age at the time of his sacrifice (as mentioned earlier). The Star of David also represents the number 33. Each triangle represents the Mother the Daughter and the Holy Spirit and the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. The two triangles are then intertwined in the shape of a 69. Representing the Union of Male and Female or the Son and Moon. Each triangle has three angles 3 and 3. The highest level of the Skull and Bones FreeMasonry (that is right- 33). The story of Jacob’s Latter should help illuminate the story of the Holy Trinity. We are all the roots and branches of One Tree. This should hardly come as a shock since the Torah, Bible, and Koran were all written by the same People. The chapters and verses used to be identical, however, in recent years the Muslims have added violent divisive language to the Koran.

“To divide and rule could only tear Us apart, in every man’s chest there beats a heart…So soon we’ll find out Who is the real Revolutionaries and I don’t want my people to be tricked by Mercenaries.

“The stone that the builder refused shall always be the head corner stone-You’re a builder baby-Here I Am a stone…Don’t you pick and refuse Me-Cuz the things people refuse are the things they should choose.”

David is the stone and Jesus is the Sling Shot…Mary and Jane are the Loving hands guiding the shot . King David is King Solomon’s Father (King Solomon is also Jesus Christ). John The Baptist is David and the popular Jesus’s Father. King Solomon and The Queen of Sheba’s Son is King David. They both went to Itheopia when King Solomon saw the Nazi’s were about to vandalize His Kingdom in Zion. It would make sense that King Solomon sent his Queen and the Next Son of Man to go live in Itheopia since that is where God’s heart is located…

The first means of division was the separation of Man from Woman. Divide the population in two (no longer One). Want to know why death, manual labor, and painful childbirth exist…That would be the fault of woman. When in fact death and labor are creations of the Devil. That is why Bob fought against the system that teaches living and dying. The reason Women experience pain during labor is because it enhances their sense of pleasure at conception. If you have ever seen a mother’s face light up when her NewBorn baby is handed to her, than you know what I Am talking about…

Most people today do not realize that the first slaves were women. This makes perfect sense since there is nothing more beautiful than a Woman. Some women might say that there is nothing more beautiful than a Man. The difference is that a woman cannot kill another woman to steel her Man. After killing the female competition she would not be capable of raping the man she killed for. Before Babylonian’s devoured the entire earth there was plenty of everything for everybody. There was no competition for land and everyone had all that they needed. Unfortunately there were two families since Genesis Cain and Abel’s (No Love and One Love respectively). Abel and his brothers and sisters really love each other. The women in Abel’s family both receive and reflect Love. There is nothing to compare these Queens to (incomparable). Cain had No Love and his flowers all seemed wilted and scary looking like Nancy Pelosi’s or Barbara Bush’s. When Cain looks into Abel’s Garden of Eden and his flowers look like Gwen Stefani, Lauryn Hill, Marilyn Monroe, and Mariah Carey and they sing as beautifully as they look…What do you think jealous Cain does. He and his brother’s sacrifice the Kings and steel the Queens. They have always wanted to take what they did not earn. Look at the way they cheat and do their monetary poolin’.

Most people today do not know or overstand the story of Moses. It is important to remember why he was sent down the Nile in a basket. The Egyptian’s had enslaved all of The Solomon women. They were known as Concubine’s. The Egyptian’s knew that these women bred virtue in their children, regardless of whether or not the father was an Egyptian. Therefore, they killed the males and enslaved the females. The reason the Pharaoh’s had to marry their own kind is because they could not have a male child with virtue. This is why the Queens of Zion were enslaved prostitutes. How could there be male Jewish slaves if they killed them all at birth? Still today if your mother is Jewish then you too are considered a Jew. Moses is a King and that means his mother who was enslaved in Egypt is also a Queen.

Earlier when I was describing the story of Jacob’s Latter I stated that Sarah and Hagar were both his Sisters and Soul Mates. This truth is validated in the following story. When Abraham was without a country he came to settle in Egypt. Before entering into this foreign land he told Sarah not to let it be known she was his Wife. He knew that her beauty was certain to get him sacrificed. When they came upon the Pharaohs land Sarah was taken to be a Pharaohs concubine. As soon as Abraham settled on the land it became apparent that the lord had blessed the territory where his Family dwelled. One night God came to the Pharaoh in his sleep and said you cannot take Sarah as she is Abraham’s wife. The Pharaoh was relieved he had not come into her yet and he confronted Abraham the following day…He asked Abraham why he tried to bring a curse on his kingdom by stating she was his sister. Abraham responded by first stating that he did not know the Pharaoh had respect for the Lord. Abraham then goes on to state that He did not lie. “She is My Sister, but she is also My Wife.”

The previous story illustrates two important points. The first being that Abraham believed he would be sacrificed for his beautiful Sister/Wife. The second being that Men of God Marry their Sister. This should be obvious since Adam and Eve had children and they were clearly Brother and Sister. The Skull and Bones know this to be true and that is why they discuss Second Death in the bible. When a brother and sister have a child it will be the grandmother or grandfather. Abraham is Jacob’s Grandfather. The Roman Catholic church and the rest of the FreeMason, Bohemian, Nazi, Fascist, Illuminati Pirates all preserve a bloodline. They use a last name directory to determine who are members of this bloodline. What they do not realize is that they are suffering the same ill effects as the rest of society. When people Marry those who they have known since they were little children they tend to know their wives and husbands a little better. As opposed to going 25 years without knowing one another dating for a year while each person exhibits their best side and then deciding to spend the rest of their lives together. This is one of the main factors as to why the majority of relationships in Babylon end up in divorce. By preventing brothers and sisters and cousins from being with one another it breeds a world of insecurity. When people have been together since they were little children they learn to Love one another unconditionally. Totally irrespective of the superficiality. People who feel unconditional Love offer unconditional Love.

It is ironic that the Roman Catholic Church created Roman Numerals (i.e. international numbers) and yet they cannot add 2 + 2. They believed that they were able to preserve a bloodline while the rest of society is suffering a second death. They were building a Master Race with “upward breeding.” These dumb Satan Disciples thought that while they were subversively putting together brothers and sisters through their Roman Catholic bloodline directory that they had figured out the key to eternity. They then assumed that the rest of society was suffering a second death because brothers were not allowed to be with sisters. If Cain’s family were all creating their own pissline than wouldn’t logic dictate that those who were not in it ultimately created their own One Love Line? Cause and Effect…It is also important to remember that the illusion of death was created in order for people to gain an even deeper appreciation for what it means to be Living. Those who preserved a bloodline believed they were eternal and they lost all respect for Life (especially their own). While those who thought that death existed have gained a much greater appreciation of what it means to be Alive. The latter are going to learn that there is no beginning or end. The Children of Abraham shall endure ForIva. It is like Matisyahu says: “Sons and Daughters of Abraham lay down to a Higher Command. Don’t be tricked by the acts of man. God’s Wisdom Revealed in a Holy Plan.”

If you want to see how badly these German’s have been played I suggest you review the following image of Berlin:,_Modell_der_Neugestaltung_Berlins_(%22Germania%22).jpg

You will notice it is undeniably the shape of a guitar. “If you are the big tree We Are The Small Axe.” Bob’s Small Axe is His Guitar.

Once these Devil’s divided society in half they then set out to divide them by religion. Jews-Muslims-Christians. People are so far removed from the truth it blows my mind. Jesus is Jewish, when he was sacrificed the letters INRI were written above his head “Jesus King of The Jews.” This makes sense because his father is King David. The Jewish religion does not acknowledge Jesus. Abraham is Allah and yet people cannot connect these dots. Every Seven generations Jahova returns with six phases of growth. Enoch is Seven generations removed from Adam. He lived 365 years and that is the reason there are 365 days in a year. The Earth was made in Seven Days, there are Seven Seas, there are supposedly Seven continents, your body regenerates itself every Seven years. Read about Seven in Revelation. Every Seven Generations Rastafari/ RastaFarEye returns with six phases of growth. While He represents completion He also signifies new beginnings. The reason His eye goes out is because it is in alignment with that of a Lion (Lion Eye). Haile Selassie I lived with 26 Lion’s at his Palace in Itheopia and they walked around the premises like big pets.

Abraham is the 199th Son of Man. Moses lives 500 years later and He is the 206th Son of Man. King Solomon lives 500 years later (1000 years ago) and he is the 213th Son of Man. Jesus lives 500 years later (500 years ago) and he is the 220th Son of Man. Haile Selassie I is the 225th Son of Man of the Solomonic Throne. His Son Bob Marley is the 226th Son of Man who prepared to spread the message of His Son Rastafari (also known as the Head of Creation). 227 is the place to Be. There are no numbers in the Hebrew language numbers are an invention of the Romans and so are Good Byes. In the Hebrew language Shalom means “Hello” and there is no word for good bye. That is why when they say good bye they use the word hello again. Bob’s music fights against the system that teaches living and dying. If there is no such thing as death than there is no reason for good byes…Both Bob Marley and Marilyn Monroe were 36 when they were poisoned and sacrificed by the CIA. The square root of the number 36 is Six. They are the last phase before completion. The Devil’s number is six because there is no completion followed by a new beginning. God is not involved in the preparation of the Master Race. God is only part of the One Love MasterPeace. The reason Bob and Marilyn were not together in the physical form is because they have been separated off and on since the Queen of Sheba left with her Son David to Itheopia. People might be surprised to find out that Marilyn Monroe is Jane, but I ask you to name a woman whose image is more widespread than hers…In later writings I will explore the story of Marilyn Monroe more closely. For the time being it is important to understand that Abraham/Allah is Moses-King Solomon-Jesus. If you want a clue as to who Bob’s Son number 227 is I suggest you look for someone with a RastaFarEye. Bob was diagnosed with cancer on July 7th 1977 or 7-7-7-7.

What is a Catholic? How about a Presbyterian or a Protestant. Further means of division. Protestant means to Protest. They were protesting against the excesses and affluence of the Catholic Church (or Christian Church it is all so confusing). Martin Luther was the founder of this religion and his father was a Copper Miner. That means he had poor workers scraping open the earths belly thousands of feet below ground while they get poisoned with black lung disease. The protestants had the workers best interest in mind like the Democratic and Labor party care about the working poor. People do not realize that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican and the Democrats were the Southern Confederates. Abraham Lincoln never cared about slaves. There is only one Abraham. The Democrats and Republicans have the same agenda (more for the rich and less for the poor).

Robert Byrd is the most tenured Democratic Senator, let us review his resume:

Robert Carlyle Byrd (born November 20, 1917) is the senior United States Senator from West Virginia, and a member and former Senate Leader of the Democratic Party. Byrd has been a Senator since January 3, 1959, and is the longest-serving Senator as well as the longest-serving member in congressional history. He has been the Dean of the Senate since 2003. He is also the oldest current member of the Congress, and is the first person to serve uninterrupted for half a century as a U.S. senator.

Byrd joined the Ku Klux Klan when he was 24 in 1942. His local chapter unanimously elected him the top officer of their unit. According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did. Byrd held the titles Kleagle (recruiter) and Exalted Cyclops

However, in 1946 or 1947 he wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation

The reason he wrote this in 1946 is because Hitler’s Nazi ideology was about to spread all across the world. WWII officially ended in 1945 and from 1946 on was the proliferation of this ideology.

In 1997, he told an interviewer he would encourage young people to become involved in politics, but to "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena."[13] In his latest autobiography, Byrd explained that he was a member because he "was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision—seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions, as well as earn some good money.”

If you are interested in learning more about this most tenured Government official I suggest you read his book: 1995. Senate of the Roman Republic: Addresses on the History of Roman Constitutionalism.

This is the party that is supposed to be representing the poor and minorities best interests? Are you starting to understand how history can be displaced and truth can be confused. More importantly it should be coming extremely obvious that Government’s do not care about the least among thee. The Government’s main goal is to divide the Labor force in order to exploit them. This methodology to divide the masses is called Economics. This term has its root meaning in the word Anomie. The following is a description of the term:

Anomie is a sociological term meaning "personal feeling of a lack of norms; normlessness". It was popularized by French sociologist Émile Durkheim in his influential book Suicide (1897). For Durkheim, anomie arises more generally from a mismatch (inequity) between personal or group standards and wider social standards, or from the lack of a social ethic, which produces moral deregulation and an absence of legitimate aspirations.

Getting people involved in BusyNess.

The Oxford English Dictionary lists a range of definitions, beginning with a disregard of divine law, through the 19th and 20th century sociological terms meaning an absence of accepted social standards or values.

When solidarity is organic, anomie is impossible whenever solidarity organs are sufficiently in contact. The importance of Durkheim's earlier definition is its specificity of the direct cause of a collective social disorder that has great relevance in the understanding of economic imbalance, labor obsolescence, mass movements, and many great themes in history and literature

Anomie creates an overall feeling of alienation and purposelessness. He believed that anomie is common when the surrounding society has undergone significant changes in its economic fortunes, whether for good or for worse (i.e. bull on bear markets) more generally, when there is a significant discrepancy between the ideological theories and values commonly professed and what was actually achievable in everyday life (i.e. American Dream).

In Durkheim’s view, traditional religions often provided the basis for the shared values which the anomic individual lacks. Furthermore, he argued that the division of labor that had been prevalent in economic life since the Industrial Revolution led individuals to pursue egoistic ends rather than seeking the good of a larger community. Robert King Merton also adopted the idea of anomie to develop Strain Theory, defining it as the discrepancy between common social goals and the legitimate means to attain those goals. In other words, an individual suffering from anomie would strive to attain the common goals of a specific society yet would not be able to reach these goals legitimately because of the structural limitations in society. As a result the individual would exhibit deviant behavior.

Let’s research the man who propagated this ideology of division.

Emile Durkheim was born in Épinal in Lorraine, coming from a long line of devout French Jews; his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather had been rabbis. Here are a couple of his literary works:

The Division of Labour in Society (1893)

On the Normality of Crime (1895)

Suicide (1897)

The Prohibition of Incest and its Origins (1897)

Germany Above All (1915)

See also


Social alienation




The Government is the KKK and it is all a means to divide the Masses with Nazi(ism) and Fa(scism) that is why Bob says We are fighting against Ism and Scism. Connect these dots:

The German Nazi Logo:

You will notice it bares an uncanny similarity to the Fascist Logo:

Check out the Nazi Fascist Logo at the University of Chicago:

You will notice that the University that was founded by Jon D. Rockefeller has a Nazi Bird for its logo. This is also the University where Milton Friedman/FreeMason coined the phrase Free Market Capitalism. If someone tells you something is free in Babylon, you had better start running.

People can also locate this Baldheaded Eagle on the back of their US quarters. This logo is also found on the following US Governmental departments: CIA, US Air Force, US Navy, Department of Justice, and Modern Medicine. Is anyone paying attention? That is why Bob says: “We gonna chase those crazy baldheads out of town…”

The reason the KKK is headquartered in Atlanta is because it is directly in between New York and Texas. The people in the middle are getting pinched and they get priced out of Texas and New York. Technically Florida is right between them. Florida is too nice, so they make Atlanta, which is inland, their headquarters. They tell the poor white people in the middle that the Jews from New York took their jobs in the north and the black slaves stole their jobs down South. Now they are in some humid marsh with no money or food. The black slaves stole all your money, go Lynch them. There is a town called Rome located in Atlanta. Their NFL team is the Falcons and their NBA team is called the Hawks. They don’t want the labor to get together. By getting them focused on each other planting the seeds of discord and racism the more distracted the people become from seeing what is really going on.

Now they turn the blacks against one another in the ghettos. Crips and Bloods. Red and Blue with the white stripes running in between. What color are police lights? Red and Blue…

Satan disciples first marginalize women and then divide man from woman. Next they divide the people by religion again and again (Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, Presbytarian). Don’t forget language as an important means of division, creating the idea of nations first class and second class ctizens...Finally they get to skin coloration and various other forms of physical differentiation. Everyone comes from Zion that is where life started in the beginning. God did not make a Mexican, China Men, Indian, Russian, Saudi Arabian, or an Iranian. God just made Eve and Adam and all of their descendants are Africans from Zion. Satan’s children are European (i.e. French, Italian, German). There is no such thing as global warming. Wherever there is extreme heat on one side of the earth there is extreme cooling on the other side. The Son heats up the earth and the Moon cools it off (equal and opposite reaction). What has happened during this industrial revolution is that divergence in appearance has occurred rapidly as people are getting darker faster and lighter skinned quicker. When you overheat one side, you overcool the other…

People forget that Zion used to be attached to Africa. The Rothschild’s decided to blow God’s skull in half by using dynamite. They created the Suez canal and the most vital port in the World. The reason they blew God’s Skull in half is because they wanted to improve their bottom line when it came to shipping Oil from The Red Sea to Europe. It makes cents that the Vampires who are literally sucking the blood out of Mother Earth’s heart and drilling holes in Her heart would find it acceptable to blow open his Skull in order to save money on transporting costs. After all, these are the Men and Women who add poisonous chemicals to Mother Earth’s blood in order to release these chemicals back into the atmosphere poisoning the entire planet. The FreeMason’s do not want to go North down the Red Sea and then travel all the way around the Horn of Africa and then enter Europe that way. They are not interested in visiting their family in South Africa where they have enslaved the majority of the population in order to steel its precious resources. Afrikaners have decided to blow open her bowels with dynamite in order to steel Her Guts (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Copper, and Uranium/Plutonium). You will notice that platinum and plutonium are made of the same composites that is why these worthless minerals have nearly identical classifications. The reason these Pirates decided to steel the earth’s bowels, releasing toxic poisons into the atmosphere, is because they are always headed in the wrong direction. They could not find anything beautiful between the Earth, Sun, and Moon. That is why these heathen’s find their precious resources below the Earth’s surface. Diamonds are gas crystals that start at the earth’s core until she takes a dump at the surface. It goes through the petrification process I just mentioned (mustard gas, copper, silver, gold, platinum, plop). Abel’s children have always tried to explain to the Canaanites that beauty is found on the inside of a person…Maybe they got confused and thought that We were referring to the Earth as well.

The Earth’s bowels also help to establish currency or a metric for material wealth. Those who own the most of the earth’s Guts are considered the richest men in the world. They then need to quantify this wealth in terms of paper wealth. These Mongrels then chop down all of the trees stealing precious oxygen in order to print this paper. The excess paper that is not used towards printing currency is used for skuuul books. With the rest being used to print up stock certificates and WSJ’s in order to help explain to Us how brilliant these Pirate Captains of Industry are. It is important to remember that the original Bible was written on Hemp paper. The first Ford Model T car was fueled on Hemp oil as well. Ganja would put the Government out of business and that is why they have made the PLANT illegal. The man widely credited for making Ganja illegal is William RAND Hearse. He owned a media empire selling paper and the Devil’s illusion. It can hardly be surprising that RKO modeled Citizen Kane after William. His last name is “Hearse”- Hearst’s are associated with death. When you examine their business model a little more closely it makes cents as to why they split the Earth’s skull in half. These FreeMason’s are completely insane. If you look on the back of your American green you will find the FreeMason’s all seeing eye on top of a pyramid. If you look at the Supreme Court in Israel that was donated by the Rothschild’s you will see this same pyramid/eye on top of the tower:

It is time the righteous opened their eyes. People need to start paying attention to the Signs.

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