Saturday, May 15, 2010


The KKK was created by the FreeMason’s, Hollywood, and the US Government. Before you dismiss what I have just said, please try and follow along. I guarantee that if you read what I have presented, in its entirety, you will agree with Me.

The first Hollywood blockbuster movie was called Birth of A Nation and the movie was written and directed by D.W. Griffith. This movie created the modern day iconography of the KKK. The KKK as we know it began in 1915. Not coincidentally, Birth of A Nation was released in 1915. The movie premiered in Atlanta which ultimately became the KKK’s headquarters:

Historically, The Birth of a Nation was the first blockbuster. It is considered important by film historians as the first feature length American films, it set the industry standard to one still recognized today. It was enormously popular, breaking box office records, but aroused controversy due to its depiction of slavery race relations in the Civil War and the Reconstruction era. It depicts Southern pre-Civil War slavery as benign and the Ku Klux Klan as a band of heroes restoring the rightful order.

Griffith's film The Birth of a Nation made pioneering use of advanced camera and narrative techniques, and its immense popularity set the stage for the dominance of the feature-length film.

Much of the modern Klan's iconography, including the standardized white costume and the lighted cross, are derived from this film. The film's influence and popularity were enhanced by a widely reported endorsement by historian and U.S. President Woodrow Wilson.

Griffith went so far as to promote the film as "Federally endorsed".

The first feature length BLACK and WHITE film was a glorious depiction of the KKK combined with a glowing Endorsement from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). It is important to understand that the sole intention of the KKK-Government-Freemason’s is to Divide and Rule. Birth of a Nation was laying the groundwork for Nazi Germany. Hollywood is intentionally Polarizing:


1. to divide into sharply opposing factions, political groups

When people think of the word Polaroid they think of a camera. Actually it is a film (or filter) that removes color and forces people to see in Black and White. If you wanted to remove light and see in Black and White you can purchase polarized son glasses. What color are police cars and prison stripes? That is why Bob Marley says His People are a Technicolor People. The FCC has always been able to broadcast in color, that is why they can digitally remaster black and white movies and re-release them in Color. If it was not originally shot in color than how could they add color later? The answer is they remove the black and white filter. Think back to cable TV’s before DirectTV, Digital Cable, and plasmas. When a signal was lost the screen would turn to black and white Fuzz (another word for cops). The signal was coming in color, but the TV filter was black and white. The FCC has gotten so good at programming that they offer the illusion of color TV while subversively painting the world in black and white for the viewers. Nobody ever considers this when HD sunglasses are now being sold on infomercials. HD is supposed to enhance color TV. How can they be sold as sunglasses that are supposed to block light?

Donald Rumsfeld served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of General Instrument Corporation from 1990 to 1993. A leader in broadband transmission, distribution, and access control technologies for cable, satellite and terrestrial broadcasting applications, the company pioneered the development of the first all-digital high-definition television (HDTV) technology.

Movies and TV are the directors and not the reflectors. The TV works like modern day hypnosis. I do not ever watch television, but my eye always notices whenever one is on whenever I go out. The reason my eye always catches the television is because it is supposed to. Television’s are constantly flickering behind the screen. It is coming to you in a hypnotic format, but when you stare at it directly you will not notice the flickering. The way that I came to realize this is my neighbor at my old place always had her television on. I am not a peeping tom and I was never looking next door, but her flickering television always grabbed my eye. I always noticed when it was on. If it were just a lamp I would not have noticed. That is what it intends to do, grab your eyeballs and then program you. The CBS logo is the all seeing eye that is also found on the back of American Bills. Sumner Rothschild-Rothstein-Redstone is a long time FreeMason.

To further illustrate Hollywood’s ties to the KKK, Nazism, and the US Government let’s look at some of the film studios and people that benefited from Birth of a Nation.

Among the people who profited by the film was Louis B. Mayer, who bought the rights to distribute The Birth of a Nation in New England. With the money he made, he was able to begin his career as a producer that culminated in the creation of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studios. Margaret Mitchell, who wrote Gone with the Wind, was also inspired by Griffith's Civil War epic

D.W. Griffith went on to start the first major movie studio UNITED Artist:

Griffith founded United Artists, together with Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, and Douglas Fairbanks. At United Artists, Griffith continued to make films, but never could achieve box office grosses as high as either The Birth of a Nation

His partner at United Artist was Charlie Chaplin. It is important to pay close attention to that last name.


1. an ecclesiastic attached to the chapel of a royal court, college, etc., or to a military unit.

2. a person who says the prayer, invocation, etc., for an organization or at an assembly.

If you need further proof that Charlie Chaplin was laying the groundwork for Hitler and Nazi Germany…Consider his stupid moustache and militaristic movements that mimic those of Hitler. Chaplin’s first talking picture was titled The Great Dictator and he of course played Hitler:

Chaplin's first talking picture, The Great Dictator (1940), was released in the United States one year before the U.S. abandoned its policy of neutrality to enter World War II. Chaplin played the role of "Adenoid Hynkel", Dictator of Germany, modeled on German dictator Adolf Hitler. The film also showcased comedian Jack Oakie as "Benzino Napaloni", dictator of Italia.

The film portrays overt Jewish characters and the depiction of their persecution. In addition to Hynkel, Chaplin also played a look-alike Jewish barber persecuted by his regime, who physically resembled the Tramp character. At the conclusion, the two characters Chaplin portrayed swapped positions through a complex plot, and he dropped out of his comic character to address the audience directly in a speech. Chaplin gives his public support for the opening of a second European front in 1942 to assist the Soviet Union in World War II.

He was nominated for Academy awards for Best Picture (producer), Best Original Screenplay (writer) and Best Actor in The Great Dictator.

Do you see the agenda of Hollywood and their version of a Chaplin? The Great Dictator was released one year before the US officially entered into the conflict. Chaplin wanted to assist the Soviet Union. One might imagine this would have gotten him in some hot water with the McCarthy committee...The reason it did not is because The US-UK-Russia-Italy-and Germany were all partners during WWII. There was never a “Cold War” either. War, discord, and division is how Hollywood/New World Government/FreeMason’s make their money. They create War and rumors of War. Their goal is to create violence and tension. Let’s quickly revisit Birth of A Nation’s story line:

A black militia (with a white leader) ransacks the Cameron house. The Cameron women are rescued when Confederate soldiers rout the militia.

The movie begins with helpless white women running from former black slaves. The blacks in this movie have painted faces looking like members of a minstrel show.

Part 2 depicts Reconstruction. Stoneman and his "mulatto" protegé, Silas Lynch, go to South Carolina to observe the expanded franchise. Black soldiers parade through the streets. During the election, whites are shown being turned away while blacks stuff the ballot boxes. The newly elected black legislature passes laws requiring white civilians to salute black officers and allowing mixed-race marriages.

It would be incorrect for me to say that Hollywood was playing into white America’s fears. In fact, what Birth of A Nation intended to do was create these fears:

Meanwhile, Ben, inspired by observing white children pretending to be ghosts to scare off black children, devises a plan to reverse the perceived powerlessness of Southern whites by forming the Ku Klux Klan

This is where the idea of white robes comes from. It is no coincidence that the Roman Pope wears the same attire as the Klansmen.

Then Gus, a former slave who became educated and gained a title of recognition through the army, proposes to marry Flora. Scared by Gus' lascivious advances, she flees into the forest, pursued by Gus. Trapped on a precipice, Flora leaps to her death. In response, the Klan hunts Gus, tries him and finds him guilty, kills him, and leaves his corpse on Lieutenant Governor Silas Lynch's doorstep. In retaliation, Lynch orders a crackdown on the Klan. The Camerons flee from the black militia and hide out in a small hut, home to two former Union soldiers, who agree to assist their former Southern foes in defending their Aryan birthright, according to the caption.

If you ever wondered where the term Lynch came from. Now you know:


to put to death, esp. by hanging, by mob action and without legal authority.

Notice the spelling is identical.

Meanwhile, with Austin Stoneman (FREEMASON) gone, Lynch tries to force Elsie to marry him. Disguised Klansmen discover her situation and leave to get reinforcements. The Klan, now at full strength, rides to her rescue and takes the opportunity to disperse the rioting negroes. Simultaneously, Lynch's militia surrounds and attacks the hut where the Camerons are hiding, but the Klan saves them just in time. Victorious, the Klansmen celebrate in the streets. The film cuts to the next election where the Klan successfully disenfranchises black voters and disarms the blacks. The final frame shows masses suddenly finding peace under the image of Christ.

The final title rhetorically asks: "Dare we dream of a golden day when the bestial War shall rule no more?

Let’s see if the film was successful in its intended purpose…

When the film was shown, riots broke out in Boston, Philadelphia and other major cities including Chicago, Denver, Kansas City, Missouri, Minneapolis, Pittsburgh and St. Louis, Missouri. The film's inflammatory character was a catalyst for gangs of whites to attack blacks. In Lafayette, Indiana, after seeing the movie, a white man murdered a black teenager

The more unrest and discord that the Government/Hollywood can create the easier it becomes for them to sell their taxpayers protection. Whether it be perceived enemies abroad or white and black militias domestically. D.W. Griffith is also credited for creating the first Gangster film:

The Musketeers of Pig Alley (1912) was the first "Gangster film"

These FreeMason’s have sliced and diced the population in so many different ways it would go well beyond the scope of this particular writing to chronicle them all. I intend on covering some of these various ways in later writings. Besides painting the world in black and white, they also want to encourage violence- because they sell protection (i.e. police, FBI, CIA, ATF, NSA, courts, attorneys, and prison). The other benefit of overwhelming people with crime and violence is that they ultimately come to believe that this is the way life is supposed to be. By creating an environment of fear, people become more concerned about their own personal safety and less concerned about the safety and well being of others. In addition people become callous and numb to such matters because it becomes a part of every day life on the television. When I was growing up I used to always cry whenever an animal died on television. I remember watching Silver Spoons and Ricky Schroeder shot a dear and I was completely broken up about it. Throughout my childhood I would always note my sadness over animal death and my indifference when it came to humans dying on TV. I considered whether there was something wrong with me and wondered why I cared so much more about animals than I did about people. What I now realize is that I did not care more about animals than I did for people…I had become desensitized to the murder and death of human beings. Animals getting killed on TV is a rarity.

Governmental Ties

Revisiting D.W. Griffith and Charlie Chaplin and their ties to the Government, in particular Woodrow Wilson:

Woodrow Wilson's History of the American People explained the Ku Klux Klan as the natural outgrowth of Reconstruction. Wilson noted that the Klan "began to attempt by intimidation what they were not allowed to attempt by the ballot or by any ordered course of public action."

Wilson employed this racist separatist ideology in the White House and throughout the Government:

Wilson took his southern outlooks and feelings towards race with him to the White House. Almost upon taking office, he fired most of the African Americans who held posts within the federal government, and segregated the Navy, which until then had been desegregated. Many of the newly segregated parts of Wilson’s federal government would remain so, clear into the 1950s.

Chaplin raised substantial funds for the war effort during war bond drives not only with public speaking at rallies but also by making, The Bond, a comedic propaganda film used in 1918

The four partners, with advice from McAdoo (son-in-law and former Treasury Secretary of then-President Woodrow Wilson), formed their distribution company.

Hollywood and the Government go hand and hand. Here is a little bit of information regarding the Liberty Bond:

A Liberty Bond was a war bond that was sold in the United States to support the allied cause in World War I. Subscribing to the bonds became a symbol of patriotic duty in the United States and introduced the idea of financial securities to many citizens for the first time. The act of congress which authorized the Liberty Bonds is still used today as the authority under which all U.S. Treasury bonds are issued.

Securities, also known as Liberty Bonds, were issued in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks to finance the rebuilding of the areas affected

The US Government bombed itself on September 11th, they then issued Liberty Bonds again. Noticing a pattern? Charlie Chaplin was an integral part of the U.S war efforts. He first helped raise funds for WWI and then he helped to incite enthusiasm for going to fight for Hitler, Stalin, Bush, Mussolini, and Chamberlain in WWII. Here is a little side note on those AAA U.S Government ensured bonds:

Since the United States had devalued the dollar from $20.67 per troy ounce of gold (the 1918 standard of value) to $35 per troy ounce in the preceding year the 21 million bond holders on Liberty Bonds lost $2.866 billion dollars, approximately 41% of the bond's principal.

At least American’s only lost 41% of their investment. In case anyone is wondering, that is why we went off the Gold standard. It should also be noted that they called them TROY ounces. I thought Rome fell along time ago…

Before World War I, most countries were on the gold standard, with mixed results. Between 1914-1919, most countries suspended the gold standard so they could print enough money to pay for their involvement in the war.

Before World War I they had a set amount of Gold that was tied to green paper. If there was 5 billion worth of gold at Fort Knox there should have been 5 billion in green currency. When there was not enough gold at fort knox to cover the cost of the War they just started printing money. Apparently they printed 41% more in greenbacks than they had in gold (hence the 41% devaluation). I am not an economist and like I said this is all funny money, but I am trying to explain the lunacy as clearly as possible. There is more gold than what is located at Fort Knox, but it is owned by the “warlords.” Instead of devaluing gold, they devalued the paper. Money today is truly worth nothing, but when you get right down to it, money has always been worthless. Gold is quite literally the earth’s bowels. You have to blow open Her belly with dynamite to mine for gold. If God intended for Us to have gold, people would not require dynamite to blow open the earth in order to go and retrieve it. Our Government ran up 700 trillion in debt during this current War (with no end in site). Thank God they no longer print money or there would be no more trees left. Governmentalist and Corporate Interests now have money represented in off shore bank accounts on computer screens. If we ever printed up 700 trillion in green paper, there would be no more green trees left.

Let’s continue reviewing the Arc of Mr. Griffith’s career. The Birth of a Nation first gave rise to MGM and inspired Gone With the Wind. Griffith then partnered with Charlie Chaplin to create more Nazi propaganda, as well as create the first “Gangster Film.” Let’s review a few other Hollywood names:

The veteran producer Joseph Schenck was hired as president. Contracts were signed with a number of independent producers, most notably Samuel Goldwyn, Alexander Korda and Howard Hughes. Schenck also formed a separate partnership with Pickford and Chaplin to buy and build theaters under the United Artists name.

Schenck resigned in 1933 to organize a new company with Darryl F. Zanuck, Twentieth Century Pictures, which soon provided four pictures a year to UA's schedule.

Pickford produced a few films, and at various times Goldwyn, Korda, Walt Disney, Walter Wanger, and David O. Selznick were made "producing partners" (i.e., sharing in the profits), but ownership still rested with the founders. As the years passed and the dynamics of the business changed, these "producing partners" drifted away, Goldwyn and Disney went to RKO, Wanger to Universal Pictures, and Selznick to retirement.

Joseph Schenck was a pimp and a rapist who now resides in hell. The way that “Uncle Joe” treated Marilyn Monroe got him thrown in hell with no chance of parole. I wonder if the term shank come from Schenck…Howard Hughes was the largest manufacturer of military equipment. Daryl Zanuck got brought to his knees by Marilyn Monroe because she became bigger than Twentieth Century pictures. Marilyn Monroe completely changed the landscape of Hollywood due to the demand that she herself created at the box office (irrespective of their shitty, pathetic, propagandist scripts). It is no secret that Walt Disney was also a FreeMason. If you tally it all up Birth of a Nation ultimately created MGM, Twentieth Century FOX, Disney entertainment, Universal Pictures/Studios, and Griffith also had involvement with Paramount PicturesUnited Artist!

The US Government even issued a US stamp with his image on it. Griffith’s partner Charlie also helped put William Morris on the map:

Charlie Chaplin helped forge William Morris Agency's dominance in New York and Hollywood. The new medium of radio provided another frontier to explore.

It can hardly be surprising that the CEO of William Morris Ari Emmanuel is brothers with Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel. Rahm was also the Chief of Staff during the Clinton administration. Their father is a Jewish Iranian Chemist with ties to an Israeli terrorist organization known as the Irgun. I am not making the claim that the Irgun is a terrorist organization, the US Government even classifies them as such. It should also be noted that Charlie Chaplin and D.W. Griffith were both from Jewish ancestry (ironic given their ties to the KKK and Nazism). Hitler was Jewish as well. Here are a few awards named after Griffith and a few more people D.W. helped influence along the way:

In 1953, the Directors Guild of America instituted the D. W. Griffith Award, its highest honor. Its recipients included Stanley Kubrick, David Lean, John Huston, Woody Allen, Akira Kurosawa, John Ford, Ingmar Bergman, Alfred Hitchcock, and Griffith's friend Cecil B. DeMille.

I wonder if the Directors Guild of America (DGA) intentionally made their initials to match D.W. Griffith Award. Here are some more accolades by fellow colleagues:

Motion picture legend Charles Chaplin called Griffith "The Teacher of us All". This sentiment was widely shared. Filmmakers as diverse as John Ford, Alfred Hitchcock and Orson Welles have spoken of their respect for the director. Regardless of whether he actually invented new techniques in film grammar, he seems to have been the first to understand how these techniques could be used to create an expressive language, something that would gain popular recognition with the release of The Birth of a Nation (1915).

The name John Ford jumps off the page. The Ford family are as bad a people as there are in this world.

Throughout its history, the company has faced a wide range of criticisms. Some have accused the early Fordist model of production of being exploitative, and Ford has been criticized as being willing to collaborate with dictatorships or hire mobs to intimidate union leaders and increase their profits through unethical means.

Other accusations were that the company collaborated with the German Nazi regime and relied on Germany. The German Ford company used slave labor in Cologne between 1941 and 1945 and it had produced military vehicles such as jeeps, planes, and ships used by a fascist regime.

Defenders of the company argue that the Ford German division, Fordwerke, had been taken over by the Nazi government after it rose to power, claiming that it was not under the company's control. According to court records, however, Henry Ford maintained ownership of Fordwerke’s.

Let’s review John Ford’s resume and see if his ideology is in line with Ford Motors:

John Ford (February 1, 1894 – August 31, 1973)[1] was an American film director of Irish heritage famous for both his westerns such as Stagecoach, The Searchers, and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, and adaptations of such classic 20th-century American novels as The Grapes of Wrath. His four Best Director Academy Awards (1935, 1940, 1941, 1952) is a record.

In a career that spanned more than 50 years, Ford directed over 140 films and he is widely regarded as one of the most important and influential filmmakers of his generation.[2] Ford's films and personality were held in high regard by his colleagues.

Ford was born John Martin "Jack" Feeney. Feeney attended high school in Boston He moved to California and began acting and working in film production for his older brother Francis in 1914, taking "Jack Ford" as a stage name. In addition to credited roles, he appeared uncredited as a Klansman in D.W. Griffith's 1915 classic, The Birth of a Nation, as the man who lifts up one side of his hood so he can see clearly.

The question is…Are the people reading this starting to see clearly?

He won two more Academy Awards during this time, one for the semi-documentary The Battle of Midway (1942), and a second for the propaganda film December 7th (1943). Commander Ford was a veteran of the Battle of Midway, he received enemy fire while filming the Japanese attack from Sand Island's power plant, Ford was wounded in the arm by shrapnel.

Ford was present on Omaha Beach on D-Day. As head of the photographic unit for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), he crossed the English Channel on the USS Plunkett (DD-431), anchored off Omaha Beach. He observed the first wave land on the beach from the ship, landing on the beach himself later with a team of US Coast Guard cameramen who filmed the battle from behind the beach obstacles, with Ford directing operations. The film was edited in London, but very little was released to the public. Ford explained that all of the D-Day film "still exists in color in storage in Anacostia near Washington, D.C.

Here is the quick resume of his brother Francis Ford:

Francis Ford (August 14, 1881 – September 5, 1953) was a prolific film actor, writer, and director. He was the older brother of film director John Ford. He also appeared in many of John Ford's movies, including Young Mr. Lincoln and The Quiet Man.

He starred in the 1912 two-reeler The Deserter by Thomas H. Ince and acted in over 400 films.

These fine FreeMason schmucks were both born with the last name Freeney and each of them decided to change their last name to Ford (respectively). What an amazing coincidence that President Gerald Ford was born Lesley Lynch King Jr. and he too decided to change his name to Gerald Ford. Since he grew up in Michigan it makes more cents.

Things are not always Black and White. Here are a couple examples of ugly black people to illustrate the polarizing opposite end of the spectrum.

The Other End of The Polarized Spectrum

Oscar Micheaux released Within Our Gates, in response to Birth of a Nation. Notably, he reversed a key scene of Griffith's film by depicting a white man assaulting a black woman

Oscar Devereaux Micheaux (2 January 1884 – 25 March 1951) was an American author and film director. Although predated by the short lived Lincoln Motion Picture Company that put out smaller films, he is regarded as the first African-American feature filmmaker, and the most prominent producer of race films

W. E. B. Du Bois and other black historians favorably reviewed the film Birth of a Nation. Mr. Du Bois was an ardent supporter of President Woodrow Wilson

William Edward Burghardt Du Bois February 23, 1868 – August 27, 1963) was an American sociologist, historian, author, and editor. Historian David Levering Lewis wrote, "In the course of his long, turbulent career, W. E. B. Du Bois attempted virtually every possible solution to the problem of twentieth-century racism—propaganda, integration, national self-determination, human rights, cultural and economic separatism.

Isn’t integration and separatism mutually exclusive? When examining WEB DuBois career We find several hypocrisies and contradictions. Here are a couple titles of his books:

I Take My Stand for Peace (1951)

Peace Is Dangerous (1951)

It is pretty amazing that he wrote these two books in the same year. WEB is no doubt a hypocritical integrationist/separatist. That must be how he gained acceptance into Harvard in the early 1900’s.

W. E. B. Du Bois graduated Harvard University, where he earned his Ph.D in History, Du Bois later became a professor of history and economics at Atlanta University. He became the head of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1910, becoming founder and editor of the NAACP's journal The Crisis. Du Bois rose to national attention in his opposition to ideas of social integration between whites and blacks, and the formation of a Black elite that would work for the progress of the African American race.

Du Bois was the most prominent intellectual leader and political activist on behalf of African Americans in the first half of the twentieth century. Du Bois is viewed by many as a modern day prophet. In 1909 Du Bois with a group of like-minded supporters founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

WEB Dubois started his racist separatist work in Atlanta where the KKK is headquartered. He of course comes from a long line of slave owners:

William Edward Burghardt Du Bois was born on February 23, 1868, in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, to Alfred Du Bois and Mary Silvina Burghardt Du Bois. He grew up in Great Barrington, a predominately Anglo American town. Mary Silvina Burghardt's family was part of the very small free black population of Great Barrington, having long owned land in the state. Their family descended from Dutch and African ancestors. According to Du Bois, several of his maternal ancestors were notably involved in regional history.

Alfred Du Bois, from Haiti, was of French Huguenot and African descent. His grandfather was Dr. James Du Bois of Poughkeepsie, New York. Dr. Du Bois's family was rewarded extensive lands in the Bahamas for its support of King George III during the American Revolution. On Long Cay, Bahamas, James Du Bois fathered several children with slave mistresses. When he returned to New York in 1812, James brought with him John and Alexander, two of his sons, to be educated in Connecticut.

This is the man that founded the NAACP. If anyone has ever wondered why race relations do not progress it is because of people like this (everyone included in this writing). Bob Marley says in his song I Shot The Sherriff “Sherriff John Brown always hated I for what I don’t know…Every time I plant a seed he says kill it before it grow.” John Brown is the founder of Brown University in Boston Rode Island. John Brown is also the man who created the triangle slave trade:

John Brown (January 27, 1736 – September 20, 1803) was an American merchant, slave trader, and statesman from Providence, Rhode Island. In 1764, John Brown joined his brother Nicholas Brown as well as William Ellery, the Baptist Reverend James Manning, the Congregationalist Reverend and later Yale College president Ezra Stiles, former Chief Justice of the English Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations Stephen Hopkins and several others as an original fellow or trustee for the chartering of the College in the English Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations (the original name for Brown University) John Brown sold the United States Navy its first ship, the USS Providence (1775)

Brown's involvement in the Triangular Trade of African slaves has never been addressed by Brown University.

The best-known triangular trading system is the Transatlantic Triangular Trade, that operated during the 17th, 18th, and early 19th centuries, carrying slaves, crops, and manufactured goods between West Africa, Caribbean or American colonies and the European colonial powers, with the northern colonies of British North America, especially New England, sometimes taking over the role of Europe.

The use of African slaves was fundamental to growing colonial crops, which were exported to Europe. European goods, in turn, were used to purchase African slaves, which were then brought on the sea lane west from Africa to the Americas, the so called middle passage

The reason I bring John Brown up is because WEB wrote a book glamorizing this fine man.

John Brown is a biography written by W.E.B. Du Bois about the abolitionist John Brown. Published in 1909 it tells the story of John Brown, from his Christian rural upbringing, to his failed business ventures and finally his "blood feud" with the institution of slavery as a whole. Its moral symbolizes the significance and impact of a white abolitionist at the time, a sign of threat for white slave owners and those who believed that only blacks were behind the idea of freeing slaves.

This man is the founder of the NAACP? Really! We can see how history in academia tends to repaint itself. The founder of the slave trade We are supposed to believe was one of the leading figures in abolishing slavery. That is probably the reason slavery still exists TODAY. Here is the definition of abolitionism in order to help you with any potential confusion:


1. a person who advocated or supported the abolition of slavery in the U.S.

2. a person who favors the abolition of any law or practice deemed harmful to society

WEB was also a big fan of Hitler and Stalin. This makes cents since the U.S was partners with Russia and Germany. Here is what he had to say about Germany after visiting:

During 1936 Du Bois visited Nazi Germany. He later noted that he had received more respect from German academics than he had from American colleagues. On his return to the United States, he voiced his ambivalence about the Nazi regime. While admiring how the Nazis had improved the German economy, he felt like the treatment of the labor left something to be desired.

The labor he is referring to is that done by the starving slaves in the concentration camps. This is what WEB had to say about the murderous Joseph Stalin shortly after he died:

In March 16, 1953, upon the death of Joseph Stalin, Du Bois controversially wrote of him in The National Guardian:

Joseph Stalin was a great man; few other men of the 20th century approach his stature. He was simple, calm and courageous. He seldom lost his poise; pondered his problems slowly, made his decisions clearly and firmly; never yielded to ostentation nor coyly refrained from holding his rightful place with dignity. He was the son of a serf but stood calmly before the great without hesitation or nerves. But also - and this was the highest proof of his greatness - he knew the common man, felt his problems, followed his fate


The reason there are so many African’s living in America with the last name Brown is because that was the last name John Brown gave them. That is why they were called “Brown.” Since the NFL allowed African’s in the NFL there have been 240 African’s with the last name Brown. The next closest is probably Washington. This nation was built on slavery. Jim Brown played for the Cleveland Brown’s. Named after a white man named Paul Brown. The Cincinnati Bengals stadium is called Paul Brown. This should not be surprising since the Skull and Bones Walter Camp founded the NFL. Most of the “Browns” with Brown skin were former slaves (Willie Brown being an example of an exception). James Brown is the opposite of Willie Brown. Jackson is another popular slave name. Michael Jackson-Reggie Jackson. Andrew Jackson was a slave owning President…The Prime Minister of England is Gordon BROWN. The man who wrote the Da Vinci code is named Dan Brown.

While playing the name association game does anyone know what U.S Stands for? It obviously means US and Them. But beyond United States it also means Uncle Sam. The man known as Uncle Sam is called Ulysses S. Grant (U.S. GRANT). His birth name was Hiram Ulysses. He married his sister and they were one of the largest slave owning families in America. Which is ironic since Grant was supposed to be Lincoln’s commander for the Republican army in the civil war. Like Guns N Roses says: “What is so civil about war anyways.” Grant was supposed to be fighting against the slave owning Confederates for the freedom of Africans. More repainted history. “Honest Abe” never freed a slave. US Grant’s father was named John Root. Halliburton used to be named Brown and Root. Prescott Bush funded the Nazi war effort through Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH). They were located in St. Louis, which also happens to be where US Grant’s ranch is located. The Busch Clydesdales are located on Ulysess S. Grant’s ranch in St. Louis. It must be another Busch, their name is spelled with a c. Just like David Murock who owns Hawaii and Dole through Castle and Cooke is not related to Rupert Murdoch because of a one letter difference in the spelling. The Bush’s from Texas have the lone star logo, which also happens to be the logo that Law Enforcement uses throughout the U.S.. Either way the Busch’s/Bush’s are going to have you behind bars (prison bars or drinking Busch beer in bars).

Before Dick and Bush took office they merged Dresser industries with Halliburton (all in the family). Dresser industries is another murderous firm and the Bush’s had a seven billion dollar settlement against them for poisoning people with home insulation materials that caused cancer. Therefore, they merged with Halliburton did some restructuring and stiffed the people they poisoned and their family. These people are poison that is why they are members of the Skull and Bones (Poison Logo).

Let’s go back to WEB and more black turds willing to carry on this fine tradition of racism and separatism, breaking up the One Loving. Take that Harvard Gimp professor Henry Louis Gates for example. He is a member of George Bush’s Skull and Bones Yale fraternity as well. People might remember this BOSTON professors run in with the law and Barack Obama defending him:

Henry Louis “Skip” Gates, Jr., B.A., Ph.D. (born September 16, 1950) is an American literary critic, educator, scholar, writer, editor and public intellectual.

He serves as the Alphonse Fletcher University Professor at Harvard University, where he is Director of the W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and African

Gates graduated from Piedmont High School in 1968 and attended Potomac State College in Keyser, West Virginia before earning his undergraduate B.A. degree at Yale University, summa cum laude, in History.

Gates discovered Our Nig by Harriet E. Wilson, written in 1859 and thus the first novel in the United States written by a black person. He followed this discovery by acquiring and authenticating the manuscript of The Bondwoman's Narrative by Hannah Crafts, a novel from the same period that scholars believe may have been written as early as 1853, which would give it precedence as the first novel by a black person. It was first published in 2002 and became a bestseller

This Uncle Tom claims that the first piece of AFRICAN literature was titled Our Nig. The first piece of African literature is known as the Bible. African’s come from Zion. I Rusalem used to be attached to Africa until the FreeMason’s blew open the Suez canal and split the Red Sea (not like Moses) in order to get Oil to Europe quicker. The term Nig-Nigga-Nigger-Niger-Nigeria is a defacement of the term Negus referring to African Kings and Queens. Here is a little bit more on Gates contributions to black culture.

In 1992, he received a George Polk Award for his social commentary in The New York Times. Gates's prominence in this field led to his being called as a witness on behalf of the controversial Florida rap group 2 Live Crew in an obscenity case. He argued that the material which the government charged was profane, had important roots in African-American vernacular speech, games, and literary traditions, and should be protected.

2 Live Crew has nothing to do with African culture and has everything to do with New World Order culture:

You see me and my homies like to play this game

You call it half track but we all call it the train

We always line up in a single file line

And take all our turns to wax a girl's behind

But when it came to me I was shit out of luck

I'd stick my dick in and it would get stuck

The girl would say stop

I'd say I'm not

That's enough I quit cos you're a busting me out

I say girl don't hide it

Just divide it

And please don't knock it until you've tried it

So to all of you bitches and all you homes

Lets have group sex

and do the rambo

(Somebody say Hey we want some pussy)

(Hey we want some pussy)

(Somebody say Hey we want some pussy)

(Hey we want some pussy)

I'm the peter piper of the 1980's

Got a long hard dick for all of the ladies

I don't care if you got pretty faces

If you work this dick in my Mercedes

If you wanna blow

Just let me know

we can go backstage at the end of the show

I will look at you

And you will look at me

With my dick and my hand and you on your knees

I don't care what you do cos I won't say please

Just nibble on my dick like a rat does cheese

(Somebody say Hey we want some pussy)

(Hey we want some pussy)

(Somebody say Hey we want some pussy)

(Hey we want some pussy)

Holy shit!

This is the Pirate way-Not the African Way. 2PAC represents Hip Hop and African culture NOT 2Live Crew. That is why Gates and his Skull and Bones crew had Him and Biggie sacrificed. Right now they are relaxing in the Thugz Mansion. Both of them addressed the problems of the inner cities and described the ills that were plaguing their communities. They were visual stenographers. “Crack came and it was strange how it rocked us.” The Skull and Bones only represent those who exacerbate inner city problems. 2Live Crew and their ilk are part of the problems with the inner city. Tupac definitely was guilty of objectifying women, however, he also wrote songs like Dear Mama and Brenda’s Got a Baby. It is important to remember that he was only 26 when he was sacrificed. I have no doubt that if he was still physically here today, he would express an even greater respect for women. If I were to compare my views on women today, versus when I was 26, there would be no comparison. Truth be told, my feelings might not have changed much if I did not turn off my television. The first way evil men divided the population was by creating division between man and woman. Think about that story of Adam and Eve again. In later writings I will explore the apple and my interpretation. There has been one female super hero-Wonder Woman. It never gained the worldwide acceptance of Super-Man, Robin Hood, or Bat Man. There is another Robin Hood out in the theatres right now. How can a bat be a hero? Bats are like vampires they operate in the darkness. Bats are rats with wings. They are the only wings that evil men get when they reincarnate. That is why the largest population of Bats resides in Austin Texas (big surprise).

In addition to no longer watching television I stopped listening to gangster rap. It is total garbage and it does in fact objectify women. Now that I have rid myself of those terrible inputs I Am seeing clearly again. Sadly, I do not listen to very much hip hop anymore either (including Tupac and Biggie). The reason for this is that I will not listen to African’s call themselves “Nigga.” Every time they do so they are working for people like WEB Dubois and Louis Gates (Our Nig). Haile Selassie I, Bob Marley, Jene Harlow, and Marilyn Monroe are all Negus’s. These German linguists at the NAACP knew exactly what they were doing when they gave the word Nigga back to African’s so they could call themselves Niggers as a term of endearment. The word is also divisive because only blacks are allowed to call each other the term (reverse racism). If a “white” person says it, they are a racist (race bating). If you listen to a radio version of a song that uses the words Fuck or Shit they will replace those terms with synonymous words. If the radio is playing a song that uses the word Nigga they will mute it. The reason they do this is because the people listening know that the word Nigga goes there. Therefore, they have to actively say the word to themselves. It is called active learning, as opposed to passive learning. Those people are sick and everyone seems to have fallen into the traps they set for us. I used to have an extensive collection of Hip Hop and the only artist that does not use the word Nigga (in my collection) is Wyclef (though I think they use the word when they were the Fugees). Pretty amazing that intelligent Men and women cannot figure out what is going on…

Back to the Gates’s. What is the name of the founder of Microsoft? What a coincidence that Robert Gates who was the head of Texas A & M makes his home in Seattle Washington next to Bill Gates. Robert Gates started working for the CIA in 1966 and was head of the CIA between 1991-1993. If you look on Robert Gates Wikipedia page it does not mention his parents or where he came from. His father’s name was Thomas Gates and he was defense secretary between 1959 and 1961 for Dwight Eisenhower. Stupid Pirates. Tell me more about how Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are helping fight AIDS in Africa…Buffett is a member of the Bohemian Club.

The name "Bavarian" ("Baiuvarii") means "Men of Baia" which may indicate Bohemia

These people created AIDS and they have no intention of curing it. If they did, they would take their own medicine that they are pedaling in Africa. Once the Skull and Bones, FreeMasons, and Bohemian Club are all gone, all diseases will be cured. BMW stands for Bavarian Motor Works. People need to get on the Zion Train Bob Marley Wailers. Bavaria is where the Pope was born and where he worked for the Nazi regime. That is why he wears the KKK’s white robe.

Barack Obama’s father studied Economics at Harvard as well. He worked for The UK in Kenya enslaving African’s. Cornell West attended Yale Seminary school, that is why he looks like such a gool. Don’t even get me started on Nelson Mandela and Robert Mbeke. People have been duped into believing that because someone is “black” they will have African’s best interest in mind. Things are just as bad (if not worse) in African mines today as they were before the end of Apartheid. Nelson Mandela went to the same school as Robert Mugabe and Mugabe is one of the worst warlords in all of Africa. What do you think they are teaching at these universities? Answer: Exploitation. These are the schools Nelson Mandela was educated at:

University of Fort Hare

University of London External System

University of South Africa

University of the Witwatersrand

RAND is the name of the currency in South Africa. RAND is also the inventor of War Games and they are the most nefarious company on the planet. The mines in South Africa are called RAND as well. I will explain the origin of the name RAND shortly. If anyone believes these heathens were giving up Witwatersrand mines where 40% of the Earth’s gold is mined they are out of their mind. As fate would have it RAND corporation moved their headquarters from VIRGINIA (CIA Headquarters) to Santa Monica when I moved to Santa Monica. I moved to SAMO in 2003 and they started construction on their new headquarters then. They officially moved their headquarters to Santa Monica on April 13, 2005. I also happened to have been born on April 13, 1976. If you are wondering if they are FreeMason’s consider how they structured their new building:

The unique facility design grew from RAND's requirements that the building stimulate employees. From overhead, it is reminiscent of the CBS eye logo, enclosing a secure, open-air courtyard.

Their address is 1776. I had the privilege of being taken to their private prison in their plush Santa Monica headquarters. They were nice enough to beat me, threatened to kill Me, and then after cutting off all of my clothing (except my underwear) they shoved a knife in my ass. When I realized that they opened up their offices on my birthday I thought it was in my honor. It turns out that it was in their founders honor. Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13th.

Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743 into a family closely related to some of the most prominent individuals in Virginia, the third of ten children. Two died in childhood. His mother was Jane RANDolph, daughter of Isham Randolph, a ship's captain and sometime planter, first cousin to Peyton Randolph, and granddaughter of wealthy English gentry. Jefferson's father was Peter Jefferson, a planter and surveyor in Albemarle County (Shadwell, then Edge Hill, Virginia.) He was of probable Welsh descent. When Colonel William Randolph, an old friend of Peter Jefferson, died in 1745, Peter assumed executorship and personal charge of William Randolph's estate in Tuckahoe as well as his infant son, Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr.

Thomas Jefferson was supposed to have written the declaration of independence in 1776 (that is why their address is 1776). They also own 76 gas stations. Their fortress is built on lies. If you look up the Skull and Bones Declaration of Independence documents for every country in the world, you will see that the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1876. Mexico became known as America and declared its independence from France. This might be surprising because America was supposed to have been a British colony, but that is what the document says. France’s flag is Red, White, and Blue too. The name RAND comes from RANDolph. For further proof of the confusion regarding a supposed conflict with Britain during 1776 consider the 4th of July story. “And the bombs busting in air, gave through through the night that our flag was still there.” We are supposed to believe that America got into a fight with Britain over a tax on tea in 1776 and the Boston Tea Party erupted. If you look at the Triangle Slave trade, you will notice that they were on a barter system back then.

The use of African slaves was fundamental to growing colonial crops, which were exported to Europe. European goods, in turn, were used to purchase African slaves, which were then brought on the sea lane west from Africa to the Americas, the so called middle passage

If there was no money, how could there have been a TAX on Tea? The reason 4th of July is celebrated is because it is the day that Thomas Jefferson died. The reason they moved their headquarters from Virginia (where Thomas was born) to Santa Monica was to keep their eye on Me. They opened up on April 13th was in honor of him. If you want to find out what happened to RANDolph’s ancestors that is easy.

William Randolph Hearst (April 29, 1863 – August 14, 1951) was an American newspaper magnate and leading newspaper publisher.

Hearst translates to death. Here are the names of his children:

George Randolph Hearst (1904–1972)

William Randolph Hearst, Jr. (1908–1993)

John Randolph Hearst (1910–1958)

Randolph Apperson Hearst (1915–2000)

One of the most influential films of all time was Orson Welles' 1941 film Citizen Kane, which was based on Hearst's life

Only the Devil would do this:

Hearst sympathized with Harry J. Anslinger in his war against marijuana. Between 1936 and 1937, Hearst associated marijuana with hemp in his newspapers and published many of the stories that Anslinger fabricated. Hearst played a major part in aiding the anti-marijuana movement, leading to its prohibition in the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, a law which also effectively outlawed hemp.

Jack Herer and others argue that Hearst's paper empire (he owned hundreds of thousands of acres of timber forests and a vast number of paper mills designed to manufacture paper from wood pulp) in the early 1930s was threatened by hemp, which: 1) like wood pulp, could also be used to manufacture paper and 2) also had an advantage over wood pulp, because it could be regrown yearly as well

The Bible was originally written on Hemp paper. Hearse media is one of the largest global media empires. They control the information…These are the animals that control South Africa. Paying poor African’s in RAND toilet paper as they steel the earth’s bowels for fools Gold. They did not give the mines back to Nelson Mandela, if they did, they would not still be paying African’s in RAND. Citizen Kane’s grandson William Randolph Hearst Jr. Jr. Jr. owns Kleiner Perkins and Caufield. The world’s largest venture capital fund. That is where Al Gore works on “Green” technologies. I got your Inconvenient Truth Al. Al senior owned Tobacco farms and Coal mines. Coal is one of the leading causes of pollution today. Al is what Washington calls a “philanthropist” (like Warren and Bill). Something tells Me that the people at RAND never gave the mines back to the African people. Real African’s know that life is worth much more than gold. If Africa had been given back to her people they would have stopped mining for worthless minerals already. They would not continue to enslave the majority of the population while they get poisoned in the earth’s belly mining for bowels. Mandela claims to have been educated in London while in prison (foreign exchange program I guess). WitwatersRAND was supposed to be an all white school, how did Mandela manage to attend during Apartheid? Witwatersrand Motto is Knowledge and Labor. Don’t even get me started on Bantu Investment Corporation. Here is how you know for sure that the RANDOLPHS never gave up any control of mines in South Africa (or anywhere else).

The surname of RAND was a baptismal name 'the son of Randolph'. This Germanic personal name was composed of the elements RAND (rim of a shield) and WOLF. The earliest record of the name of Rand found in America is that of James Rand, who came to Plymouth, Massachusetts, in the ship "Arm," in 1623, and the next year had a share in the division of land. He was a forebear of Thomas Jefferson and Robert E. Lee. Robert had seven sons, each of whom inherited an estate

ARM currently owns 25% of all of the mines in Africa. They also manufacture weapons in Africa through ARMascor. If you want to learn more about ARMGOLD/Anglo American/DeBeers and what these heathens are really up to in Africa, I suggest you read this article:

The Chairman of Anglo American is “Sir” John Parker. Before he started running Anglo he was CEO of Harland and Wolff. They are the largest military contractor in England. Their logo is a FreeMason sign. They are the equivalent of John Brown in America. John Brown was a military ship builder as well. This makes cents since these men are Pirates.

Herreshoff (pronounced "Herres-hoff") was born in Bristol, Rhode Island. Herreshoff returned to Bristol where he and his older brother,John Brown Herreshoff, formed the Herreshoff Manufacturing Co. While the firm's early work centered on steam-powered vessels, by the 1890s the Herreshoffs began focusing on the yacht designs that would win their firm world renown and earn Nat another sobriquet: "the Wizard of Bristol." Herreshoff Manufacturing built its reputation chiefly on the superbly crafted sailboats it produced for America's elite, including Jay Gould, William Randolph Hearst, JP Morgan, Cornelius Vanderbilt III, Harold Stirling Vanderbilt, William Kissam Vanderbilt II, Harry Payne Whitney and Alexander Smith Cochran.

Here are a couple of the ships that Harland and Wolff built:

The shipyard has built many ships; among the more famous are the Titanic and White Star.

We know what happened to the Titanic…What do the Wolfe’s know about the BlackStar Liner? You can’t see a Black Star coming-Marcus Garvey is Haile Selassie’s Father. Marcus Garvey was born at St. Anne’s Church in Jamaica. Same Church that Bob Marley was born again. They broke into Marcus office and sprayed his place up with bullets as well. The Wolfe’s then poisoned Him like they poisoned Bob Marley. They also poisoned Haile Selassie I, Marilyn Monroe, and Jene Harlow. “Man you’re just a big disgrace-can’t get I outta the race-I said I Am in your place-I’ll make you draw a Bad Card.”

During the 1920s, Du Bois engaged in a bitter feud with Marcus Garvey. They disagreed over whether African Americans could be assimilated as equals into American society. Their dispute descended to personal attacks, sometimes based on ancestry. Du Bois wrote, "Garvey is, without doubt, the most dangerous enemy of the Negro race in America and in the world. He is either a lunatic or a traitor." Garvey described Du Bois as "purely and simply a white man's nigger"

One final note on WEB:

He also wrote columns published weekly in many newspapers, including the Hearst-owned San Francisco Chronicle

All in the family!

One Love

Hollywood is only interested in black and white stories. They are not interested in doing a movie about Jesus who was sacrificed on August 25th 1975. The Russians and the UK poisoned H.I.M in his own home while under house arrest in Itheopia. They are not interested in doing a movie on Jesus’ Son King David aka Bob Marley, because His message is One Love. “Have no fear of the Wolf Pack.” The CIA labeled Bob Marley the most dangerous Man in America (and he did not even live in America). Timothy White’s book Catch A Fire released previously classified CIA documents showing the US Governments involvement in the attempted murder of Bob Marley. The reason they decided to break into his place and spray bullets all across his home where his friends and family (including children) were located is because Bob Marley wanted to unite the people of Jamaica and have everybody get together and feel alright. That did not fit with their agenda of Black and White (or black on black). They ultimately settled on poisoning him using plutonium. Here is the Anti-Hollywood message:

A house built on granite and strong foundations, not even the onslaught of pouring rain, gushing torrents and strong winds will be able to pull down. Some people have written the story of my life representing as truth what in fact derives from ignorance, error or envy; but they cannot shake the truth from its place, even if they attempt to make others believe it.

—Preface to My Life and Ethiopia's Progress, Autobiography of H.I.M. Haile Selassie I (English translation)

That until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned: That until there are no longer first-class and second-class citizens of any nation; That until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes; That until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race; That until that day, the dream of lasting peace and world citizenship and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion, to be pursued but never attained and until the ignoble but unhappy regimes that hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique, and in South Africa in subhuman bondage have been toppled and destroyed; until bigotry and prejudice and malicious and inhuman self-interest have been replaced by understanding and tolerance and goodwill; until all Africans stand and speak as free human beings, equal in the eyes of the Almighty; until that day, the African continent shall not know peace. We Africans will fight if necessary and we know that we shall win as we are confident in the victory of good over evil.

—English translation of 1963 Speech delivered to the United Nations and popularized in a song called War by Bob Marley.

Apart from the Kingdom of the Lord there is not on this earth any nation that is superior to any other.

Jesus and King David knew what was going on: “To divide and rule could only tear Us apart. In every man’s chest there beats a heart. So soon we’ll find out who is the real revolutionaries and I don’t want my people to be tricked- by Mercenaries.”

Final Tie To FreeMasonry

Griffith died of cerebral hemorrhage in 1948 on the way to a Hollywood hospital, after being discovered unconscious in his room at the Knickerbocker Hotel in Los Angeles, where he had been living alone. There was a large public service in his honor at the Hollywood Masonic Temple, where numerous stars came to pay their last respects.

Hollywood Masonic Temple, now known as the El Capitan Entertainment Centre, is a building on Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California that was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1985. The building was designed by architect John C. Austin, also noted as the lead architect of the Griffith Observatory

The man who built the Hollywood FreeMason Temple also built the Griffith Observatory. It is very easy to identify FreeMason architecture. Look up the Hollywood Masonic Temple. You will notice that it has pillars that look like prison bars in front of it. You will also find this architectural motif throughout Washington (including the White House), Universities all over the world (including WhitwatersRAND), The Lincoln Memorial, Court Houses, etc…If it resembles a prison it was made by a FreeMason. Current use of the Masonic Temple:

With the renovation of the El Capitan Theater next door in the early 1990s, Disney began leasing the building for special events, including its use as a "toy box" for the 1995 premiere of "Toy Story." In 1998, Disney purchased the building. In 2002, after extensive renovation, Disney reopened the building as the El Capitan Entertainment Centre. Disney restored original fixtures, including backlighted stone filigree, wrought iron torchieres, Batchelder tiles and old post boxes once used by Masonic officers. As of 2008, ABC's late-night talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live! originates from a studio in the building.

ABC (American Baptist Church) is of course owned by the Disney Company. Michael Eisner is the great grandson of a German FreeMason Kurt EISNER:

Kurt Eisner (14 May 1867 in Berlin – 21 February 1919 in Munich) was a Bavarian politician and journalist. As a German socialist journalist and statesman, he organized the Socialist Revolution that overthrew the Wittelsbach monarchy in Bavaria.

If you look up Kurt Eisner on Wikipedia and then look at Michael Eisner’s picture you will notice they have an identical hairline. Michael’s wife’s last name is Breckendridge:

Established in 1859, the historic Town of Breckenridge is a Home Rule Municipality that is the county seat of Summit County, Colorado.

Prospectors entered what is now Summit County (then part of Utah Territory) during the Pikes Peak Gold Rush of 1859, soon after the placer gold discoveries farther east at Idaho Springs. Breckenridge was founded to serve the miners working rich placer gold deposits discovered along the Blue River. Placer gold mining was soon joined by hard rock mining, as prospectors followed the gold to its source veins in the hills.

Breckenridge is a city in Stephens County, Texas, United States. Breckenridge was a major oil producer in the early 1920s.

Breckenridge is a city in Wilkin County, Minnesota, United States

Breckenridge is a village in Gratiot County in the U.S. state of Michigan.

Hitler of course was a FreeMason. The highest level of FreeMasonry is 33. Jacob was the first Christ (which means Cross) and He had 33 Children. The most commonly know Jesus was sacrificed at the age of 33. The Jewish star also represents 33. The Star represents The Father The Son and The Holy Spirit in a triangle 3. The other triangle represents The Mother The Daughter and The Holy Spirit. The Star represents the Union of the two in the form of a 69-3+3. When did Hitler take control of Germany? Answer 1933.

The original FreeMason temple in Hollywood is located at the Kodak theatre (the creators of Black and White). The finals of Fox’s American Idol are filmed at the Kodak theatre. If you go on Charlie Chaplin’s Wikipedia page you will see him smiling taking a black and white photo with Max Eastman (of Eastman Kodak). Let’s look at some of the assets of Fox’s Rupert Murdoch. He owns all of the Fox Channels (including Fox News and Fox Sports). He owns all of the satellites and that is how he is able to control the content and deliver DirectTV (which he also owns). Rupert owns My Space and You Tube. Has anyone seen the programming on Fox or Fox News? 24 goes along nicely with Donald Rumsfeld’s agenda. Everyone is trying to deploy nukes on American soil and only a militarily trained white guy with blond hair can save America within 24 hrs. Fox News has Ollie North as an “on scene” reporter. That covers the pro-war part- now let us consider the pro-business side. Rupert Murdoch owns the Wall Street Journal and it is pretty safe to say the WSJ is “pro-business.” The Wall Street Journal is owned by Dow Jones, of the Dow Chemicals listing of companies. Every single channel is pro Government and pro BusyNess.

Propaganda is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state.

Rupert Murdoch is Joseph Goebbels son. Does anyone remember what Joseph Goebbels title was?

Paul Joseph Goebbels (29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945) was a German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.

Rupert Murdoch was born in 1931, that means Joseph was 34 years old when he sired Rupert. Joseph is Hitler’s brother and that makes Rupert Hitler’s nephew. Rupert started his propaganda career in Broken Hill Australia. The worlds other largest mining company is also headquartered in Broken Hill Australia BHP Billiton. They also own Shell Gas Company. If you go to you will find a MarketWatch link on their site. This site used to be called CBS marketwatch. You can type in and it will take you to WSJ’s site. It is all in the family. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Bush, and Chamberlain were never deposed. If you want further proof that they were all partners I suggest you review Time Magazine’s Men of the Year.,16641,19400101,00.html,9171,847526,00.html,9171,760539-3,00.html

If you want to learn more about Prescott Bush who was on the board of directors at CBS once he retired from politics…I suggest you purchase his biography An American Hero. Do you see how they repaint history? These people are Devil’s and they are proud of it. Look at the New AOL Logo:

The original logo for AMERICA Online was of course the FreeMason all seeing eye. The founder of AOL is Steve Case and he is the second largest landowner in Hawaii. Behind David Murdoch who owns DOLE foods. That is not a hang loose sign-those are Devil’s horns. George Bush flashes that sign all the time. AOL Merged with TIME Warner (BROS)-the writers of the above articles. Hopefully your picture is becoming more clear.

Nobody ever arrested any of the Five Usual Suspects. They blew everything up and then they all disappeared with new names and identities like Keyser Sozi.

The German term Nazi parallels the analogous political term Sozi, an abbreviation for a member of the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (Social Democratic Party of Germany)

The name of the FBI agent in the Usual Suspects was named Jack Baer (these guys are not as smart as they thought). The writer of this movie Christopher McQuarrie also writes the TV show House for Fox.

Does anyone know who runs United Artist Today?

In November 2006, Tom Cruise and Paula Wagner announced that they had taken over United Artists film studio. Cruise acts as a producer and star in films for United Artists, while Wagner serves as UA's chief executive. Production began in 2007 of Valkyrie, a thriller based on the July 20, 1944 assassination attempt against Adolf Hitler

We now know that Hitler was never deposed. The man who wrote Tom’s first movie for United Artist…Christopher McQuarrie-

Say Cheese!

In later writings I will examine where all five of these dead men’s descendants are today.

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