Saturday, August 22, 2009

What Hate Tried To Break

The true cost of Ethnic Cleansing cannot fully be understood without talking about the fracture of brother and sister. In my previous Peace titled The Seed of Love I documented instances throughout the Bible where husband and wives were also brother and sister. I offered the story of Jacob’s latter and there is no doubt that this latter was built between brother and sister-sister and brother. Any white coat or biblical scholar that wants to challenge the facts as I have presented them is more than welcomed to get in touch with me and explain their position.

The reason Bob Marley always says I and I is because he is referring to David and Jesus-Mary and Jane. That is why God always comes in the form of Sons of Man and in the form of two women. Intelligent life is described as the ability to grow and learn new things. A mother and father’s job is to teach their seed what they have learned about life. The only lesson worth learning or teaching is how to grow your Loving. This message of Love is then passed onto your seed and grows from there. That is why Bob Marley told Ziggy before he reincarnated…”Don’t gain the world and lose your Soul…Wisdom is worth more than Diamonds and Gold.”

God is Love and any man or woman that does not know God, cannot profess to possess any true wisdom. Wisdom and knowing God are inextricably linked. An atheist claiming to have wisdom, would be the equivalent of Millie or Vanillie arguing they had talent because they were able to lip synch without people realizing they were complete frauds. When you are perpetrating a fraud, it is only a matter of time, before the truth comes to light. When this happens, everyone will realize that the sum total of your work adds up to nothing.

The reason that Mussolini and Hitler Co. decided to do some ethnic cleansing was in order to prevent God’s children from inbreeding. That is why modern medicine claims that brother’s and sister’s having children will cause birth defects. Are you starting to understand medicine’s real intention? God manages to put his children together when it comes time to have children, however, this does not prevent the fallout caused by this lack of Sister-Brother Loving. When you grow up Loving your sister or brother, you get to know each other in a very intimate way. Understanding is the foundation of every relationship and who could possibly understand you better than your own brother or sister? Children who grow up together learn to Love each other without conditions. This fracture between brother and sister has been the primary source of the Schism between Man and Woman.

Literally severing this Union until finally things have gotten to where We are today. Where the Son and the Moon are almost at polar opposites about ready to turn the earth into a washing machine. There would be plenty of chemicals involved in both scrubbings. The Son and Moon’s wash will be in order to remove chemicals. In the case of Detergent, people are adding chemicals to clean their clothes. This schism prevents both sexes from gaining an intimate understanding of the opposite sex. In the middle-east little men would sooner remove a women’s clitoris before trying to please her. Throughout Asia women have assumed a totally submissive role. Africa is a living hell for almost all women (who are not European), with over 80% of the women having been sexually assaulted. In Democracies Men and Women only communicate if they are having sex together. They will also communicate if there is the potential to have sex in the future.

This is precisely the reason why women and men have no friends of the opposite sex, after they are married. Couples look at each other like possessions. Men always want to offer an evil stare at the guy who looks at their woman. People are so repressed and brimming with insecurity. I expect that men (and women) are going to be checking out the woman I am with. Jealous boyfriends don’t want any other men to set their eyes on their possession. Naturally this stems from their own insecurities and concerns that she might want to Upgrade.  Ladies are meant to be appreciated, what is more beautiful than a Woman? A woman might answer a man…Or a gay person would say someone of the same sex. God does not make mistakes and people who are born gay are gay for a reason. If being gay were a sin, then no child would be born gay then…If someone were born into sin, that would automatically eliminate that individuals chance for salvation. Everyone has the opportunity for salvation. The most difficult obstacles for a child receiving their redemption, are the poor morals their parents afforded them.

The reason that the KatholiK Church has vilified gays is in order to create an over masculine, psychologically and physically repressed, ignorant, and angry society. If a gay person exhibits more feminine tendencies they will be seen as flaming. When being gay is stigmatized, men are going to act even more masculine and dominant, in order to prove they are not a fag. That is why the KatholiK priests molest all of the young boys at their mission. When you make being gay illegal and then you touch a little child in a gay manner…You have set the fuse for a molotav cocktail. Upon graduating from their KatholiK education they are going to be frothing at the mouth ready to go kill everyone in order to prove to themselves and others they are not a homosexuals. It is the same reason their Church administers ass rapings in prison.

Texas makes Sodomy illegal in the Lone Star state. Which means if you are gay, you go to prison. You will notice extreme religious repression and wealth go hand and hand. Think of Sharia Law in Saudi Arabia. Government’s then create the necessity of crime in order to sell the taxpayer the need for protection. This allows them to continue funding their military global exploitation. Should someone question their version of freedom, they throw you in prison, or send you to a mission. The Prison and Church are the only two places where forced sodomy is allowed to take place. The reason they allow sodomy in prison is not because they can’t send someone to prison for sodomy whose already in prison. They can add years to your sentence…The reason the guards administer anal sex is because it emasculates the men who are raped. These men then become even more violent when they leave prison. They are humiliated and emasculated, therefore, they are more likely to perpetuate the cycle of violence once they are paroled. Humiliated and angry black men who are eager to prove they are nobody’s bitch are likely candidates to participate in violence.

You see the underlying KKK ideology between the prison and the church situation...Raping and Emasculating. That is why their church forbids priests from taking a wife. By repressing them and putting them in a church filled with young boys…They end up molesting and sodomizing the children (like a Fox in a hen house). Child molesters and The Church have an understanding today. You like children we have a mission. Understanding, that this emasculation will make these boys good soldiers when they finish their Religious Education. The reason that the black community has such an incorrect position on homosexuality is because they correlate being gay with a prison experience. They associate gay sex with submission and weakness, because that is how anal sex is experienced in their community. The Latino community does not consider you gay if you are the pitcher and not the catcher. You do not lose your machismo if you were a prison rapist. The only reason you would rape another man is because you have homosexual desires. You have to actually get excited and have an erection in order to violate someone else. In rape situations, where you are trying to penetrate an ass that does not want to be penetrated. You need to be exceedingly turned on yourself. I think this would indicate that these men who rape other men in prison are blatantly homosexual.

These guys must not have had much sex worth fantasizing about before going to prison. Or they can’t remember it. They must also be void of having an imagination…If they possessed any worthwhile memories or imagination they could just do something called masturbating. People should not have to masturbate, but the other option is very unpleasant and messy, for someone who is not naturally gay. Even if you are gay you still have to be an asshole to rape someone else. That is why most of the rapist in prison are little bitches who are nothing more than jail snitches. Anal assault is a favorite tactic of the Lone Star State and that is the reason the Prison guards conduct so many of them. The only way for rapes to occur in prison is if the prison guards made arrangements. Prisons are on lockdown almost all of the time and the guards have to keep a very close eye on the prisoners. These guards know that the prisoners should want to kill them the second they are given the opportunity. The only time prisoners are not within five steps of a guard is when they go out to the yard. That is because inmates can only injure themselves quickly. The guards move to watchtowers and view them from a distance with shotguns pointed. There is never any alone time, empty bedrooms, people getting pulled into a prison cell while walking past...Every gate opens and closes at the same time, prisoners file out cell by cell, one at a time, one floor at a time, single file line. The only way for an extended beating and subsequent anal sex with release to take place, is if the guards made these plans. The guards themselves will rape the individuals they have decided are attractive (or sometimes it is just someone in need of an attitude adjustment). If there are no guards feeling kinky they go get The Gimp out of his cell to participate. You cannot imagine what the guards are doing to female prisoners. The majority of them are prostitutes strung out on drugs. Do you think anyone cares what happens to these women while they are in jail? Just a couple million more Victims of the system. Prostitution is the most honest profession in Babylon. Prostitutes know they are getting paid- to get fucked.

I sometimes hear people make blanket homophobic claims. I once  heard someone say that all gays should be put to death. The individuals that make these claims regarding gay men deserving to be killed for sleeping with each other…Are the same men that see no problem masturbating watching a porno, while two women get it on. If these men could participate in this threesome they would, that is why they are jerking off to their DVD. Men treat women as objects. I do not see any problem being with two women, but I would never ask them both to sleep with me. They would have to suggest it. I am only going to be comfortable, if they are comfortable. That would be the only way to make it an enjoyable shared experience. These Muslim men have no problems asking three wives to get it on bed. But if two gay men did it in the privacy of their own bedroom, they would have their heads chopped off. The only reason they have multiple women at one time, is in order to satisfy their vanity. They might as well have thousands of women in their bed, they aren’t going to satisfy one of them.

People have sex all the time. But they don’t share Love. When this happens people end up fucking themselves…Literally. People are performing, while they are having sex, but they are not performing for the person they are having sex with. Instead they are comparing themselves to Hammering Hank with the shaved nut sack. To illustrate how ridiculous and how much of an individual “sport” sex has become, people now hang mirrors over their beds. They do this in order so that they can watch themselves during sex. If you wanted to look at the partner you are supposed to be making Love to, you would not require a mirror. You would just have to look into her eyes. If you want to watch yourself having sex why don’t you just masturbate lying on your back staring up at that mirror? That way nobody will obstruct your view when you are fucking yourself. Naturally you will always find mirrors over the beds of “honey moon” suites. That is usually about the time couples realize they are fucked. The only problem with masturbating in front of the mirror alone is that it is not a very exciting story to repeat to your friends when you are out drinking…Sex is not an individual endeavor. Not every woman that I have been with thinks I am a superb Lover. But I am certain there is not one single woman I have ever been with that would say the sex was not good and I personally was of the opinion that it was great. In other words every experience I have had with someone has been a shared experience. I have never walked out of a room believing a woman just had ten consecutives orgasms. When in fact she had actually needed to slip off into the bathroom in order to get some Dow Chemical lube in order for me to feel wetness.

Their Church has systemically done all that they could in order to break up and divide Love. Feminine traits should not be viewed negatively and instead should be appreciated and cultivated. I personally associate femininity with beauty and society should as well. We have becomes so overly masculine and it is destroying the earth. Humans are the only species that have clearly defined differences in terms of physical prowess between man and woman. In the case of Male and Female Lion’s it is the Lioness that is known for Her hunting prowess. People need to better examine the source of their perceived strength. They will most likely find that what they thought was the source of their strength…Turned out to be the cause of their weakness.

Very often when you hear about someone cheating on someone else it is usually one of two scenarios. It was with a husband or wives best friend or it was somebody they worked with. In both cases men and women were forced to socialize and then because they spoke to one another they had to have sex. Maybe they want on a business trip together and could not resist the opportunity to go screw each other in the planes Andy Gump.

In order for men and women to be friends they need to relate to one another. They don’t necessarily have to sleep with each other. The reason that society is not relating is because everyone is a specialist working on some shitty profession chasing cheese. Husbands and Wives do not communicate among themselves. What kind of conversation could you have with someone who spent their entire day working as an accountant or a lawyer. “Hey honey, anything exciting happen today when you were adding and subtracting numbers on your calculator?” Or “Did you sign any new and exciting contracts today?” What does a husband ask his wife who works as a receptionist all day. “Get any interesting phone calls when you were answering phones today?” She already had to work all day for some dip shit Ivy League Puts who walks around in a fancy suit all day…Thinking he is the shit, not realizing that he is. She has to get a whiff of it all day long. The last thing she wants to do is discuss how she spends more than half her waking hours. Women are creative and expressive, they are not supposed to excel in Babylon. When people specialize in BullShit their life ends up becoming crap. People end up failing to relate to one another. Everyone needs to take better stock of what their life’s work is totaling.

People put their best foot forward when they are first getting to know one another. When a relationship first begins it is naturally going to be more exciting. The physical attraction always starts out strong. The reason that people are attracted to looks more than character is because nobody is interacting. If people are not able to get to know one another, then there only basis for meeting becomes physical attraction. When you are living in an illusory world where the majority of the people you see are on television, that becomes your attraction. People attract to what they know…This causes society to start attracting to the wrong things. People use the television as their basis for comparison and society ends up desiring “beautiful” or “handsome” women and men. Naturally people want what they see, so they start to desire the wrong things. What can people possibly be learning from watching soap operas? You get the point…

What then occurs is people shift their desires and they start looking for the wrong thing. When someone meets someone who they consider “good looking” they naturally get excited and this excitement creates a false lustful euphoria. Which then leads to the bedroom and if there is physical chemistry added to this initial attraction…It could be a dangerous trap you end up in. The relationship is now going to unwind, because you have started off backwards. The part that is inevitably going to fade is the basic foundation for which this relationship was built upon. Things that once seemed cute will eventually be seen as stupid. They get everything backwards in Babylon. If you build a strong foundation outside of the bedroom it will do wonders for the long-term prospects inside the bedroom. It will automatically improve your sex life, because all great sex is founded on communication. When people know each other and feel comfortable with one another, it is easier to express their likes and dislikes. Not only will it improve your long-term sex life, but it will create an overall improvement on your long-term prospects.

Babylon strives to create a lifetime of insecurities. Creating a world of great confusion, to force on Us the Devil’s illusion. Much of these insecurities stem from the separation of brother and sister. As my previous point illustrates, it is imperative for a couple to get to know each other before being intimate. Nobody could know you or Love you unconditionally like your sister or brother. That is why Hitler bans it, secure people are more difficult subjects to control. Mussolini and Hitler Inc. like to see people running around like chicken’s with their heads cut off. We have been systematically robbed of Our humanity by a system that seeks to steel Our Soul. They send Us to school in order to stymie Our creativity. They paint the world in black and white on the television, in order to desensitize Us to the world. People just cannot see the fuzzy black and white screen unless they lose their FCC signal. That is when you can see what the hypnotic television really intends to do. It gives you radiation through its plasma cells and paints the world in black and white as a means of de-stimulation. This also makes people see the world in black and white, thus increasing division via racism. It is no coincidence that police cars are Black and White. They inoculate Us in order to give Us diseases. They then treat Us to more cancer by giving us plutonium that they scraped out of the earth’s belly, they call it radiation treatment. They got down to plutonium because We bought all of their pennies and fiber optic high speed Internet (plutonium is right below copper in the earths bowels). They sell Us Baloney for food. There is a reason that people call something that is bullshit-“baloney.” Same reason they call junk mail “spam” -they are selling you something that ain’t worth shit. Jewish people eat Kosher hot dogs, but there is no actual meat in a hot dog. How did Hitler make your weiner Kosher?

Speaking of weiner’s and Hitler, let’s talk about condoms. Aside from the obvious fact that you want to feel the wetness of the person you are making Love to…Has anyone ever considered what it is that you are smelling when you open a condom rapper? Nazi sterilization, population control, and cancer is the correct answer. All part of a massive worldwide Eugenics program initiated during Nazi Germany (although its roots go much further back than that). Plastic is a poison that you can taste when you are drinking water out of plastic cup. That smell is bad, but the scent released from a condom is unbearable. It smells like someone cooked plastic and rotten peanut butter together. The smell of sex is condoms. This scent is not included in the act of making Love. There is not one person who has ever used a condom that does not know the smell that I am referring to. We then rub this plastic, synthetic, and rancid material all over each others reproductive organs. We know that AIDS is a man made disease. MK NAOMI (Negros Are Only Momentary Individuals) was AIDS original name. Maybe the inconsiderate assholes that do not care about the African’s being exterminated, now realize that everyone is a bunch of Niggers to Hitler.

Women are sucking on a poison popsicle stick instead of swallowing there mans SeaMen. The very SeaMen that would bring life to her children, if she loved the man she were “blowing.” Maybe they are being extra safe because of the potential of catching STD’s. Unfortunately, those condoms aren’t preventing disease, they are actually creating the disease. Pretty sick protection.

The first time I read the Kebra Negast (Rastafarian Biblical Teachings) There was only one part of the book that resonated positively with me. It was the first time I had seen it written that God was Black. God does not have a color, but if God had a color it would be black. Only because I associate being black with having a Soul. Representing a beautiful struggle regardless of race or color.

In this book they tell the story of King Soloman and The Queen of Sheba. They state that she wanted to meet the King because he had amassed a massive amounts of riches. In spite of His brilliant and expansive Kingdom, there was no crime and Peace presided across the land. What gets lost in understanding Jesus, is that His riches are His People. When you Lead the people, instead of exploiting them, everyone is happy. When people are happy with what they have, they don’t want to take from others. If everyone has all the basic necessities, which can be accomplished more easily than people could possibly imagine...This will then allow everyone time to share and make love. Love and happiness are not mutually exclusive propositions. Meaning that ones happiness does not come at the expense of some else. Love is an abundant resource and the more you have the more you will receive

The story continues with them sharing an intimate dinner together. After dinner God asks Goddess to join Him in his bedroom. She agrees under the condition that He will not take her by force. They are brother and sister to begin with, but let’s assume this weren’t the case…Nobody who knows God would ever dream of taking a woman by force. Not only does King Soloman know God, but he actually is God. The Queen of Sheba is also God. If King Soloman had asked her to come to bed with Him and she responded by saying “as long as you don’t take me by force.” There is no chance that He would want to sleep with her. If she were to offer such a caveat then it would be obvious to Him that she did not know Him. He would not have slept with a stranger. Let alone accept this stipulation and then go on to have her bare the Son of Man with Him. As if this story is not already ludicrous enough, he supposedly responds by stating: “So long as you agree not to take anything of mine.” A woman always wants to take something from a man. Never is it Love that men worry about having stolen, because Love is not what they are offering…If all you have to offer is Loving, you don’t have to worry about people stealing anything.

They proceed to go to sleep, apparently God was not able to seduce her. With physical force being eliminated from his arsenal he was left with no other options at his disposal. King Soloman feigns going to sleep (laying a trap) because he had offered her some salty food earlier at dinner without her realizing. She became thirsty and had a glass of water. That is when King Soloman sprung on her saying: “gotcha!” She asks what He is talking about, he reminded her of the promise that she had made regarding not taking anything from Him. When she responded, I only had a glass of water. He responds by saying “what could be more precious than water.” She concedes that the wise ruler had outsmarted her. Slick cat that he was. He first spikes her food with extra salt. Already anticipating her inevitable refusal at his request, he agrees because he already had anticipated this very conversation transpiring before they retired to his bedroom. Knowing she is going to be thirsty from her spiced up food, He then tempts Her with a glass of water that he left on her bedside table and lies in wait. That is how Jesus was conceived. Just leaves you with a warm feeling all over.

I wish this story were not so ridiculous but it continues to get worse… The Queen who did not want to sleep with the King in the first place, finds out that she is pregnant. Now she decides to steel his Ark of The Covenant and then take off on carriages with no horses to Addis Ababa. King Soloman chases after them, but it was too late, she left with the Son of Man. King Soloman ultimately dies a lonely and broken Man.

There are only three parts of that story that are accurate. King Soloman most definitely would say: “what could be more precious than water” Water is the basis of all Life and the King and the Queen are the creators of Life. It was not his water it was their water. They did leave Palestine on carriages with no horses. That is becaue She was carrying the Son of Man with her. There is no money- when will people understand this reality? The only thing that is worth anything is Life and she was carrying The Seed of Life with her (The Ark of The Covenant). If the Queen had something salty, it was King Soloman. Salt of Man is not bad medicine, you definitely do not want to use a condom for protection. I have noticed that my SeaMen and the bags of heated herb I smoke both look a lot alike. I know for a fact that herb is the best medicine in the world. That is why Babylon makes it illegal. It gets people feeling high and they want people to be feeling low. Salt is the purifying element and the basis for all Life. That is how Life is conceived-think about it. Society needs to do a better job of assessing their tastes. People suck down thirty cigarettes a day. These smokes are loaded with rat poison-methanol/menthol-charcoal-and butane, but the taste of Salty Medicine needs to be spit out? Women would rather suck on a Dow Chemical poison-rubber baggie. You can’t blame the women entirely. No guy wants to be kissed by a woman after receiving “head.” God forbid they should have a taste of the seed that gives birth to life. Better have her go into the bathroom and brush her teeth, Hitler put fluoride (poison) in the toothpaste…Fluoride is something you should never swallow. If the FDA has to issue a warning, that means the product should be packaged in a Skull and Bones Warning rapping. People eat synthetic food like "kosher" hot dogs, swallow them down deep throat style. But if they taste a little bit of SeaMen they spit it out immediately as if they have just swallowed poison. That sounds about right in Babylon. Everyone has a tendency to spit out what is good for them and then swallow poison.

Money is the death nail in the male and female relationship in Babylon. This stupid element of paper chasing and people defining themselves by their earnings...Nobody is relating because the majority of peoples lives are spent doing menial passionless labor. Inevitably what ends up happening is one person makes more money then the other. People’s worth becomes equated with their earning power. This ends up manifesting in an imbalance between couples. When one person becomes dependent on the other, relationships become unhealthy. People need to be able to take care of themselves and then share equally in the building of their relationship. The only responsibility that a man and a woman should have to one another is to share their Loving. Everyone needs to be responsible for their own happiness, while simultaneously understanding that money does not equate to happiness.

Everyone is acting, just masquerading. When someone introduces a girlfriend or boyfriend to their friends, this is often done in order to have their friends size up their new boyfriend or girlfriend. As soon as this person goes to the bathroom they immediately ask their friends what they think. Or they call each other the following day...I have never asked someone what they thought of someone I am with. It is completely irrelevant to me, what someone else thinks about the person that I am with. Why would you ask your friend what they think of your lady? Are you planning on asking him to make you an offer? The only reason someone would ask this question is because they themselves don’t know what they like. They allow others to define the person they are with. People are too concerned with perception. I don’t care what others think about my people, I only care what I think about them. In fact, I don’t care what people think about me. While I want to have a positive effect on people, I cannot concern myself with how others view me. I can only be me and I cannot ever be what someone else wants me to be. Babylon defines it as insanity.

Beauty comes from the inside out and not the other way around. When We grow up Loving our brothers and sisters this cultivates Love and security in ourselves. The more We see ourselves as beautiful, the more we will come to reflect this beauty (inside out). We are a reflection. If you Love yourself then you will emanate Love. If you have a low opinion of yourself, then how can others be expected to have a high opinion of you?

Babylon has people chasing an illusion. I was able to completely understand this by turning off my TV and turning on my reasoning…People compare themselves to this illusory standard, not realizing that they themselves are already the standard. That every Soul is at a different stage of this journey we call Life.  I remember a couple of months ago being over at my mom’s place and she had a picture of my ex-wife and I up on the wall. I thought to myself what a great looking couple We were. I do not mean that to sound arrogant, it was more of a surprise. The reason it was a surprise was because at the time that the picture was taken, I did not see myself as beautiful. Therefore, when I looked back it somewhat caught me off guard. I personally felt as though I was much better looking today then I was a couple of years earlier. What this made me realize is there was nothing significantly different in my appearance. People are left constantly needing something that is not existing. We are rat racing without realizing. When people are constantly needing something, this prevents them from being. Thus precluding us from understanding what it means to be Living. The only thing that changed was how I viewed myself. That is why Bob Marley says:

Scientific atrocity, we're the survivors

Atomic mis-philosophy, we're the survivors

It's a world that forces life long insecurity

All together now we're the survivors

That is why he also says “overcome the Devil, with a little thing called Love. God never made two people alike not even identical twins. How can so many people be doing the same job then?

I know one job that men and women are not doing- Making each other happy

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