There is no "I" only "We"
Those who understand this reality will endure for eternity
It is imperative that ALL people understand this reality
Homelessness and extreme poverty weigh heavily on our collective psyche
Assigning monetary value to our humanity
The price is heavy-
Thinking that homeless people and those who live in poverty are somehow not worthy of fresh drinking water and other basic necessities
They have the same feelings and emotions as the rest of society
Helping them, improves the "We"
The Bible says something about how we treat the least among thee…
The World is doing terrible in the above category
This depravity unleashes negative energy on everybody
It precludes Us from knowing what it is to live abundantly
Slavery and its remnants stains Us collectively
Evildoers do not understand the deal
So I am going to keep it real…
It ends in their "burial"
It is up to them if they want to make their deal with the Devil
Those who have the Love I speak of- need to emanate it so that others will know that it is real
How else will the rest of society know the deal?
Beware of how you have set up your will
If yours is material, you probably won't do to well at your funeral
What will your Last Testament tell?
People need let go of remote control and gain self control
We Love things- homes, watches, purses, or an automobile
What a shame because things cannot Love you back at all.
How much creamin you needin for that American Dreamin?
What is the ideal amount you need to be havin…
If there were a specific amount, what would you win?
I have seen people at their imaginary finish line and they just rats racin
The more money you are earning
The more they taking for War making
These tax monies are not going towards saving…
They can take your picture from satellites, but cannot afford a sick child without health insurance an x ray?
Or prevent children from starving…
U.S. currency was built on slavery
Since it's "official" abolition there has been no real repatriation
Check out your neighborhood or hood, is there still segregation?
Monetary pooling is a major problem
My children will receive their inheritance when they are born
Not after I am gone
My seed will always get it poppin
It is okay to leave some money to your children
It is more important that you do not leave them so much that they end up doing nothing
You do not want to take away ones passion
It is the struggle that makes the man
Not the other way around
This is what I call trusting
Believing that God will be providing
So much judgment and competition people have stopped Loving
Causing an overall numbing
Got everyone living in a World of pain
Making us all go insane
There are two sides to every prison
The ones needing and stealing
And those hoarding
I try to avoid competing
This requires judging
Comparing yourself to someone
I believe God has a plan for everyone
No two are the same so why should We be comparing
How did people end up being identified by their profession?
That is the first question We ask- not "hi how you doing"
What baggage are we carrying?
You get what you are putting in
Is your focus on positive thinking…
Life is what We are all creating
There is no "I" when it comes to society
New technologies are preventing people from feeling
Those without eye site have a much better chance of seeing
When the wind blows on their face they may find an answer blowing
Whereas the rest of Us might consider if this will make Our hair start frizzin
When We are not happy with Ourselves it is hard to be forgiving
People who are pleased with themselves consider the past a happy lesson
People who Love with exclusivity feel unworthy of God's bounty, which is very repressing
Desensitizing Ourselves for the people afraid to see you in me, it is called mirroring
There are too many guns pointed against the righteous for them to win a physical confrontation
There is no weapon that can combat a Spiritual Revolution
This movement is fueled by Loving
Give me a podium and I’ll show you how War is won
People will learn to regain control over their own dominion
Those with their weapons will find they no longer have ammunition
What's worse they will learn they are holding the instruments of Satan
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