People have become nothing more than numbers- statistical tragedies
When inflation rises in a country the value of those living in the country falls
Israel has.02 % while a third of Palestians have food insecurities
Not surprisingly Israel’s two biggest industries are military and biotechnology
The international language has become currency
A Global numbers system, this is how people and countries end up communicating
People need to learn to speak the language of International Loving
Things have gotten worse in South Africa post Apartheid
Wages have been deflationary while the cost of living is inflating
Economist discuss inflation as though it is just as natural as breathing
They do not teach you that inflation is the Devil’s favorite instrument
Money does not rule the world, the biggest militaries run it
The United Kingdom that prints Euro’s, Pounds, and Greenbacks also uses the same paper for printing the RAND
If you want to know if slavery still exists ask most Black South African’s…
Or just ask the Indian, who then became a Mexican until Anglo Industrialization invaded their new home
They somehow ended up working for peso’s that were also worth nothing
They are then forced to come back across the border risking their lives to come back Home as an Illegal Alien
Maybe one day they can earn their “green” card-they then get to pay taxes on the Green Dollars they are earning
When you look at Anglo American’s balance sheet and employee salaries
It looks like the average salary of the hundreds of millions of miners is $26,000 numbers
When in fact they got paid an less than $2,600 to work their ancestors lands
If the shareholders received their profits in RAND, then there would be cause for alarms
Listing $26,000 instead of $2,500 annually, helps people with sleeping
Numbers are spoken different, but they are written the same
Numbers are also subjective to the people who receive them
It feels a lot more like $2,500 American than it does $26,000 to the African
They make you believe the world is beyond saving
Government accomplishes this by fucking everything up beyond comprehension
First using religion as a means of division
Then adding Racism to the equation
To the point where African’s are distinguished by the darkness of skin coloring
African’s are animals look at the way they are all killing…
Not realizing they are forced to kill or they won’t be eating
Their ancestors were Peace Loving people who chose to leave their land, instead of picking up arms and fighting against those Colonizing
Now they are left starving, homeless, diseased, with no other options, but warring
What a cruel twist of irony…
The real gangsters and killers are fronting as Royalty in Bucking Ham
Their company logo is a Skull and Bones, this translates into Poison
People throw their hands up and say what can I do to help this situation…
There is so much death, disease, destruction, and starvation
It would seem the world is beyond saving
That is exactly how they want you to be thinking…
This is precisely why they broadcast death, destruction, crime, and race bating constantly during News Programming
People don’t have time to worry about the rest of societies issues, they are consumed with their own individual problems
Worried about their own personal safety
The solution to people’s ills, is to relax their hearts and share the Loving
Unfortunately, people’s unnatural inclination is to repress their problems and therefore end up restricting Love from flowing
People end up treating Love as some scarce commodity that requires rationing
Both Love and Oil are God’s LifeBlood, if they were to ever stop flowing, the world as we know would cease existing
The way people are living is trifling
Going through life without the first clue as to why We are existing
Having children without any reason
The only lesson worth passing on is Loving…
That is not the message most people are currently sending
Check out the real stuation…
How can people live their life without believing in God or Heaven?
The reason people do not want to believe in Heaven it would also require them to believe in Sin…
Without Sin there could not be salvation
When people are living in severe Sin, it is difficult for Dem and God to have relations
The one thing I can tell people for sure, if you do not know God while you are living
Then God will not find you when you stop breathing and ask you to join in H.I.M in Heaven
Getting into Heaven is much more difficult than getting into an Ivy League Institution
No amount of money can gain your admission...
The only way to know God is through sharing your Loving
Helping the least among thee is how You and God can start relating…
If you do not know God in this lifetime, you don’t want to meet H.I.M once you have stopped breathing
The only reason He would visit you then, is in order for you to have your Reckoning
People need to check the way they are living and make sure their balance sheets receive the necessary straightening…
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