I do not believe in prison
But there are two crimes that definitely deserve harsh retribution
Child molesting and harming a woman
In the event of killing, things are not always as clear cut as they may seem
Molesting and woman abusing both involve defenseless individuals that have no chance of defending…
I believe guns are the instruments of satan
But I think that every woman who was ever beaten or sexually assaulted by a man, should be allowed to draw a gun on the man who violated them
Separate them by ten feet and then let the guy try and prevent having holes unloaded in him.
The chances that a man will end up prevailing in this situation are the same as a woman’s chances of prevailing in a physical altercation with a man
Women require our appreciation
Many women allow a relationship to continue after a first beating
This mentality goes beyond any logical reasoning
Anyone who beats a lady is an ignorant human being
Ignorant people are not usually capable of learning or changing
When a woman forgives this behavior they have to learn acceptance
What they have to accept is their part in the beating
They are going to have to adjust their behavior in order to prevent another violent incident from occurring
When it is obvious who requires the attitude adjustment
Ultimately, this woman will end up being a timid and scared slave fearing another beating
This would hardly be considered a relationship worth having
Women have to understand they are not a man’s possession
It does not matter who is doing the majority of the earning
The men with the most money are the dumbest fuckers living
Their vanity and greed precludes them from sharing
Thus restricting their capacity for Loving
Women have been treated like slaves because they do not excel at numbers crunching
They have no means of making a living so they are forced to be dependent on a man
Women do not prefer money and material things over Loving
The reason ladies end up being interested in a man’s money is because money is much easier to come by
It does not matter your earning power, the only thing that matters is how much Love you are generating
Women have been offering far more Love than they have been receiving
There of course are exceptions- Sarah Palin and Oprah Winfrey are a couple that come to mind
How did Oprah end up giving advice to women
What the does she know about Loving?
She is too busy putting her ugly mug up on every single issue of O Magazine
This is the woman giving relationship advice to women…
It is not all that glamorous sleeping alone with all of those Benjamin’s and Stedman
You will notice she has no children…
What is she going to do with her billions
The People of Africa will not be interested in her money then
If it is not bad enough that women get all of her bad information on television
Oprah’s book club even determines what women are reading…
Then she adds doctor Phil to their programming
Would any woman ever want to have a relationship with this hideous man?
Why in the world would people take advice that would be successful in a relationship he was having…
The last show of his featured a woman who had been beaten beyond recognition
They displayed pictures of her beating
Her entire body looked like a blue balloon
Phil is now sitting across from them as they are hand holding…
Trying to save the relationship they were having
If I were hosting the talkshow I would tell the fine gentleman what he has won
Then tell him to take his hand off of her and put it behind his back while he gets cuffed and taken away to prison
Those pictures were pretty incriminating
We can certainly understand why women have become accepting of their situation
They are the victims of religious, social, and economic repression
Women need reprioritize what is important to them
They need to redefine themselves and not let others do the defining
Looking at the girls in Playboy as your basis for comparison…
If they were so proud of what God gave them
Why then do 100% of these women have silicone in the chests they are displaying?
They are just featuring the handiwork of their favorite plastic surgeon
Not to mention the airbrushing
Women need to appreciate the individual gifts that God gave them
Nobody could ever Love everything about someone
People need to awaken from their illusion
Life is not lived on television
When this happens women will recognize their own unique beauty
This is how they learn to Love themselves unconditionally
People who love themselves unconditionally do not need validating
Women do not need a man to complete them
They need a man to share the Love they are offering
A man should compliment a woman
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