You get what you pay for- goes the saying…
If you pay taxes for prison, educational, religious, and mental institutions
It should not come as a surprise, when you wake up to find yourself in prison
People are just getting back a return on investment
The first recorded cases of alcoholism has its roots in racism
Alcohol makes people violent and precludes them from feeling
People lose their humanity
The KKK always got drunk during their lynchings and cross burnings
Alcohol and Religion provided them the necessary justification
Once they sober up they remember the screaming and human suffering
Forcing them to rush back to the bottle before they start having remorseful feelings
That is why the vast majority of soldiers who have experienced combat, become alcoholics
The only time they suffer flashbacks is when they wake up screaming
They are not able to drink while they are sleeping and as soon as their brain starts breathing again it goes back to the horror and killing
Hopefully the bottle lying at the foot of their bed isn’t empty
It might be hard to go back to sleep without a drink
Police officers have an extraordinary problem with alcoholism
They save around 20,000 annually by not being arrested when they get pulled over for drinking and driving
The government encourages bars and alcoholism
They know it causes mental retardation
Alcoholism is a permanent disease that is inherited by our children
Why would anyone intentionally contract a disease they knew they were pouring?
If this person decides to stop drinking they will always be an alcoholic…
That is why government sponsored AA meetings always begins with people introducing themselves first by name, then as an alcoholic.
I have been sober 8 years 10 months five days
Followed with a hideous laundry list of previous alcohol induced experiences
Concluded with how hard life has been the last 8 years and how much they miss having a drink
This programming is intentional, it ensures corporate retention
Allowing the Government to control drinkers, ex-drinkers and even the next generation of drinking
People are incapable of communicating, feeling, or making good decisions when they are drinking
That is why soon to be parents have accidents in the bedroom
The man is usually drinking to reduce his inhibitions while improving his sexual performance
Alcohol desensitizes you and prevents you from feeling, it allows men to last longer before ejaculating
Guys want to make sure they measure up to the guys in the porns they’re watching
Not realizing that what they see in pornography has nothing to do with the act of Love making
He is using Viagra and she is probably using Chrystal Methane
The reason he uses Viagra is because it sends blood to his shaft and it reduces his sensation
After ejaculation the blood remains in the shaft and the erection keeps lasting
Makes it quicker to do retakes in case he ends up cumming too early
She uses Chrystal Meth so that she does not know who or what the fuck she is doing
The act of making Love is not a sensation it is a feeling
When people start sharing their Loving, instead of the liquor they are drinking
They might start communicating, expressing their insecurities and feelings
If it is Love people are sharing, an erection does not have to remain after releasing, in order to continue Love making
There are other ways of pleasing
Everything the Government sells is addictive, poisonous, depressing, and dehumanizing
Cigarette smoking is the definition of insanity
Each time someone picks up a stick of rat poison they know that this will eventually kill them
Every time they reach in their pack they have to read the government warning
Not to mention the discoloring, yellow, and smelly smoke they are inhaling
While standing outside, because everyone agrees it is disgusting
Smoking will inevitably lead them to coughing up black phlem…
Doing this 30 times a day is the definition of insane
This causes depression, because smoking requires justification
People are not going to poison themselves when they are happy with the way things are going
They are physically addicted and craving one
Their mind then creates the necessary negative rationalization every time
Next stop, people asking their shrink for some anti-depressant medication
Not surprisingly, depressants are addictive and cause you to have serious withdrawal symptoms upon quitting
Shrinks are the most fucked up individuals living
The reason they studied psychology was in order to diagnose what is wrong with them
The school materials are intentionally created to misinform and disseminate misinformation
Education/Television/Medication/Addiction are the main means of Governmental Mind Controlling
Upon graduating Shrinks believe they can fix other peoples problems
They have given up on trying to help themselves
They then sit and listen to people complaining for eight hours all day all the time
Their patients want to get their moneys worth when they show up for their appointment
If they were happy they would not be paying for a shrink
Therefore, they go into appointments with their lists of complaints
These quacks who were screwed up when they began…
Then absorb this negative energy and become incapable of helping anyone
That is why they just fill their patients with medication
Not having the slightest clue what is in them
Only what the cute drug company sales woman told him
She is not a doctor or pharmacist, but she knows the more she sells the bigger the bonus she will be receiving
They don’t get docked in the event of class action litigation
Sometimes she’ll even take the doctor out for a free lunch
A doctor’s job should be to put themselves out of business
But doctors are making too much money treating diseases
Cures are not lucrative
How does a shrink even get new clients?
You would not ask someone who seems to be doing great…
“Whose your therapist”
Nor would you ask someone who seems fucked up. Who they recommend for help
Luckily for quacks, there are two words you will never hear them say. Your cured
Doctors along with all the substances I mentioned create addiction
Every need has an ego to be feeding
The more people focus on their individual needs the less concerned they become with the rest of society
Creating further isolating…
People begin to identify with their TV
They become obsessed with celebrities as if they are a part of their families
That is why fans are consumed with where they go, who they are dating, and what they are wearing
People need to understand that TV is not reality, especially reality TV
American’s need to turn off their TV and wake up to humanity
People claim I am angry, but what they mean to say is my writing makes them angry
It requires people to do some critical thinking
Pleading ignorance is no longer an option
My writing should be seen as a new schooling
It only becomes a mistake, once you knew the rules and ended up doing the same dumb shit all over again
Don’t hate the player, hate the game
Everyone has the right to decide their own destiny
In God’s judgment there is no partiality
You get what you are earning
If you had a lifetime of work like Bob Marley you are guaranteed to see yourself beautifully multiplying
You cannot begin to count the number of his children who are playing music today
Bob lives in all of them in a very real way
Not to mention the hundreds of millions of children he is teaching with his music every day
One Love was considered the song of the twentieth century
A father is defined by teaching his children what they need to know about the world
Bob dropped out of school when he was fourteen, that is why he teaches Life lessons
If schools actually taught people anything, parents would not have to send their kids to the same schooling
God multiplies that which gives H.I.M pleasure
If you are on the wrong side of the ledger
You are going to be a pig led to the slaughter
First you will live like the people for whom you had no regard
Then forced to eat synthetic feed, while being constantly pricked with drugs
The synthetic feed is also known as Pig hot dogs
Nobody knows the ingredients
It is impossible to know the side effects of the drugs
After Hitler, Stalin, and Prescott Bush died- pigs, cattle, chicken’s, and turkey’s suddenly multiplied
Want to make sure the pilgrims enjoy their turkey feast
Notice chickens and turkeys both have wings, but neither is capable of flying
Those are the only wings any of the Bush’s and Buckingham’s will ever be receiving
People have to decide which direction they are flying
Some people will be completely indifferent to my writing
These individual end up with exactly what they were expecting on the day of their reckoning
Absolutely nothing
Just a casket and a tombstone
If cremated, then it was ashes to ashes goes the saying…
People get exactly what they are deserving and sometimes expecting
Someone who does not believe in God, Heaven, or Hell ends up in the ground
No gain no pain. Nothing gained nothing lost
Notice I said sometimes expecting, high society would stop the senseless slaughtering, if they expected what comes next
The one thing I can guarantee you is that my story is far more believable than Evolutionist teachings
Just because schools and television claim something to be a fact, this should hardly lend it credibility
Facts require verifying…
That is how bad information ends up spreading
Television’s agenda is the creation of illusion
The more you think you know the less you end up knowing
Just because they tell you they have been to the Moon
It does not mean there was a space landing
They will never get me buying the story they are selling
I know exactly where these astronauts are going
It is the opposite direction of the moon in case you aren’t following
The more green or cheese you earn while rat racing
The closer God is going to be inspecting when it comes time for reincarnating
Money is a huge responsibility and liability
The more people have the more they are expected to help the least among thee
It is also of great importance how people made their money
Was it at the expense or benefit of society…
Those who die without a penny were more likely exploited then exploiting
It is a first being last kind of thing
Man can make money, but money can’t make the man
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