And Tune into reality...
We need to move from apathy and stupidity
To Consciousness and Unity
The more truth you seek, the more you will question Our reality
Mankind would not have survived this long, if things were always this way
People do not know their history
This precludes them from seeing their future clearly
People end up stuck on their couch watching TV
Society gravitates towards a TV like fly’s are attracted to electricity
If a group of people gathered together in a room for a party…
And a television gets turned on, people will end up gravitating towards the TV
People inevitably will start attracting to the programming
As soon as a conversation stops they will hear the TV and their eyes will be directed to the flashing light behind the screen
Before you know it the party has stopped socializing and all eyes are watching…
The Television is where people receive all of their information
It is called passive learning
The only thing people end up absorbing is propaganda and radiation…
Television robs people of their imagination
In addition to precluding the people from coming together and socializing
Drive through a neighborhood after schools get out and you won’t see any children outside playing
They are all inside watching Television
Young children spend far more time watching TV than anything
The other major part of their time is spent in school learning…
Adults are so busy rat racing they have no time for a thing called parenting
Women have left the home in order to make a second income
Chasing that elusive American Dream
While Our children end up being programmed throughout their adolescence
The last thing people should want is the Government and the FCC educating Our Children
That is why We are in the current mess that we are in
Nobody knows anything
The whole United Kingdom believed we were invading Iraq because Saddam was manufacturing weapons of mass destruction
Intelligence indicated Iraq was buying yellowcake in order to manufacture Nuclear Weapons
Nobody even realizes that nuclear energy only involves the process of water boiling
Before industrialization it was called a steam engine
Chernobyl was a radiation poisoning, nobody got burned by a tea kettle overflowing
The correct term for Nuclear is Natural energy
It was seen as threat to the big Oil companies
Makes you question the information of the CIA, as well as their intelligence
Yellow cake Plutonium is what THE UK'S partner the KGB used in Chernobyl’s mass poisoning
Plutonium is radiation and has nothing to do with Natural Energy
Are we really discussing war with Iran claiming they are steaming?
We have finally located the WMD’s they are headquartered in Washington
Code named Government
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