Wednesday, August 5, 2009

And I'M Asking What You Got?

Classic scene in National Lampoon’s vacation. Clark Griswald had just missed all the signs while driving across the country with his wife and children to a closed down amusement park. They have picked up their aunt Edna along the way. Their dog did not make it, however, as much as the little guy tried. After missing the signs Clark ends up launching his station wagon into a Desert. When he finally gets the car into town. He asks the mechanic how much he owes:

Mechanic: How much you got?

Clark: No-No I am asking how much for the repairs…

Hillbilly Assistant Mechanic: Mr. I have never seen anyone as shit all stupid as you. You must got manure for brains driving off the end of the road like that

Clark: thank you

Clark: I’m asking how much to fix my car?

Mechanic: And I am asking how much you got

Clark reaches into his wallet and gives him everything he has…

Clark: what does your Sherriff think of your business practices?

The Mechanic opens his wallet and flashes his badge

Clark hops into his metallic pea station wagon and wobbles off

Clark: Audrey how much baby sitting money do you have sweetie?

She lies and says she has much less than she does. But Rusty his son who had been through her purse called her out on the lie.

Russ: She is lying she has 80 bucks

Clark: No that ‘s not gonna be enough

Wife: what happened to all your money?

Clark: Oh I just gave it all to the Sherriff for four bald tires and a couple of loose screws…

Clark: Hey Russ look in Aunt Edna’s purse and see how much she has. They thought she was asleep, but she had died and they could not pry her purse from her cold dead hands.

Let’s play-How Much You Got?

If someone told me they were worth five million dollars. I would ask them to review their assets a little more closely. That house that you paid cash for is not really yours. That is the reason American’s have to pay property taxes, they do not own the land. Uncle Sam does….Government is not above evicting people whose land they need. Remember, the people you are paying your taxes to, their ancestors built the railroads. The people who have a mortgage cannot claim they have any equity at all. They might have a $500,000 mortgage on a million dollar home. But that equity is predicated on the government’s willingness to continue lending money to people in order to purchase your home. The government devoured every mortgage company during the market down turn, triggered by JP Morgan. Not surprisingly, the depression was also triggered by JP Morgan. This led to a major market consolidation, Carnegies and Mellons merged to become US Steel. JP Morgan being the money behind this merger.

By creating these market derivatives they were able to make double blind concealed transactions. Companies believed they had these insured transactions that JP Morgan claimed were secured by an invisible third party. When money flows became tight, the market became illiquid, sending shockwaves throughout the housing market. A domino effect is what followed. The mortgage companies that believed they had taken out insurance in the event of a market down turn wanted to collect their insurance money. Unfortunately, the invisible third parties that they paid their insurance premiums to did not exist. If they did actually exist they had no way of indemnifying these companies for their losses. The whole thing came undone as quickly as a bridesmaids dress. Countrywide had purchased insurance in the event that this ended up happening. For example: They would pay 10 million insurance on 100 million in loans they were holding (hundred million bundles is an example). In the event of a market downturn (say beyond 20%) the mortgage companies would call in that 100 million insurance money they were expecting. That is when JP Morgan pulled the rug out from underneath them. Sorry, the people we gave the insurance money to in that blind transaction, disappeared. It was as though a gigantic financial pathogen had choked the entire market. There was no bottom, these companies were immediately forced into bankruptcy. That is why insurance Companies like AIG got exposed.

The Government jammed up the market by making Fannie Mae illiquid. Fannie Mae was the conduit between private mortgage companies and the Government Federal Reserve money. When Fannie Mae stumbled, money dried up, lending got tighter, the housing market stalled. The fuse was lit. Gobble Gobble, JP Morgan and Bank of America buy up all the Private Mortgage companies, Insurance Companies, as well as a few banks that got caught in the net. Just another consolidation, just as the depression was a means for controlling the entire money supply and establishing the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve has now morphed into The World Bank. That is who lent us all the money for the war. Speaking of War, I thought War was good for the economy. How is it then, that when George Bush leaves office, the tax payer is left to spend hundreds of billions of dollars in a wall street bail out…These Oil companies and banks make money off of Oil, American’s paid for The UK to jack all these new wells. The Oil companies did not have to pay for it…Halliburton and the rest of the chemical and drug companies profit from War. Somehow, the market ends up on its head. The indexes should have reflected this increase in Market Capitalization. How does their math add up? American’s paid Bank of America to gobble up the rest of America. In addition to spending almost 100 trillion on the war. Where did all the money go? It must have gone into someone’s pockets, it did not disappear. The World Bank charges developing countries 25% interest. If American’s are paying 25 trillion a year interest on this loan to the World Bank…Baby Boomers might be concerned about their social security continuing.

Countrywide was the largest private home lender in the country. They are now owned by Bank of America, which is 500 billion in debt and they are FDIC insured by a government that is 100 trillion in debt. They owe that money to the World Bank that charges 25% interest annually. It should also be mentioned, JP Morgan walked away from this derivatives disaster unscathed. The original point being, nobody can claim they have equity in their home, because it is the money supply that determines the value of homes and the government controls the money supply.

In light of these facts, it would be difficult for anyone to claim they have equity in their homes. The man with $5,000,000 might say he still has $4,000,000 in assets over at Merril Lynch. Forgetting that Merril Lynch went bankrupt themselves and might not be the best firm to receive investment advice from. Never mind that they advise you to buy a couple hundred thousand dollars in Bank Of America Stock and some safe government issued bonds, as well as a significant amount in money market funds. I might point out that Bank Of America purchased Merril Lynch in order to prevent them from going bankrupt. You might want to question the business acumen of a company that purchases an investment bank that was going bankrupt. Never mind that you only have stock certificates to represent your equity in a company that is 500 billion in debt. Your stock certificate that you have never actually received represents an equity stake in a 500 billion dollar donut hole. Apparently, ivy league advanced calculus prevented this person from remembering how to add 2 + 2. The money market is actually held by Bank of America. They are 500 billion in debt, but the good news is that money is FDIC insured. But unfortunately, they are still100 trillion in debt. It appears this person’s net worth is dropping severely. Those safe government bonds might have seniority over the illiquid savings money. It is a good thing this person prepared for a rainy day and buried a million pieces of paper in their backyard. That million used to be tied to the gold standard. Once upon a time there was 10 million pieces of paper for every ten million worth of gold. The value of gold is arbitrary as well, Economics can be very subjective…

gold rush is a period of feverish migration of workers into the area of a dramatic discovery of commercial quantities of goldGold rushes were typically marked by a general buoyant feeling of a "free for all" in income mobility, in which any single individual might become abundantly wealthy almost instantly. The significance of gold rushes in history has given a longer life to the term, and it is now applied generally to denote any capitalist economic activity in which the participants aspire to race each other in common pursuit of a new and apparently highly lucrative market, often precipitated by an advance in technology

The previous paragraph can also be used to describe the American Dream. In order to start a rat race you need to offer the participants cheese. The government did not clear all the Indian’s off the land in order to give the new African slaves a chance at acquiring some gold. These two demographics did not pan out as well as the guys who owned the railroads. In order to get gold you actually need to blow a hole in the earth with dynamite. There were never miners with pans in their hands pulling gold out of riverbeds. You needed to be a man of industry and be willing to commit a jihad against the earth. Diamonds can be found on the surface, as blood diamond illustrated. The miner’s can be seen walking on sandy marsh picking diamonds off the floor. When you dig a little lower you will find platinum. Below that gold, then silver, and finally bronze. Or copper which is used for technology, we call it fiberoptics (bronze rush). The people who owned the railroads and the factories needed to establish currency. Or metrics that were used in order to establish wealth. The solution was to make minerals valuable. The most precious commodities being diamonds, the least valuable are copper and bauxite (used to make poisonous aluminum). The deeper they scraped into the earth’s belly, the more material wealth they were able to create. Here is an example of how mining works.

 Many silver rushes followed upon gold rushes. As transportation and infrastructure improve, the focus may change progressively from gold to silver to base metals. In this way, Leadville, Colorado started as a placer gold discovery, achieved fame as a silver-mining district, then relied on lead and zinc in its later days. Butte, Montana began mining placer gold, then became a silver-mining district, then became for a time the world’s largest copper producer.

Let me clarify. They scraped all the gold, then the silver, and then finally the bronze. Montana is the largest copper mining state in America still today. After the gold is extricated, they then make silver valuable. Until finally, people have copper pennies, getting broadband connections. Consider the actual size of these industries:

With gold prices soaring and poverty increasing, the world is currently experiencing an unprecedented gold rush. There are about 13 million to 20 million small-scale miners around the world, according to Communities and Small-Scale Mining (CASM). Approximately 100 million people are directly or indirectly dependent on small-scale mining. There are 800,000 to 1.5 million artisanal miners in Democratic Republic of Congo, 350,000 to 650,000 in Sierra Leone, and 150,000 to 250,000 in Ghana, with millions more across Africa

You can easily identify the world’s biggest dildo’s. They have their drills in the earth’s belly for no reason at all. The more they grew their industrial engine the shorter people’s lives got. In order to compensate, clocks began going much faster. The original clock towers were put up in order to coordinate boat shipments. They had to be tall and at the waterfront in order for ships to be able to see. You will notice there are no minute hands on these old towers. You will also notice these towers are located at churches and universities. The newer buildings have minute hands. They arbitrarily add sixty minutes to each hour. Twelve hours is relative to the months. Finally getting to a point where people are now forced to count their seconds. Not coincidentally, all military watches feature multiple countdowns all the way down to the millisecond. The faster industry grows the faster time goes by. When more speed and power was required, the combustible engine was developed. Oil is combustible, that is why the first engine run on Oil was called the combustible engine. As these captains of industry increased their own demand for Oil they started to now take ownership of any land where Oil was floating to the surface. That is why I said you can identify the biggest putses by the number of Oil rigs they own. Saudi Arabia’s cloak wearing Royalty Comes to mind. Halliburton’s Oil rigs are in Iran, Russia (I mean Moscow), Iraq, The United Emirates, throughout all of Central America, Vietnam, Alberta, Alaska, Texas, the first Rockefeller Center was located in Antartica.

You will notice that there is Oil everywhere. There is a logical reason for this. Oil is the earth’s life blood and contrary to what economist are saying. There is no need to worry, the earth will never run out of Oil. If the earth’s blood were sucked dry, life would cease to exist. But not because we would not have any gasoline left for our hummers. Oil is a fossil fuel. That means that when life dies it regenerates itself and becomes a part of the earth’s blood in order to regenerate again. Life would have to stop regenerating itself on earth in order for us to run out of oil. If there was no more blood there would be no more life. People do not consider such things...In order to sell an abundant resource to people at ridiculous prices. You have to make the people believe there is a limited supply. Simple supply and demand economics. They would have a harder time selling water to people. People can easily see how massive the ocean is. That is why we went off of Nuclear/Natural Energy, it is a steam engine. People never consider that they have never actually seen a dry Oil well. They have never seen one go out of business…Except in Hollywood movies where they show images of a rusty old dry oil well aimlessly sea sawing up and down. They never contemplate that Oil is drilled all over the world and there are tons of offshore oil rigs every couple of miles. They want you to believe they have these advanced methods for determining an Oil wells projected reserves. The more Oil they saw bubbling to the surface, the more Oil they expected to find underneath. If they were looking at land that looked like a tar pit, they got their buckets out and filled their trains. The more they sucked dry what were in the pools, the lower they had to go in order to extricate more. The only reason these oil executives expand their drilling is not to meet supply demands. But instead, it is to continue building and expanding industry and making money for the rest of their house of representatives…

The more rigs they build, the more steal required and JP Morgan owns US Steel. The more building out of the infrastructure, the more money required, thus increasing money and banking flows, the more Oil they steal the bigger army they will require, further fueling the economy. When you bomb Iraq into pieces, you can then also have Halliburton contracted in the rebuilding effort for a couple hundred billion. As well as the Bush’s and Bin Laden’s construction and contracting company The Carlyle Group. Not including the couple hundred billion they will make on their new Oil fields (or old ones). It is unclear whether they brought new Halliburton Oil rigs to Iraq or if they just continued using the pre-existing ones they had already sold to Sadam. Kuwait used to be partners with Saddam. Kuwait is of course a US/UK Oil field. American’s are now aware that the reason we are in Iraq is because of Oil. It is void of any other reason. Saddam had nothing to do with 9-11 and weapons of mass destruction never existed (except for the Government).

People are not outraged that all of their tax money is being spent on killing because they believe that America needs to secure its Oil Interest. There might be another Oil shock like the one the media played up in the late 70’s. Endless lines of cars at the gas station waiting to fill up their tanks. At prices most American’s cannot possibly afford. Nobody wants to wait in line at a gas station. They are already stuck in traffic all day because the government is tearing up the streets laying copper wire underneath. Cal trans is supposed to be in charge of fixing the roads, but they are actually the ones tearing them up. Cal trans is working for the public phone company that is supposed to be private. The lowest mineral in the earth’s core is copper. That is why it is sold by the government. You can always find them selling what is at the bottom of the earth to their taxpayers. Today this copper is being used for high speed Internet. That is why the American tax payer is forced to sit in traffic while their cars are getting hideous gas mileage, choking on their own fumes. They need a Faster internet connection because they are inpatient from having to sit all day in traffic while their high speed pipes are laid.

Pumping Gas is the only time American’s do not have to wait in line, there are millions of pumps for them to choose from. Except all of the oil prices are the same. Makes you wonder what they mean by free markets. People never consider why all of the government Cal Trans workers look like Illegal Aliens (or former Indians). If it is illegal to hire people who do not have their green card, then how come the government is employing millions of them? Probably makes good business cents, they can pay these slaves less than minimum wage. If people could take a step back, they would understand that they are stuck in the vortex of a mad man’s invention.

The government even trades hundreds of billions of dollars a day on wall street, in Oil futures. The fluctuation depends on what military action America is taking at the time or intends on taking in the future. The more fluctuation they manufacture, the more trading that occurs. The more trading, the more transaction fees they collect. People want to sell when they make a lot of money. A market run creates a herd mentality, think of a bull representing human greed, the men who run wall street are standing there with a blood stained sheet. People want to ride the wave when oil is on the rise. Then when the market turns down people want to get off and cut their losses. While others want to take advantage of a market downturn by purchasing on the cheap. Consider the sum total of all this trading.

The people trading barrels do not own the Oil they are buying or selling. They are trading on Air, the Oil companies and The Government own all the barrels. The total number of barrels traded on wall street exceeds the number of Oil Barrels in existence. They are called futures for a reason. The company brokering this transaction does not have any inventory itself. The companies that actually own the barrels of oil do not have anything to do with these transactions. At least they shouldn’t, because the American shareholders have rights to those barrels with their American stock certificates. The people of Saudi Arabia also have stock certificates on their own Saudi Arabian stock market index. Apparently, these oil companies have so many barrels of Oil they can sell equity on multiple stock market indexes. Never mind that the Oil Commodity Index is called AIG Dow Jones. AIG is appropriately bankrupt. They are the company that is supposed to be insuring the transaction (AIG is an Insurance company). AIG is now owned by the government. It is just one big circle jerk, with innocent people getting loads dropped on their heads. The sum total of their industrial engine is nothing more than an illusion.

In a later blog, I will explain in succinct terms just how much of an illusion we are really living in Babylon. Titled Economic Illusion

American’s are all driving around in a metallic pea automobile. Giving everything they got to the Sherriff for four wobbly bald tires. They also paid a premium for their HDTV, that is how they got their loose screws.

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