Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Did you know that Charles Manson was a Scientologist?

Scientology is one of these New Age religions

There founder was a documented drug abuser, liar, science fiction writer, who took advantage of underage girls, beating them, women, and children

I welcome any Scientologist to refute what I have just written

Before writing or saying something I make sure my facts are straightened

Something for these celebrities to consider when they are preaching a religion

God can be a man or a woman- God is a part of everything

Rest assured the men who beat women, molest girls, etc. just for the sake of power and money making

These men and God have no relation

Any legitimate religious leader needs to claim Soloman blood in them

Allah, The Buddha, Jesus, King David, Bob Marley, King Soloman, Queen Of Sheba,…

To the Jesus that was crucified in Rome

All the way down to Jah ,King Selassie I, who was poisoned in his own home

Every one of these men had Soloman blood flowing within them

If the God of your religion is not related to these men, then it is a total fraud they are selling

The captain of your religion should not be the son of a military commander who tells war stories that never happened

Scientologist might as well be worshipping John McCain

John killed a woman while drunk driving and did not even bother stopping

He claimed to be a POW after being shot down, but he never even went to Vietnam

Currently he owns an anheuser bush distributorship, I am sure he also beats women

The Liquor he and The Bush’s sell leads to many a woman’s beatings

When you are drunk you do not have a conscience

L. Ron Hubbard’s war story claimed he was the Lieutenant of a Submarine

He unloaded missiles and entered into a two day inglorious battle with Japan off the coast of Oregon

The military confirmed that he did have a two day battle blasting up shit in Oregon

However, there was absolutely no documentation of any threat existing adding that American waters have never seen a Japanese Submarine

Scientologist do not believe in drugs and are known for natural drug rehabilitation

Unless you are the religions founder, then you do can do all the drugs you want

You only need to go to rehab if you do not have enough money to continue doing drugs for the rest of your lifetime

The only part of their religion that I agree with is the part about not needing western medicine

How does someone like that gain a following of over eight million?

It is documented that the only reason he ever became a religion was in order to receive a tax exemption

His son later confirmed as much in an interview with Penthouse magazine

Dad is only interested in making money and chasing women

That is why Forbes had him as one of the world’s richest men, right before his passing

If this small religion was able to accumulate that kind of money

What must the roman catholic church and it’s many false disciples be making?

The reason very few people know God, is because men like L. Ron Hubbard claim to have a relationship with H.I.M

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