Monday, August 3, 2009

AIDS-Cancer-WMD's And You

Warning: Do not drive a vehicle or operate heavy machinery while reading this.  Wait 24 hours once you have completed reading before driving. It will take some time for the smoke to clear from your eyes. Welcome to the real world.

I apologize for the length of this writing. Fortunately, it is well worth the long read. I am able to document the origination of all diseases, in addition to providing a cure for all of them. You cannot read what I have written without reconsidering your next doctor’s check up.

Let us first get a couple facts out of the way. AIDS was made by Our Government. AIDS original name was MK NAOMI The MK stands for James Manaker and Paul Kotin. They were the directors of the entire MK host of programs. NAOMI stands for Negro’s Are Only Momentary Individuals. The following is a link to a Web site that shows the actual time line of the AIDS virus. The exact sequence of events that led up to AIDS proliferation.

At the very bottom of the page, is the actual Government document itself. Everything written on the following link is not refuted by Our current Government. After all, it was their document.

Here is a small excerpt from the Government document. Dr. Gallo is the actual creator of the virus:

Dr. Robert Gallo was secretly working on the development of AIDS with full support of the sector of the U.S. government that seeks to kill its citizens. Dr. Gallo’s early work and discoveries will finally be viewed in relation to the flowchart. We now know where every experiment fits into the flowchart. The “research logic” is irrefutable evidence of a federal “Manhattan-style project” to develop a “contagious” cancer that “selectively” kills. Dr. Gallo’s 1971 paper is identical to his 1984 AIDS announcement

Notice it was initially called a “cancer”. AIDS and Malaria are both cancers as well, I will explain that in greater detail later. This government document surfacing has not hindered Mr. Gallo’s reputation. Here is what Mr. Gallo is up to these days.

Robert Charles Gallo (born March 23, 1937) is a U.S. biomedical researcher. He is best known for his co-discovery of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), the infectious agent responsible for the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), and he has been a major contributor to subsequent HIV research.

Gallo is the director of the Institute of Human Virology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. He and two longtime scientific collaborators, Robert R. Redfield and William A. Blattner, co-founded the institute in 1996 in a partnership including the State of Maryland and the City of Baltimore. In 2005, Gallo co-founded Profectus BioSciences, Inc., which develops and commercializes technologies to reduce the morbidity and mortality caused by human viral diseases, including HIV

On May 4, 1984, Gallo and his collaborators published a series of four papers in the scientific journal Science[8] demonstrating that a retrovirus they had isolated, called HTLV-III in the belief that the virus was related to the leukemia viruses of Gallo's earlier work, was the cause of AIDS

Gallo was awarded his second Lasker Award in 1986 for "determining that the retrovirus now known as HIV-1 is the cause of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).” He is the only recipient of two Lasker Awards.

The Lasker’s must not realize how dumb this man actually is. He created the disease in the first place and now he cannot figure out how to cure it. I think he is a fucking dumb ass, because he decided to kill innocent people…Just for the sake of making money. Profectus BioSciences develops and commercializes technologies to reduce morbidity and mortality caused by AIDS. Here is the latest news release from Profectus:

National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded to Profectus via a Novation Agreement, two contracts totaling $21.6 million to develop a preventative HIV vaccine delivered with the Company’s recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (rVSV) vector and a therapeutic HIV DNA based vaccine


You can visit there Web site

The Government runs the NIH. The M of the MK is a man named Paul Manaker. Currently, he is a child pediatrician at the AFB. Paul Kotin (the K) is currently in hell. Before he went, he founded the Government’s National Institute of Health (NIH). That is probably why his old partner is still receiving 21 million dollar contracts for treating the disease they created. They both specialize in Cancer Research (because AIDS is Cancer). They both got their MD’s at The University of Illinois. They probably know Barack and Oprah. He also received many accolades for his distinguished service. U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare Superior Service Award and Distinguished Service Award and the Knudsen Award from the American Occupational Medicine Association. You can read more about this fine gentleman at the following link.

Maybe you are still indifferent. You do not care about black’s getting AIDS.

This is how cancer was invented, this affects you too. In the government document it states that AIDS originated as a cancer and was disseminated by Cigarettes. Do Cigarettes cause cancer? Cancer is man made, the biggest research institutions are the creators of the diseases. The previous documents conclusively prove this as fact. The reason people are so indifferent and apathetic to these realities is because they have been programmed to be that way. Here is some other components of the MK program.


MKNAOMI was the code name for a joint Department of Defense/CIA research program. It is generally reported to be a successor to the MKDELTA project and to have focused on biological projects including biological warfare agents—

The CIA engaged in various projects designed to increase U.S. biological and chemical warfare capabilities. Project MKNAOMI was initiated to provide the CIA with a covert support base to meet its top-secret operational requirements. The purpose was to establish a robust arsenal within the CIA's Technical Services Division (TSD) and of which was to consist of various lethal and incapacitating materials. This would enable the TSD to serve as a highly maintained center for the circulation of biological and chemical materials.

For these purposes the U.S. Army's Special Operations Command (SOC) was assigned to assist the CIA in the development, testing, and maintenance procedures for the biological agents and delivery systems. Both the CIA and SOC also modified guns that fired special darts coated with biological agents and various poisonous pills. In addition, the SOC was also designated to research the potentials for using biological agents against other animals and crops.

A 1967 CIA memo which was uncovered by the Church Committee was confirmed to give evidence of at least three covert techniques for attacking and poisoning crops that have been examined under field conditions. CIA scientist was able to acquire an estimated 11 grams of deadly shellfish toxin from SOC personnel at Fort Detrick.

Project MK-ULTRA, or MKULTRA, was the code name for a covert CIA mind-control and chemical interrogation research program, run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence. The program began in the early 1950s, and has not concluded. It uses United States citizens as its test subjects.[1][2][3] The published evidence indicates that Project MK-ULTRA involves the surreptitious use of many types of drugs, often distributed through the water supply, as well as other methods, to manipulate individual mental states and to alter brain function.[4]

Project MK-ULTRA was first brought to wide public attention in 1975 by the U.S. Congress. On the Senate floor Senator Ted Kennedy said:

The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an "extensive testing and experimentation" program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens "at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign." Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to "unwitting subjects in social situations." At least one death, that of Dr. [Frank] Olson, resulted from these activities. The Agency itself acknowledged that these tests made little scientific sense. The agents doing the monitoring were not qualified scientific observers

Mind control Perhaps the most frequently thought of example of mind control is hypnosis, a widely accepted practice often used for entertainment and psychological assessment.

Your radiation delivering television comes to you in a hypnotic form. You just cannot see because the screen hides this fact. The newscasters all deliver the news in the same hypnotic manner.

Scientist found that beans' growth in front of a TV set was distorted by toxic radiation into a vine like growth, with roots growing upwards out of the soil.  They questioned what the excessive absorption of artificial light might do to individuals sitting in front of a Television.

Hopefully, your picture is starting to become more clear…

Guns and Doctor’s should both be associated with killing. Look at Government as Satan. Guns, Scientist’s, Doctors, Medicine, Military, Police, and Institutions (be it educational or correctional) are Satan’s instruments. For the purposes of this discussion We will focus on the Government’s creation of disease and the fortune medicine reaps treating these diseases. Notice I said treating disease, not curing. There is no money in cures, there is only money in treatment. A doctor’s job is to put themselves out of business. Since they are making too much money treating disease, I have decided to put them out of business myself. All that I am about to say is verifiable. In case you need further proof, I am telling the truth. If any medical professionals or research institutions would like to refute anything I have claimed in the following writing. I would gladly discuss my findings with any of them.

People see doctor’s doing all of these miraculous feats on Television and they are fooled into believing doctors actually save lives. The doctors on television are actors pretending to be doctors. The doctor that you visit are murderers, pretending to be doctors.

AIDS, Malaria, and Cancer are all the same disease. They are all pathogens that manifest as platelets in your blood. These platelets grown until finally a blood clot forms. That is why with AIDS and Malaria in particular, people die of a temperature. There is no more oxygen flowing through their blood because of the blood clot. Without oxygen, they overheat and die. AIDS and Malaria is mainly spread through blood transfer. Cancer can be absorbed through environmental conditions. Cancer can be inherited through a mother or father’s seed. However, it is not usually transferred through sexual relations. There are specific types of STD’s that cause cancer, particularly in females. If this is confusing, just remember all of the diseases are cancer, mycroplasms. They just have different incubation periods and varying side effects. We had the cure to malaria when we were using it as a weapon in Vietnam. The reason people get the disease when traveling to Africa is because they were inoculated with Malaria. All three diseases are spread through blood. Hence the reason these so called leaders in Africa encourage their soldiers to engage in blood letting tactics. Selling stories like gang raping virgins makes you invincible in combat. Similar story in the Muslim religion, blow yourself and innocent civilians up. And your reward is a host of virgins in the kingdom of Heaven. This hardly reconciles with the The First Commandment. THOU SHALL NOT KILL. How can any religion sell virgin innocence as a reward for senseless killing and violence?

AIDS has the additional benefit of spreading more rapidly in the gay community, because there is excess blood spread through anal sex.

The disease is also spread through dirty needles. The Government did a free dirty needle exchange program. I find the dirty needle exchange program an interesting break from policy.

What kind of needles do you think the Government is offering at their free AIDS clinics? The words Free and Government in a sentence together should come with a warning label. The only other thing that the Government gives out Free is Public School and you know that comes at a steep price. Kids gets stripped of their humanity, at their twelve step brainwash camp. Why does the Government offer free tests to people with no healthcare? Why would people get tested if there is no treatment for them once they find out? The people who get tested are good people who care about the welfare of others. Before having unprotected sex, they get a test. That is why someone with no insurance would get a free AIDS test. But the Government who created the disease, and is withholding treatment if you test positive…They clearly have a vested interest in spreading the disease. The Government documents show how AIDS proliferated in Africa. They gave them the disease via a small pox vaccine. 

Your SeaMen is salt, so too is your blood. The Malarial platelets are spread through SeaMen and Eggs. The disease then manifests itself in your Seed and incubates over a period of time in Our children and then We somehow call it cancer “Sickle Cell Anemia.” Malaria is now clearly identified as a cancer. Over 90% of Sickle Cell Cancer patients are the children of African’s. This is because malaria is spread through blood. Malaria and AIDS spread the exact same way, through sex, blood transfusions, and needles. Mosquito’s do not carry the disease. If Mosquito’s carried the disease, the rest of the world would be suffering from the disease. Mosquito’s do not just stay in one place. Many people are not aware of the Malaria outbreak in America. Negro Sharecroppers in the West suffered from this disease. It did not proliferate because they did not get the disease from Mosquito’s. If Mosquito’s carried the disease, we would still have Malaria today. Mosquito’s did not go extinct in America?  This is the way that modern medicine is used as a vehicle to disseminate misinformation. In order to confuse the public from what they are doing. That is why doctors are all specialist, so they cannot see the whole picture. How can a cardiologist specialize in just heart problems. The heart is the engine for your entire body. Mechanics do not specialize in parts of the engine. Your heart is attached to your brain. Your brain tells the heart how to function. Any heart surgeon worth anything should know how the brain functions as well. This applies to Neurologist as well, they cannot know how the brain works without knowing how the rest of the body functions. Your brain is the control station for the entire body. Fortunately, I am not a brain surgeon, or a rocket scientist. We now know that these two categories are not as smart as we thought. Nobody should be taking a saw to someone’s scalp, removing tumors. And We know that rocket scientist have not made a thing that actually worked. Shows what their schools are worth.

AIDS is just the new malarial cancer. The reason HIV incubates for longer periods in America is because they have access to Oxygen. Especially in the Water supply, unless you live in the hood... It is still better than the water they were forced to drink in Africa. Oxygen allows your blood to flow. Water responds to e-motions and the environment…In much the same way people mirror their environment. God is where there is Loving better known as Heaven. How can people find God where Sin has left the land Barron? If people are comprised of 70% water and We respond to Our environment then of course water responds in the same way. Death, Destruction, Industrialization, and Violence destroy Water and people alike. That is why the people in Africa do not get HIV they die quickly from AIDS.

Cancer is different from AIDS and Malaria because it can be transmitted through the environment. For example, toxic waste, cigarettes, liquor, meat, TV, Radiation. When they spray pesticides on your skin they call it skin cancer. Toxins go through your skin and enters your blood stream, until a tumor develops. A Bloodclot forms because the pathogen platelet has blocked the flow of oxygen and your blood has now clotted. Then you go to a doctor who takes more of your breath away and tells you that you need to remove the skin cancerous tumor or you will die. All you need is some music and healing water. Read the Mozart effect on the healing power of Music. Read Hedo’s book on the healing power of water. The writer of The Mozart Effect Don Campbell was diagnosed with brain cancer. He had a terrible headache and ex-rays revealed he had a tumor in his brain. The doctors claimed it was near a very sensitive region and that an emergency surgery would be risky. The options were: Take a saw to his head immediately and remove the tumor. This option did not seem too promising. The other option was to see what happens over the next couple of weeks. Doctor’s were hoping the blood clot might move out of the sensitive region of the brain. If this occurred it would make his chances of surviving this operation much better. Don went home and listened to music continuously as one of his friends suggested. Miraculously when he went back to the doctors a couple weeks later the tumor had disappeared. The doctors claimed they had never seen anything like that before. Good thing they did not take a saw to his head that evening. I doubt the doctors examined this medical miracle more closely. Music heals, medicine kills.

They call it skin cancer but your skin has nothing to do with the cancer. The reason the skin has a bump is because there is a blood clot underneath the skins surface. How skin cancer could be seen as different than any other cancer is ridiculous. All cancers are blood clots. Why do you think my Rasta Bredren call white mercenaries bloodclots?

Prostate cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, and then anything that is not connected to a vital organ is called skin cancer. Except for the other cancers in the blood supply that shut down all of your organs, then they call that Leukemia or Sickle Cell Anemia.

They are going to poison you one way or the other. If you are eating a lot of poisoned animals blood, then you get colon/prostate cancer. Maybe you smoke their rat poison then you get lung cancer. If you drink their liquor or take their medicine, then you get liver cancer.

If you get cancer they provide people with radiation treatment. Look up the word radiation on Wikipedia, it offers the following definition:

Radiation, also called "radiation sickness" or a "creeping dose", is a form of damage to organ tissue due to excessive exposure to ionizing radiation. The term is generally used to refer to acute problems caused by a large dosage of radiation in a short period, though this also has occurred with long term exposure. The clinical name for "radiation sickness" is acute radiation syndrome (ARS) as described by the CDC.[1][2][3]

Radiation exposure can also increase the probability of contracting some other diseases, mainly cancer, tumors, and genetic damage. These are referred to as the stochastic effects of radiation, and are not included in the term radiation sickness.

When people get the cancer that the Government gave them, they then go to a Doctor to get poison for treatment. Quite literally. I went on Google and typed in the search Radiation Cancer Treatment. I got 6.5 million listings. When people get radiation poisoning, like they did at Chernobyl, you get cancer and your hair falls out. The people in Russia, did not pay for their hair to fall out, free radiation-no health insurance required. Chernobyl was not a nuclear melt down, it was a mass radiation poisoning. The reason We never found any weapons of mass destruction is because Nuclear weapons do not exist. Nuclear Energy’s definition is as follows on Wikipedia:

All utility-scale reactors[1] heat water to produce steam, which is then converted into mechanical work for the purpose of generating electricity or propulsion.

Let me translate what exactly this means. They take water and put it in a big container and then they boil it. The energy from this boiling reaction or steam generates electricity. You remember hearing about those steam engines before industrialization. The problem with water is that it is an abundant resource. Commodities value is determined by perceived scarcity. If people knew the whole world could be generated on water, you would not need big Oil any more. Of course cars can run on boiling water, if you can run 70% of France’s electricity on boiling water. You can certainly power a car.

Russia and the UK were just setting up their next move. After they poisoned everyone with radiation they scared everyone off of water. Russia went onto drill in the Caspian, one of the riches Oil Reserves in the world. It also had the added benefits of scaring the rest of the world off of natural energy and ensured continued reliance on Oil. The price of oil has only skyrocketed since then. By claiming the radiation disaster was a Nuclear disaster, panic permeated throughout the world. The breadth of this slaughter caused people to actually fear another nuclear meltdown. The Bush government capitalized on this fear, by claiming Saddam Hussein was boiling water. We are even talking about invading Iran, they might be steaming. People accept fiction for facts and that is how we end up in this mess. America claims to have dropped the only two nuclear bombs.

The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuclear attacks near the end of World War II

The “atomic” bombings were “nuclear” attacks is what they say. Atomic energy and Nuclear Energy are completely different. See how twisted they offer their facts.

If We removed the government all diseases would disappear. Every disease was made by man, and every one of these men worked for the Government. Consider the following. There is a culture in the Amazon that has never had any contact with civilization. The reason they do not want to come into contact with civilization is because civilization comes with diseases. As long as they remain a safe distance from industrialization and keep Babylon away…They will never suffer a single disease. It would be impossible for them to get diseases because they have never been contaminated with germs/pathogens. All the way down to the common cold. Germs do not exist in nature, they are made in Science Labs. They give you the flu in a vile when they give you your inoculations. If they can put it in a vile, then the disease was not made in nature. They give you the flu so you don’t get a worse flew later. The reason you very seldom have recurring cases of the Flu in the same season is because your body develops an immunity to the strand. The following year they will release a new strand of flu (next outbreak). When they give you a flu shot they are giving you a small dose of the flu. In order to prevent you catching a worse case later. Thanks- keep your vile and tell your friends at the Department of Health to stop contaminating The DWP and spreading the disease through the water supply. Chickenpox usually occurs once. Our children are getting poisoned until they have an outbreak. There body expels these horrible toxins in the form of boils. Then the body develops an immunity to the disease.   

We have finally located the Weapons of Mass Destruction. They are called Government’s. It is my sincere hope that you will reconsider your relationship, with both your Doctor’s and The Government. In order to rid ourselves of every disease, We must rid ourselves of them. The first step is turning off your television. Everyone has had enough radiation poisoning.

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