Saturday, August 1, 2009

Dr. You got a spare?

While We are in the process of myth busting...I would like to discuss Stem Cell Research and Cloning

Making spare human parts is called stem cell. Making a replica of yourself is known as cloning. Many people think that stem cell and cloning are one in the same. They are only the same in the following sense. They are both complete fabrications, just like the moon. They want people to believe they are capable of miraculous feats in order to receive false praise. The more people worship their fake miracles, the less they will appreciate God's miracle. 

The first successful clone was of sheep. I have seen government scientist work on converting people into sheep. But cloning sheep into sheep is a completely futile endeavor. Sheep are all the same. They all act the same, they all get herded alike. Only one strays off from the pack and that sheep is quickly brought back in line. There is no distinguishing characteristics with sheep, so how would you know you made an exact clone of one. What determined it was a clone versus a baby? They all look identical...I guess that is why they sell their sheep story to their sheep.

Cloning is not the same as stem cell. Cloning is making a replica of an animal or person. We have only had success with animal's thus far...In order to make a clone of someone you would need their mother's egg and their father's SeaMan. That is where these scientist and doctor's should probably begin. But of course they are just dealing with Eggs. People no longer understand that they live through their children. Everyone wants to live forever...People no longer believe in God, therefore, they do not believe in Heaven or Hell. If they do not believe there is anything after this and no reincarnation. They naturally want to live here on earth forever.  Biotechnology makes this illusion possible by offering to make a lifetime replica of ourselves. In a science lab. 

Stem cell is different from cloning. The pill prevents life from being created by a woman and thus creates infertility. When women take medicine that precludes life from being created in their womb it also prevents them from living. Which is a major cause for female depression, beyond their forced enslavement. When their egg is poisoned, they go to the fertility clinic that poisoned them in the first place. They then borrow another women’s egg, or take a fertility medicine that brings your womb back to life. Now this is where things get confusing. I was not educated in medical school so bare with me…. There is apparently an excess supply of women’s embryos sitting on ice in freezers. The idea is to use these eggs and then mix them with male seamen. This would be required in order for the egg to be fertilized. They do not explain the steps, but I am trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together as logically as possible. Maybe I can help a future scientist gain a starting point. In my last writing, I undoubtedly helped teach rocket scientist about the moon.

Stem cell is not cloning, the media lumps them together in order to create confusion. Cloning is making a replica of yourself, excluding your Soul. Your eyes are windows to your soul, so these clones might be born blind. Stem cell is just making replacement parts for human beings. The parts would need to remain in the embryo (or womb). They will then live in and grow in these bubbles until a living person needs a spare part. If a 30 year old person has kidney failure and requires a human kidney replacement. The embryo would require an adult kidney. You could not just crack open an embryo sack and take the fetus kidney out and insert it in a 30 year old. If modern science and technology continue to grow at their current magical pace... Fifty years from now there might be human bubble factories. Instead of meat markets with bloody carcasses hanging from hooks. We will have actual humans grown inside bubbles. The bubbles will be connected to an oxygen and feed line. In order to replicate a mother’s umbilical cord. Everyone can be born with a spare embryo that grows in these bubbles. Makes sense, you would not buy a car, if you could not purchase replacement parts for it in the future, in case it breaks down. 

It makes you just stand back with shock and awe…How did we come to a point in society that we have become completely blinded from the truth? Incapable of seeing even a small part of the big picture. People cannot separate the parts from the whole. Unfortunately for those who broke their spines in automobile accidents, and the individuals who lost limbs from land mines all over the world. There are no spare spines or limbs being grown in a lab for replacement. Those with nerve damage caused by the government poisoning you. Sending your nerves into shock causing your body to convulse. There is no magical nerve regeneration system being grown in an umbilical sack to cure Parkinson’s. People need to stop staring at their clocks as the minutes tick past and figure out what time it is.


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