Friday, August 21, 2009

The Seed of Hatred

This is the Mussolini and Stalin Co. Business Model:

Fascist-Nazi-Communist Premise

Imperialism is the eternal and immutable law of life. It is, at bottom, nothing other than the need, the desire and the will to expansion which every individual, and every live and vital people, possesses. Time


During 1938 Dictators Mussolini and Hitler were partners in the firm of Hitler & Mussolini Co. With Hitler holding a majority stake in the Company

The situation which gave rise to this demagogic, ignorant, desperate movement was inherent in the German Republic's birth and in the craving of large sections of the politically immature German people for strong, masterful leadership. Democracy in Germany was conceived in the womb of military defeat.

Meanwhile, Germany has become a nation of uniforms, goose-stepping to Hitler's tune, where boys of ten are taught to throw hand grenades, where women are regarded as breeding machines.

Fascist-Nazi-Communist Consolidation

The signing in Moscow's Kremlin on the night of August 23-24 of the Nazi-Communist "NonAggression" Pact was a diplomatic demarche literally world-shattering. The actual signers were German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Soviet Premier-Foreign Commissar Molotov, but Comrade Stalin was there in person to give it his smiling benediction, and no one doubted that it was primarily his doing.

By the one stroke of sanctioning a Nazi war and by the later strokes of becoming a partner of Adolf Hitler in aggression, Joseph Stalin threw out of the window Soviet Russia's meticulously fostered reputation of a peace-loving, treaty-abiding nation.

We already know that Hitler was representing Mussolini vis a vie Mussolini and Hitler Co. Now We have Stalin-Hitler & Mussolini as partners. Let’s put together two more of the missing pieces. America’s fighter jets had shark teeth in the front with a Star of Texas on the back. This of course represents the Bush family, Prescott Bush helped fund the Nazi War effort as We have documented. Prince Charles Grandfather was King George the VI. His daughter married Nazi’s. That means that his Grandson Charles is also a Nazi. That is probably why he does not mind when Harry dresses up as one. Harry probably got the uniform out of Charles closet. British Military planes were either furnished with Hitler’s black steel cross or a red white and blue bulls eye. They have chosen these colors, because when bombs explode there is a Red flash. While they are in the air a blue gas releases behind the tail of these rockets and bombs (picture a gas stove). The people loading them are Vampires-picture a pasty white. Red, White and Blue with a bulls-eye is the logo for British fighter jets. It was during the rein of these five heathen’s (and the rest of their shithead compatriots) that the entire earth was literally devoured. The reason the World is experiencing this second wave of horror is because all of their grandchildren have built on this hatred.

Let’s examine the comparative stories of Stalin-Hitler-Mussolini. They all came from humble beginnings and they all deplore peasants. The reason they claim humble upbringings is in order to control the population. If these men were once peasants and they were able to make something of themselves. The implication is, that all existing peasants deserve their current lot in life. That is why these dictators can treat them like shit.

Mind Control Methodology

Today other second-rate Powers still remain what they were then. But in 13 swift years the once obscure Italian editor has carried his once negligible country up & up to the ultimate fulcrum on which Europe's future turns.

"Another quality that distinguishes the Dictatorship of Mussolini is his exceptionally wide knowledge of science and philosophy. . . . He is the world's most accomplished plagiarist.

Stalin’s dry doctrinal history of the Communist Party is a best-seller in Russia, just as Hitler's turgid but more interesting Mem Kampf outsells all secular volumes in Germany. He goes in for Nazi-like plebiscites. Hitler won his 1938 election by 99.08% of the voters; Stalin polls 115% in his own Moscow bailiwick. Stalin's photograph became the icon of the new State, whose religion is Communism.

Percentages have gotten more accurate over the years. Apparently the people who Stalin exterminated must have continued voting for him from their graves. At least Hitler admitted that .02% of their population did not appreciate the way he was running Germany. People have gotten smarter these days. Hitler now claims to win by democratic elections by a difference of a couple percentage points. People in America believe their vote on American Idol gets tabulated…They have no doubt that their vote matters in this sham known as American Democracy.

The man most responsible for this world tragedy is a moody, brooding, unprepossessing, 49-year-old Austrian-born ascetic with a Charlie Chaplin mustache.

Time magazine also took note that Hitler had a mustache like Charlie Chaplin.

Hitler, whose reading has always been very limited, invites few great minds to visit him, nor would Führer Hitler agree with Frederick's contention that he was "tired of ruling over slaves."*

Germans might eat many substitute foods or wear ersatz clothes but they did eat. What Adolf Hitler & Co. did to the German people in that time left civilized men and women aghast. Civil rights and liberties have disappeared. Opposition to the Nazi regime has become tantamount to suicide or worse. Free speech and free assembly are Anachronisms. Education has been reduced to a National Socialist catechism.

a⋅nach⋅ro⋅nism  [uh-nak-ruh-niz-uhm]  Show IPA

Something or someone that is not in its correct historical or chronological time, esp. a thing or person that belongs to an earlier time. This can often relate to the changing of History

Illustrating the definition of the word Anachronism

The Nazi controlled press, jumping the rope at the count of Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels, shrieked insults at real and imagined enemies. And the pace of the German dictatorship quickened as more & more guns rolled from factories and little more butter was produced.

Religious Values and Views on Sin-They at least use their Cross in its proper context.

On the year's shortest day, 60 years ago, in Gori, near Tiflis, a son was born to a poor, hard-working Georgian cobbler named Vissarion Djugashvili. The boy's pious mother christened him Joseph, after the husband of Mary, mother of Jesus

Except his real name was not Joseph.

Just branding a “new religion.”

Slightly cross-eyed youngest-son Romano Mussolini was at school, tricked out in the sissy Italian variant of an Eton collar (see cut). His little sister Anna Maria, the first child of the Dictator to bear "a good Catholic name,"

Probably the most debated point in postwar Soviet history was the "last testament"

TIME'S cover, showing Organist Adolf Hitler playing his hymn of hate in a desecrated cathedral while victims dangle


In essence, this was the keynote of Britain's Victoria more than half a century ago. The great Queen, with her pride in British valor and her joy that backward peoples should have the benefit of British rule, has a superficially different but basically similar counterpart in the Dictator of 1935, with his rousing trumps to Fascist valor and his real conviction that Ethiopians are savages who can properly be brought under Italian rule.*

Mistakes & Sins. In Rome last week, aside from the cares of war (see p. 14), the Dictator busied himself daily grappling with the awful risks he runs by steering a Victorian course in 1935.

As they faced each other across the great oak table in Palazzo Venezia last week neither Sir Eric nor the Dictator harbored illusion. The sins and the mistakes of Italy's Victorianism were transparent.

Mistake No. 1: In 1923 when Mussolini had been Premier but a few months, Italy joined France in sponsoring Ethiopia for membership in the League. This piece of flattery to a savage Empire was the opening move in long years of attempted peaceful, economic penetration (think of a prison gangbang or a African Militia gang raping a 12 year old virgin) of Ethiopia. Felicity touched its high when the present Emperor Haile Selassie visited King Vittorio Emanuele III in Rome and was showered with lavish gifts, including some small dogs which still yap at Addis Ababa. Forgotten today is the French reason for having initiated Ethiopia's blossoming into "nationhood" by joining the League: France thought Britain intended to seize Ethiopia and hoped by this means to block the seizure.

Mistake No. 2: When Ethiopia's wily Emperor ran true to immemorial form, balking Italian concessionaires and bilking II Duce with the too-shrewd tricks of an African people's despot (aka Humanity), Dictator Mussolini made the cardinal mistake of not educating world public opinion by a campaign of publicity such as Germany has waged for years, yowling from every vantage point how she has been wronged (think of the WMD story-anachronism).

No coincidence they called it a Cardinal Mistake

Instead II Duce committed his Sin No. 1. Nauseated by what seemed to him the futility of the League of Nations and the many failures of international conferences to settle anything, the Dictator made a separate and sinful pact with France, which sold him for a definite quid pro quo the right, so far as France was concerned, to exercise a "free hand" in Ethiopia (TIME, Jan. 14, 21).

Mussolini's Sin No. 2 in the present crisis, his use of war as an instrument of national policy, similarly depends upon the Briand-Kellogg Pact of 1928. From the vantage ground of these two lofty technicalities, Sir Eric Drummond, the Ambassador of Victoria's grandson, was entitled to gaze reproachfully upon Benito Mussolini last week and did in fact so gaze.

†Sin No. 3 is that Italians have been ordered to fight and kill. Benito Mussolini knows that for this there is no excuse, if it be "murder," but if ecclesiastical authorities decide he is making "war" they may be expected, as in the case of all previous wars, to decide that it is a "just war" and no sin.

Ecclesiology (from Greek ἐκκλησίᾱ, ekklēsiā, "congregation, church"; and -λογία, -logia) is the study of the theological understanding of the Christian church. Specific areas of concern include the church's role in salvation

Up until 1991 Their Church openly sanctioned African enslavement. So long as the savages were Baptized by the Roman Church. If Mussolini had originally claimed that he wanted to invade Italy on the grounds of it being a Missionary type fucking for the people of Itheopia, then the church would have sanctioned this Mission. Unfortunately, Mussolini made the cardinal Sin of being honest. He admitted that the only reason he wanted to invade Italy was in order to steal, kill, and murder. Mussolini should know how high minded his Roman KatholiK church is… Egregious err in political war strategy.

Too involved and tenuous for most laymen is Italy's claim that she has not violated the Covenant, but not so easily brushed aside is her claim that she did not violate the Kellogg Pact. In adhering to the Pact she claims the same reservations as were made by Britain, in effect that the Pact does not bind where the signatory is obliged to take measures in one of its "spheres of vital interest." Absurd on its face but capable of being upheld years hence by some august tribunal of international lawyers is Italy's claim that the Pact, as interpreted by onetime Secretary of State Frank Billings Kellogg permits almost any act of "self defense" and that Italy did not formally open her campaign against Ethiopia until after the Ethiopian mobilization order.

Took care of that little Corporate Loophole. Had some professional Italian Lawyers (Liars) draw up some new documents.

Curious Humble Beginnings

Adolf Hitler was born at the Gasthof zum Pommer, an inn in Braunau am Inn, Austria–Hungary, the fourth of Alois and Klara Hitler's six children. At the age of three, his family moved to Kapuzinerstrasse 5[5] in Passau, Germany where the young Hitler would acquire Lower Bavarian rather than Austrian as his lifelong native dialect[6]. In 1894 the family moved to Leonding near Linz, then in June 1895 Alois retired to a small landholding at Hafeld near Lambach, where he tried his hand at farming and beekeeping. During this time, the young Hitler attended school in nearby Fischlham. Alois's efforts at Hafeld ended in failure and the family moved to Lambach in 1897. There, Hitler attended a Catholic school located in an 11th-century Benedictine cloister whose walls were engraved in a number of places with crests containing the symbol of the swastika.

There were Swastika’s before Hitler started his movement? In the town he grew up in…The Benectine church dates back to the 11th Century. Maybe it has something to do with King Soloman being sacrificed in Nazareth at the end of the tenth century. Hence the Swastica’s going up in Churches around the 11th century. Nazi’s got there name because they sacrificed Jesus (King Soloman) in Naz-areth.

Hitler's father, Alois Hitler, was an illegitimate child of a female domestic servant of a Jewish household. For the first 39 years of his life he bore his mother's surname, Schicklgruber. In 1876, he took the surname of his stepfather, Johann Georg Hiedler. The name was spelled Hiedler, Huetler, Huettler and Hitler, and was probably regularized to Hitler by a clerk. The origin of the name is either "one who lives in a hut"

From 1905 on, Hitler lived a bohemian life in Vienna on an orphan's pension and support from his mother. Hitler said he first became an anti-Semite in Vienna

Hitler of course was 100% Jewish. His father’s mother was Jewish, that makes his father Jewish. His mother’s surname was SchicklGruber. Does that sound like a Jewish last name? Both Stalin and Hitler changed their first and last names.


This does not apply to one special section of the people, like the peasantry among whom he was born, but to all. . .He was an obscure editor.

"Thirdly, Mussolini has, and gives the impression of having, a complete contempt for material rewards, money, comfort. . . . Mussolini comes from poverty, preaches poverty, and remains poor. Yes; his devotion to Italy, and only Italy, is as unmistakable as it is absolute. . . . There must be no personal loyalties, no promises, no doctrinal consistency, nor anything else that conflicts with the destiny of a greater Italy. There are some men who cannot desert the friends of yesterday for the sake of their country. Mussolini is not one of these."


Stalin used several aliases while growing up and did not settle on the name Joseph until well after he was born. Besarionis dze Jughashvili. In fact, his last name is not Stalin. If it were Stalin then Wikipedia would have printed his name like this: Stal-In. Joseph Stalin would not translate: Besarionis dze Jughashvili. I guess his mother did not name him after Jesus father Joseph.

But names were not to stick very long to this newest subject of the Tsar; he was to answer to Soso, Koba, David, Nijeradze, Chijikov and Ivanovich until at length he acquired the pseudonym of Stalin, Man of Steel.

Last week, as another Dec. 21 rolled around, the little town of Gori was a mecca for 450 Russian writers, "intellectuals" and students sent to gather material on Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili's birthplace and early surroundings. Newspapers printed sentimental poems and stories about the "little house in Gori" and latest photographs showed that it had been enclosed in an ornamental stone structure and turned into a Soviet shrine. A Tiflis motion-picture studio started filming Through Historic Localities, a cinema intended to conduct the spectator through every part of the country associated with Joseph Stalin's name.

That is sweet, they memorialized a small home that Stalin never lived in. They also named it after someone that does not come close to matching the name on his birth certificate. The only distance further than his actual birth name and Joseph Stalin is the contrast between the palace he grew up in and the little shanty he had enshrined for him.

Three Rooms. His life is mostly spent inside the foreboding walls of that collection of churches, palaces and barracks in Moscow called the Kremlin. His office is large and plain, decorated only by the pictures of Marx and Engels and a death mask in white plaster of Lenin. His private apartment, once the dwelling of the Kremlin's military commander, is only three rooms big.

Who sleeps in all of these Kremlin palaces?

Men of The People

"Mussolini's personal fascination is accompanied by a sense of distance between him and his followers. . . . He is not a 'good fellow.' While he is not sullen, he is withdrawn. He is not a handshaker. Hence the impulse to substitute [for handshaking] the Roman salute. . . .All these gifts have won a crown for Mussolini; guarantee his omnipotence; render it as beneficial as a Dictatorship can be."

* Mussolini, like Victoria, is also a prude. He abolishes brothels, puts Italian showgirls into modest garments, extinguishes Rome's once brilliant night life, does not drink, smoke or eat meat.

Genius Mussolini, as studied by Scholar Finer in Rome last year: "First, then, Mussolini has a profound knowledge of men. . . . His penetration is extremely subtle: 'refined' as the Continental idiom has it. This does not apply to one special section of the people, like the peasantry among whom he was born, but to all. . . . The Senate, whose seats are filled by the grey-bearded 'personages,' is addressed [by Mussolini] with the gravity of an elder statesman; the Chamber with tempestuous fervor, and 'high inspiration' and humor. The peasants he salutes in the style of a peasant, harsh, dour, and as the journalists say 'honest!' . . . He does not promise them that the State will make their fortunes, but that, if they work the State will do what it can to help them. . . . The peasants, I think, do not show displeasure when they refer to him as un furbo, 'a crafty fellow.' He is, indeed, very, very astute."

Views on Women and Relationships:

Joseph Stalin has been married twice: first, in 1903, to a Georgian girl named Ekaterina Svanidze, who died in 1907, and then to Nadya Sergeievna Alleluieva, who died in 1932.

Braun met Hitler in Munich when she was 17 years old while working as an assistant and model for his personal photographer and began seeing him often about two years later. She attempted suicide twice during their early relationship. By 1936 she was a part of his household at the Berghof near Berchtesgaden and by all accounts lived a materially luxurious and sheltered life throughout World War II. Her political sway on Hitler is unknown, but the consensus among historians is that this was likely little to none. Braun kept up habits which met Hitler's disapproval, such as smoking, wearing make up and nude sunbathing

Donna Rachele Mussolini who is her husband's idea of the perfect Italian wife. Above suspicion, she dwells most of the time in northern Italy, visited by her Caesar in a spirit of duty, which gives way at times to happy comradeship of an evening in the flickering glow of oil lamps on their farm.

Third Time is a Charm

As Red Army troops fought their way into the neighbourhood on 29 April 1945, she married Hitler during a brief civil ceremony: she was 33 and he 56. Less than 40 hours later they committed suicide together

Hollywood Stories:


He had something to do with the series of spectacular robberies that the "revolutionists" engineered. Once a Government-convoyed truck was bombed in the Tiflis main square, and 341,000 rubles ($170,000) in cash was taken from it.

Stalin stayed out of trouble often by turning over the names of comrades to Secret Police. Another strange coincidence they noted was that frequently when the comrades got into a tough spot with the police, and had to fight their way out, Stalin was rarely on hand.


Hitler made some daring bank robberies before becoming fully enlisted with the Nazi’s as well. When War broke out across the land, he found his natural calling.


Stalin’s dearest friends were Commissar for Heavy Industry Grigori Konstantinovich Ordjonkidze and Soviet Executive, Committee Secretary Avel Yenukidze. Ordjonkidze died "of a heart attack," Yenukidze before a firing squad.

During this and the subsequent crucial period the chief members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, the Party's ruling body, were Stalin, Trotsky, Grigori Zinoviev, Leo Kamenev, Alexei Rykov, Nikolai Bukharin, Mikhail Tomsky—seven little bottles hanging on the wall. In 1928 Trotsky was exiled from the U.S.S.R., in 1936 Zinoviev and Kamenev were tried for treason, found guilty, shot. Tomsky attended the trial, committed suicide. In 1938 Rykov and Bukharin went before the firing squad.

Playwright George Bernard Shaw and his friend, Lady Astor, went on a lark to Moscow and saw him, too. "When are you going to stop killing people?" asked the impertinent Lady Astor. "When it is no longer necessary," answered Comrade Stalin.


There were accounts of big dams built, large factories going up, widespread industrialization, big collective-farming projects. Five-Year plans were announced. Free schools and hospitals were erected everywhere. Illiteracy was on the way to being wiped out. There was no persecution of minorities as such. A universal eight-hour and then a seven-hour day prevailed. There were free hospitalization, free workers'

Slave Labor Hours are getting longer. Used to be just eight hours five days a week. Now it is 12 hours a day 7 days a week.

The 1,500 miles of magnificent highways built, schemes for cheap cars and simple workers' benefits, grandiose plans for rebuilding German cities made Germans burst with pride.

Collateral Damage

1945 Allied armies invaded Germany from all sides. His forces committed numerous atrocities during the war, including the systematic killing of as many as 17 million civilians, an estimated six million of whom were Jews targeted in a genocide known as the Holocaust.

To be sure, the collectivization program in the Ukraine resulted in a famine which cost not less than 3,000,000 lives in 1932. It was a Stalin-made famine. The number of wrecks and industrial accidents became prodigious. Soviet officials laid it to sabotage. More likely they were due more to too rapid industrialization. Millions in penal colonies were forced into slave labor.

Most cruel joke of all, however, has been played by Hitler & Co. on those German capitalists and small businessmen who once backed National Socialism as a means of saving Germany's bourgeois economic structure from radicalism. The Nazi credo that the individual belongs to the state also applies to business. Some businesses have been confiscated outright, on others what amounts to a capital tax has been levied. Profits have been strictly controlled. Some idea of the increasing Governmental control and interference in business could be deduced from the fact that 80% of all building and 50% of all industrial orders in Germany originated last year with the Government. Hard-pressed for foodstuffs as well as funds, the Nazi regime has taken over large estates and in many instances collectivized agriculture, a procedure fundamentally similar to Russian Communism.

Pace Quickened. Germany's 700,000 Jews have been tortured physically, robbed of homes and properties, denied a chance to earn a living, chased off the streets. Now they are being held for "ransom," a gangster trick through the ages. But not only Jews have suffered. Out of Germany has come a steady, ever-swelling stream of refugees, Jews and Gentiles, liberals and conservatives, Catholics as well as Protestants, who could stand Naziism no longer.

They hate everyone.

When Germany took over Austria she took upon herself the care and feeding of 7,000,000 poor relations. When 3,500,000 Sudetens were absorbed, there were that many more mouths to feed. As 1938 drew to a close many were the signs that the Nazi economy of exchange control, barter trade, lowered standard of living, "self-sufficiency," was cracking. Nor were signs lacking that many Germans disliked the cruelties of their Government, but were afraid to protest them. Having a hard time to provide enough bread to go round, Führer Hitler was being driven to give the German people another diverting circus.

Three million Sudetens were murdered in an “Ethnic Cleansing.” Think of the Kurds that the UK and The Bush’s gassed in Kuridstan. When you hear the words ethnic cleansing, it means they killed God’s children. There is no such thing as religion. There are only God’s Children-And Dem.

In bad straits even in fair weather, the German Republic collapsed under the weight of the 1929-34 depression in which German unemployment soared to 7,000,000 above a nationwide wind drift of bankruptcies and failures. Called to power as Chancellor of the Third Reich on January 30, 1933 by aged, senile President Paul von Hindenburg, Chancellor Hitler began to turn the Reich inside out. Unemployment was solved by: 1) a far-reaching program of public works; 2) an intense rearmament program, including a huge standing army; 3) enforced labor in the service of the State (the German Labor Corps); 4) putting political enemies and Jewish, Communist and Socialist jobholders in concentration camps.

The dynamics of dictatorship are such that few who have studied Fascism and its leaders can envision sexless, restless, instinctive Adolf Hitler rounding out a mellow middle age in his mountain chalet at Berchtesgaden while a satisfied German people drink beer and sing folk songs. There is no guarantee that the have-not nations will go to sleep when they have taken what they now want from the haves. To those who watched the closing events of the year it seemed more than probable that the Man of 1938 may make 1939 a year to be remembered.

TIME does not distinguish between Fascism and Nazi-ism Few have studied Fascism and its leaders. This correlation makes sense, since their Company is called Mussolini and Hitler Co. In my next piece I am going to be exploring what happened to these fine men…Please see the Incarnation of Hate called Who The Cap Fit.

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