Sunday, August 16, 2009

Fake Orgasms Men and Women

No woman I have been with has ever attempted to fake an orgasm. I would know if a woman was bluffing. Many people believe I have a big ego, but no woman I have ever slept with thought it was so fragile that it required her to fake her pleasure for my pleasure. Plus, I would never lie to a woman in order to get her to sleep with me…Therefore, she will not need to lie to me, in order to get me to stop sleeping with her. That is another reason women fake it quickly. Let him think he has actually accomplished something, in order to get him to finish up his business. I know how to please a woman. Here is my secret…I ask her what she likes. By her faking she is only cheating herself. The only time I “lie” is when people ask me questions that are none of their business. If I was dating someone and one of my friends asked me if her tits were real…I can take the confrontational route and respond by telling him it is none of his business…That would require further explaining I am sure. If they were fake and I answered with a quick no. Could you then say that I am a lawyer (I mean Liar) because I did not disclose the contents of her tits. I only lie when people ask me questions that are none of their business. If the girl I was with wanted him to know the answer, she would have showed him her tits herself.

What kind of world are we living in to begin with? These are the logical question people ask when they see a nice “rack.” Men stare at women’s chests for even longer periods of time these days. In order to more closely assess whether they are real of fake. I wonder if she has some silicon cancer causing plastic bags made by Dow Chemicals surgically implanted in her chest. It can hardly be surprising babies are allergic to their own mother’s milk. Probably don’t want your child sucking from Dow Jones titty bag.

The overwhelming majority of women in Porno’s have fake breasts. Chickens don’t have breasts, They don’t have legs either. They have legs, but they don’t have legs that look like Kentucky fried Chicken’s legs. I wonder what part of the chicken people are eating. A breast must mean chest, people are eating chicken hearts and every other organ of the chicken (think about it). They should call them Chicken Chests, since they don’t have tits. Think about how much of the chicken people eat, chickens are tiny little legs and chests (they don’t remove the organs). If a woman has natural breasts, they are probably acting in the porno in order to purchase some fake ones. I know a beautiful girl who posed for Perfect 10 Magazine (perfect ten requires you to be all natural) she took the money and bought herself some larger ones. Then she displayed them on the silver screen, in just one scene. People are all living in fantasy. Pornography is not reality and it has nothing to do with the process of Love making. People mirror their environment. Since everyone has furnished their home with the same exact equipment-HDTV DirectTV and utter filth and pornography. It can hardly be surprising we are all living so fantastically fake. The Television does not mirror people, people mirror the Television.

I am not a saint passing judgment. I am telling people what I have learned from my own personal experiences. I have watched porno’s with a woman. I noticed that when I did, however, I was usually doing drugs in a Las Vegas hotel room. My environment mirrored the environment of the porno scene. We were all on drugs. At least I was in Sin City. Vegas is one of my favorite places in the U.S. It offers the most honesty, people all agreeing they are living in Sin. Fast Cash and Ass. A friend once told me, what he felt was some shocking news, regarding the Internet. The two biggest industries are gambling and pornography. I stared at him blank faced, it was as if he was expecting this revelation to be surprising to me. Fast cash and Ass, we are living in a Pimpers Paradise. Those statistics are not accurate either. The biggest industry for online gaming, is online investing. But those revenues are not tabulated as Internet monies and it does not account for the dollar amount of the stock purchases made with the click of a mouse. Gaming comes a distant second in terms of volume and revenues. Both are essentially the same thing, stupid bets where the house has a decided advantage. My hands have had all kinds of dirt on them. When I noticed how filthy they were, I cleaned them. This writing is intended to help others cleanse theirs.

People look at pornography for their sexual inspiration. This robs them of their imagination. Masturbating now substitutes for fantasizing. What these people are fantasizing about when they are watching pornography is pure filth. People manifest their own reality. That is why it is imperative for people to become more conscious of what reality they are manifesting. When people have sex they try and replicate what they saw in the video. Everyone is acting like a ho for a bunch of “Suitcase” Pimps. When I say Ho, I am not referring to just women. In fact, the biggest Ho’s are men.

Men take Viagra like the porn stars. This is problematic because Viagra’s intended purpose is to prevent people from feeling. This drug sends a signal to your brain. Your brain then sends a message to your heart. Your heart then re-directs extra blood to your shaft. This accomplishes two things. It first stiffens the erection. It also desensitizes the area where all the blood has centralized. Pfizer is one of the manufacturers of the Aids virus. Aids, Syphilis, Leprosy, Malaria, Sickle cell anemia-they are all Cancer. Cancer is a pathogen that enters your blood stream (Viagra is poison). When this plasma (no coincidence you watch Plasma HDTV) enters your blood stream it grows until the flow of oxygen is choked. When this occurs a BubbleClot forms…That is why We Rasta folk call Babylonian’s BloodClot’s. This is the trick of Babylon, these blood clots prevent people from feeling. That is why everyone watches Plasma television. How else could you explain this absurd apathy? It is a hellish mission choosing passion, in a world of programmed indifference.

The other day I was reading the story of Che Guivera. A true Revolutionary, like Haile Selassie and Bob Marley, he was killed by the C.I.A. Not coincidentally he also spoke to the United Nation’s about the human atrocities in South Africa. Most American’s do not know his story because they are not taught about Him in school or on the Television. The story they may know, however, is about his motorcycle journeys. The Motorcycle Diaries documented some of his travels. His friend whom he was traveling with was studying to become a Doctor and his focus was on Leprosy.

In this biography his friend was discussing one of the few arguments that him and Che had. A woman had been quarantined and she did not show any visual symptoms of Leprosy. Che wanted her released from the hospital because she was not showing any visible signs of the disease. His friend said she was pre-symptomatic and highly contagious. To illustrate his point he stuck a needle in her back and she did not feel anything. That is because she had a blood clot, the skin was incapable of feeling. What will then happen next is this blood clots and blood vessels burst and splatter against the skin (like you been shot in a paint ball fight). Remember that the skin is clear and these people are bursting in a blood clot mess. If you drink government liquor, or smoke government cancer sticks. You will eventually die in the region’s that absorb the vast majority of these poisons. Lung cancer from the nicotine that goes in your lungs. Liver/Kidney is the region where drinkers get cancer. The liver/kidney cleans your blood. When it gets overwhelmed with poison it goes into failure. Before dying from these causes of death, their blood explodes and splatters against the skin like Lepors. They are called liver spots, we have seen them all over alcoholics, smokers, and people who have lived long lives in Babylon. When this process occurs people are incapable of feeling. In much the same way, that men’s shaft becomes less sensitive to sensation.

All sexual conquests begin with a time stamp. “45 Minutes of just killing.” This time stamp indicates penetration to ejaculation. I thought Love was supposed to be a 24/7 thing…Call me crazy. You know that this does not include the time spent going down and pleasing her. Men today take pride in not pleasing their woman. “You think I please my woman?" Wouldn’t want to accidentally trigger an authentic orgasm. She might come to expect more of thosein the future. Even if the person telling the story did “eat pussy”, they usually omit that part. They don’t want to be seen as dirty (they have an image)। The only guys that mention that part of the story, are the guys who are known for eating anything. They would lick the floor of a New York Subway station.

Women cannot win when it comes to giving “head.” The language we use is just disgusting, no wonder our actions in the bedroom reflect this ugliness. I always like hearing someone say a girl gives bad head. Proper tense is gave bad head, I usually hear these complaints after a relationship has ended. Do you know how much a woman must hate giving head for a guy to complain? First, they take pride in not reciprocating. Then they lay back and do nothing, while she puts her wet mouth on him. The reason men enjoy head so much, is it is the only time they feel her wetness. If someone is complaining, she did not want to be down there at all…Women cannot win, if they are “good” at it they become known as a “dicksucker.”

You will never hear a story involving sexual escapades without mention of Alcohol and Drugs being involved in the process. The story often begins in bars and that leads to the following prison story they are going to be telling. Bars are where people go to meet and socialize. Bars are associated with prison. Remember in all Western movies, the whore house was always above the bar. The problem with Alcohol is it makes you somebody that you are not. This causes people to wake up in the morning next to a stranger. The reason that almost all sex stories start in a drinking environment is because people do not give a shit about the people whom they are fucking drunk. It was not a beautiful experience shared between two people, it was sport. Men usually retell their stories to all of their friends. You will very seldom hear a husband discussing the great sex he had the previous night with his wife (they were watching TIVO). For sure you will not be hearing about every place and position they did it in. The only way you will hear a married man telling these types of stories, is if he is discussing someone other than his wife. They repeat these stories and if you try to picture it, you will see they have described a pornography scene. The reason they repeat this story, is because they think they have accomplished something. What is their basis for comparison? They are bragging, but are they bragging to their friend. Not really, because when you are bragging you are boasting that you accomplished something. Their only basis for comparison, are porn actors. Their sexual performance comparison reference is Pornography. They have never seen their pal “banging”-“screwing” or plowing- their conquests. They are proud because they did everything they saw TT Boy do. Men are so insecure, they need to know the number of men their woman have slept with. The more men a woman has been with before meeting me, the more she will appreciate being with me.

People mob celebrity actors and actresses, as if they are family. The reason they feel this way, is because these people are in their living room, bedrooms, and every other room every day. What they fail to understand is that they do not have the first clue about these people. They are actors. Look at them like politicians. George Bush Sr. is a member of the Skull and Bones and he is known as Magog. This is in reference to his numerous sexual conquests (using the stories exact wording). That is how he is known among his fellow Bonesmen. This example leaves a nice stamp on my point. George Bush acts like a “good catholic” when in fact he is a disgusting sub-human being, who exploits women. I shudder when I consider what these women must have looked like...If Barbara Bush was the woman he ended up bagging. You know that no man has come near Barbara or The Queen in centuries. When they remove their girdle before going to bed-dust and moths fly out of their underwear.

I don’t even know what people are doing these days. Someone once pointed to their wood dinner table and told me about their conquest on it. I do not view the act of making Love as dirty, but you can bet there was no chance of me ever eating on this table again. I have received many a carpet burn, but never once have I gotten a splinter. Mile high club…Now there is the ultimate shithead badge of honor. When I go to a public restroom I do not touch ANYTHING. I will use my foot to flush and if it does not reach- tough. Then I take a couple of napkins and I turn on the sink and release the soap using them, take a few more place them by the sink. Pick up the towels and turn off the sink. The rest of the people take their hands, put them on a faucet handle that everyone who has wiped their ass in that bathroom touches, before washing their hands over the lifetime of this public restroom…They then take their clean hands and turn off the faucet. They had a little filth after they were finished doing their business, now they are walking off with everyone’s filthy shit on their hands. People cannot put 2 + 2 together. For the record, I do not wash my hands after I take a piss. When I look at the skin on my penis and I look at the skin on the rest of my body. I notice it is the same (my penis might be a little softer), I do not clean my hands after I touch my leg. The water does not dribble out of my penis and drip on my hand. I am not an uncircumcised roman catholic. If you have a problem with my logic, don’t shake my hand the next time you see me. I don’t think there is anything dirty about my penis. But I think your shitty hands are disgusting. If I have to go into an airplane laboratory, the flight would have to be longer than two hours. Before entering I would take a huge breath and then move as efficiently as possible while trying to touch as absolutely little as possible. The thought of bringing a woman I am traveling with into this tiny Andy Gump and removing mine and hers clothing to rub our naked bodies all over a filthy portable toilet, never enters my mind. People have lost their minds. Everyone is living a million miles from reality.

Whipping each other, fixating one another, and slapping women on the ass. People should try leaving their fingerprints on their Lovers hearts, instead of on their ladies asses. People screaming like porn stars. They let the entire neighborhood know they are having incredible sex. I can understand the headboard banging and moaning. But the screaming…It would seem that if you are making Love to someone and you were face to face, sharing something special, you would not want to have a screaming contest yelling in one another’s face. When you are screaming at the top of your lungs it makes it hard to kiss one another. The reason they scream in porno’s is because Television’s comes with volume and sound needs to be filled (empty white noise). You are not filming a porno in your bedroom.

Walk down any hotel floor of the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills and you will hear an aspiring American actress yelling from the top of her lungs. These American women end up marrying these Saudi Princes whose families own the Four Seasons. Eventually they will move back to Saudi Arabia and become one of ten wives. This is usually around the time the fake screams of Joy turn into genuine screams of horror. She can no longer fake her sexual enjoyment. That is when the Royal Prince brings Dr. Habib over for a visit. Good news, you no longer have to fake an orgasm. Bad news, that is because you are going to be incapable of having one. Women’s pleasure area has been reduced to a small dot. That is where Dr. Habib comes in, he is going to remove it. Now that the Prince knows he is incapable of satisfying her, he just removes the problem (a little Sadam). Now he does not have to be reminded of his failures as a man. Saudi Arabia deals in the mass trafficking of Western women. Once they go to Saudi Arabia, they are forced into sexual slavery. All of the women have their clitoris removed, in accordance with Sharia Law. The reason people do not know about these human atrocities is because Saudi Arabia controls all of the press and the people are killed if they complain.

Women do not usually repeat their sexual encounters because they will often be viewed as a Ho. That is usually the reason they were drunk to begin with. In order to reduce inhibitions and shake free from all of this pressure and repression. The problem is they end up feeling even more empty the following morning. More lonely the day after sex than they did the day before. After all, there is no more lonely feeling than sharing a bed with someone that you do not Love.

Viagra is a drug just like alcohol and although people cannot see this, it works identical to Alcohol. The vast majority of sex involves Alcohol and Drugs. When people are making Love, they are feeling, Alcohol and Drugs are intended to prevent people from feeling. This is what people are taking before being intimate with each other. Women are incapable of feeling as well, because they are taking The Pill. If the pill prevents women from creating life in their womb. This also prevents life from being Lived by the mother of this eventual womb. Guys are lucky they only have to not feel something for a four-hour erection. Women are not feeling 365 days a year.

Men drink liquor to reduce inhibitions as well. There is another reason they drink alcohol…Alcohol was the first Viagra. When you drink alcohol, it prevents you from feeling. Men are able to last longer when drinking Whiskey. You will notice that Viagra goes with downers. When people use Viagra it is always accompanied with alcohol and other downers. Take a few vicodin to relax and then perk up with a Viagra. You will never hear someone say, I had some herb and Viagra before sex. Herb enhances your sensations and gives a natural stimulation for Men and Women. When people get Whiskey dick in the 21st century, they can take Viagra to pick them back up. They will be able to bat their woman around for a four hour porno session, probably will not ejaculate though.

Rafael Palmeiro would be proud of the way you swung your bat. Pfizer has Rafael Palmeiro and Bob Dole advertise their product. Rafael is a steroid using baseball player. This means he would rather poison his blood, his seed, and shrink his penis. For the sake of bigger muscles and the prospects of making more money. Just for swinging his big stick. He also has no problem with putting his hand on the Bible and testifying before congress and the world press. “I have never used steroids.” Two months later he tests positive for steroids. What he meant to say was…I have never used steroids today. When he gets caught, he did what most men in America would do. He blamed it on his Dominican teammate, claiming he thought he was borrowing B12 shots that turned out to be steroids.

Bob Dole makes a lot more sense as an endorsement. He looks like someone embalmed lying in a casket. Somehow he is miraculously able to walk after being dead, nobody has had the nerve to break the news to him. He cannot even lift his arms up anymore. He has to carry a pen in his hand, because the only thing he can do is sign away others lives. If a guy cannot manage to lift his hands up and their pill can lift his shaft up. Then you have got yourself a pretty miraculous drug. The problem is Bob Dole does not take Viagra he and his ancestors made Viagra. He knows it is poison. If he took one and a Budweiser, he would drop dead on the spot. It would be appropriate…He would be left with just an erection, since he was such a Prick.

Women have had enough wooden bats shoved in them. I think it is time people learn how to get wet. Then we will no longer require laser guided missiles for our women. Another reason men use Viagra is because they are lazy. Instead of taking the time for foreplay they instead decide to take a pill one hour before planned sex. That way they can go straight to the batting cage and start swinging for the fences right away. The man then becomes dependent on Viagra for his erections. He will inevitably lose confidence in his ability to get an erection without its aid. If your mind believes you need a pill for an erection, then it becomes your body’s reality. Now men will not be able to get stimulated without a blue pill in their system, made my the company that created Aids and Leprosy. They literally got you by the balls.

People need to learn how to communicate with one another. When you are on alcohol you are not yourself, because alcohol prevents people from feeling. When people then go to the bedroom they are sharing their bed with strangers. They have not communicated with one another, they do not express their thoughts, feelings, insecurities, turn ons, and turn offs. Each person that We are with is unique and has their own individual tastes. If you model your sexual moves based on a porno that you saw. That becomes the way you have sex with women. Your move with one woman, could be a turn off to the next. You cannot go into the bedroom with a plan, unless it involves asking her questions. People go straight to the bedroom and then work their way backward. If the sex they have is porno sex, they will build a pornographic relationship. People need to learn how to build a relationship and then move next to the bedroom, in due time. If you build a loving relationship outside of the bedroom, it will lead to making Love in the bedroom. The best things are worth waiting for. This will prevent several unwanted children. Whether born out of a drunk night, or a drunk relationship, where two people never knew one another. I would never sleep with a woman, unless she is someone who I would have bare my seed. I would never plant my seed in anything other than fertile soil.

Porno’s and sex both end the same way. In the case of the porno, men hit stop on the DVD after ejaculating and turn off the television. After sex, they turn over and go to bed. Instead of foreplay, they watched TIVO on their plasma for four hours. No Viagra, so they had sex for five minutes, before rolling over and going to bed. This is what the act of making Love has been reduced to. Men and Women need to learn how to Love each other and communicate. If men knew how to please a woman in other ways, they would not be so concerned about their performance and length of time. They would have more time to Love their woman if they turned off their television. That is the reason we are Living, to share our Loving. Sex is not dirty, we have made it dirty. If ejaculating did not mean the end of Love making women would not be frustrated when you prematurely ejaculate. It will not mean that she has to go to bed unsatisfied after just watching Desperate Housewives on TIVO. Instead, she will be turned on, that you are so turned on by her. Making Love is not about the physical sensations of Our “erogenous” areas. It is about a feeling, a connection between two souls, whose bodies are connecting. These two divine souls come together to create a manifestation of the two. If it is Love you are sharing, then it will be Love you are creating. When people share this spiritual connection, they will find that the Shaft and Clitoris are not the only pleasure areas. People will learn, that their brain/eyes are the pleasure zone, your eyes are connected to your Soul and your Soul is connected to your entire body (and hers). People will actually learn what a full body orgasm actually is.

The last reason I know a girl has never faked it. I can feel a woman’s body when she climaxes. Her moans coincide with her bodies vibrations. It would be no different then me telling my woman that I had ejaculated when I didn’t. If she questions the validity of this claim, I would tell her I masturbated watching a porno before she came home, that is why their wasn’t much. Monday night is usually Oprah on TIVO (after missing her relationship advice over the weekend). I was not expecting to have sex.

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