Friday, August 14, 2009


If you had to read only one of my blogs in its entirety, this is it (Life as I see it-is a close second). It is my sincere hope that this will serve as a call for International Action. If you do nothing else, please be sure to email this story to as many people as you know.

I am going to explore South African post-Apartheid progress. The idea of Apartheids abolition was to repatriate Black South Africans for a deplorable period of European Colonial Slave history. African’s were supposed to regain their rightful equity in their homeland. They had been under Mercenary European Anglo American rule for far too long. They wanted all American Research and Development gone. Research and Development was created by RAND corporation, that is what RAND stands for. They are also are the inventors of “war games”. South African slaves today are still being paid in worthless RAND currency.

We will be examining a recent Forbes cover story regarding the Amazing success of Africa’s Black Frog (who thinks he is a Prince) Patrice Motsepe. When you are reading this story, it is important to consider that I am not making these numbers up. Nor am I making claims that another biased publication might have exaggerated. This is a puff piece, that is giving a first hand account of Anglo American’s (now known as ARM) finances and business model. Intended to glamorize Patrice Motsepe, for his fine work in South Africa Mining. It is truly a sad commentary on how far We have fallen as a society. It almost seems as though the world has lost its humanity. The reason Forbes features this Devil on the cover of their magazine is because they work with him. The Forbes family is on the board of directors at RAND Corporation. My goal is to interpret in as simple a language as possible, the current conditions of all of Africa.

When I saw this cover story, before I cracked the magazine, I told my mom this guy is a Devil (see they come in different colors too). The article begins with the Prince being swooned by people at the Build A Bear workshop asking for his autograph, He is doing charity work…An older woman approaches Motsepe and nearly  swoons, grasping his arm and laying her head on his chest as he pats her and murmurs thank you. The poor people of Africa Worship those with money more than American’s because they have less.

Motsepe is a real pull yourself up from the boot straps story. He was sweeping in the gold mines of South Africa when he was identified as a diamond in the rough. He ends up in Virginia where the CIA is headquartered.  Motsepe came to the U.S. and spent a year working for the law firm McGuire Woods in Richmond Virginia. Bowman Gilfillan had identified him as a superstar. What was he doing working at a Law firm in the United States when he did not pass the bar or receive his college or law education in the States? He was a mine sweeper until Virginia took notice of his sweeping technique, there is no mention of him ever attending law school. When dealing with the United States and the C.I.A, they have their own sets of codes and Laws. Mcguire partner George Martin accompanied Mostepe and Virginia’s  then governor Douglas Wilder on a trade mission to South Africa the following year. Motsepe was rubbing shoulders with the right people right away. This sounds like a made by Hollywood story…How often do you find a poor African mine sweeper from South Africa fraternizing with some of the biggest dicks in the United States.

It was a heady time in South Africa, between Nelson Mandela’s release from prison in 1990 and the country’s first democratic election in 1994.  As the African National Congress was grappling with its transformation from a left-leaning liberation organization to a party in power. Whatever that political jargon means…The next sentence says it all though. Motsepe was developing his own convictions on Free Market Capitalism. His convictions were learned while he was in Virginia with the Central Intelligence Agency. Free Market Capitalism is the furthest thing from free. If you want to see their Free Market Logo. It is a Crucifixion with Christ dead image- hands nailed to their Cross. AKA The Roman Catholic Church’s Logo. There is nothing free about it, their church has stolen billions of peoples Soul’s. While also costing billions more needless pain and suffering.

While the ANC’s main policy document, The Freedom Charter, called for nationalizing South Africa Gold mines. Motsepe was convinced that was the wrong solution. The “freedom charter” must have had an actual affiliation with freedom, if Motsepe disagreed with the concept. Their version of Free Markets is associated with slave trading. He goes on to state: My Comrades call me a black capitalist. Interesting word choice is he some kind of revolutionary like Che? He is probably referring to Vladimir Putin when he uses the word comrades. I was saying the Freedom Charter does not discourage private enterprise. Motsepe is not a black capitalist, he is a black European piece of shit. The only thing Patrice has managed to capitalize on, is others misery. Patrice sold his soul, just like his father and his father’s father… Patrice is Africa’s version of Barack Obama. They exploit their own blackness in order to create the illusion that this somehow makes them African. African has nothing to do with skin coloring, but everything to do with the Soul you are possessing. African’s come in all different ethnicities and flavoring. Motsepe, Barack, Mugabi, Mbeki, Dick, and Bush all wear the same colored stripes Black and White. Notice the only white you will find in Africa among the Animal’s is the Zebra. Not coincidentally, that is the favorite prey of the Lion. The only black and white striped Animal that is not affiliated with hoofed Pigs is the black and white tiger. It does not look good for any German’s who are forcing them to wear clown hats and be paraded in front of people who are addicted to fast cash. You might end up getting your face torn off and end up on Life Support. After Free Market Capitalist stapled Christ hands to the cross, all creatures were marked. Animal’s with paws such as the Lion are part of God’s kingdom. The ones with hoofs are Pigs, they end up being bacon…Getting grilled in Hell’s Kitchen.

Motsepe said during this interview that the town people call him the suitcase man because he always carries a briefcase. Overlooking the fact that they call him the suitcase man and not the “briefcase” man. They call him the suitcase man because they see all the dead bodies he stuffs in his suit case.

Motsepe’s first sizable contract: sweeping a marginally productive mine in the town of Orkney. Owned by a division 90-yesr old behemoth Anglo American. He is still sweeping mines after his Washington Coronation? Motsepe immediately implemented his Free Market Approach by cutting salaries from  1000 to 750 Rand. In post Apartheid Africa the man who eventually ends up owning all of the mines throughout Africa, decreases employee salaries…You will have no doubt that his company Anglo American owns a piece of every mine in Africa by the time you have finished reading. They document this fact themselves. If South African slaves would have known that Free Market Capitalism meant lowered wages and longer hours they would have appreciated Apartheid when they had it. For those who do not read Forbes and might still have some compassion.Their new post Apartheid salary (not adjusted for inflation) amounts to $93.00 per week. This article was written in 2008 and he made those pay reductions sometime between 1990 and 1994. Between 14-18 years ago. When I looked at the effects of inflation on minimum wage workers in the US, I illustrated what 4% of inflation does to stagnant real wages over a ten year period. With just 4% inflation $5.25 per hour ends up being worth only $2.60 in real dollars ten years later. Imagine living in Africa and receiving an actual 25% weekly pay reduction, while simultaneously experiencing inflation at an indeterminable rate. Estimates are 10% annually, however, it is tough to get a handle on South Africanomics. Check out South African Inflation Explanation.

There are still at least a billion African Slaves working in worthless mines throughout the entire continent. While many billion’s more suffer the plagues of disease, starvation, and death caused by Industrialists and their militaries. All for the sake of stealing worthless commodities that appeal to man’s vanity. The price of Diamonds, Platinum, and so on is dictated by what people are willing to pay for them. If people pay nothing, they subsequently become worth nothing.

Patrice offered a profit sharing bonus that could double their pay. I would like to interview the employees of these mines and ask them how much they have received from their profit sharing plan…I guarantee that this profit sharing plan has never been reflected on Anglo American’s expense sheet. Motsepe’s magic carpet ride continued when he purchased his first Marginal Mine from Anglo American.  Goodsell  turned over the shafts to Mostepe, who agreed to pay the 8.2 million purchase price with future profits. Washington sure knows how to help out underprivileged unkown Black South African’s.  Some kind of black empowerment program they are running. He gets an 8 million dollar mine that was not doing well with the promise he would re-pay them with future profits. That would be the equivalent of me asking the owner of the Dodgers to sell me the team for $250,000,000 and I will pay him with future profits from his own team. I know this scenario seems implausible and so too is Anglo American’s. Andre Wilkins an Afrikaner (White Devil) and longtime Anglo Mining engineer became the Chief of Motsepe’s New Company, called ArmGold. Wilkens still serves as ARM’s chief executive (of course he does). What about black ownership and Motsepe’s wonderful rags to riches story…He is the guy on the cover of Forbes billionaire Spread.  Motsepe  says mining colossus Harry Oppenheimer Anglo American’s late chairman, challenged him: “He was very polite but he said to me, What makes you think you are going to make money where Anglo has not”  Why would they give their mine to someone with NO MONEY who the late executive doubted could match their success? Patrice did not explain the reasons he was able to provide. His case probably went like this: “I have no morals and the necessary color of skin needed for continued Oppenheimer exploitation”.  Post Apartheid required a Black face for ownership. Once Anglo changed their company name and presented a black face (claiming black ownership), they would then be able to exploit Apartheid workers even more egregiously than before. That was probably what convinced Oppenheimer to turn over all of De Beers mines. The only way you could get Oppenheimer’s to go along with this scheme, is if it made more money for them and less for the people of Africa.

Let’s examine the Oppenheimer family tree:

J. Robert Oppenheimer, physicist who headed the Manhattan Project, known as the "Father of the Atomic Bomb"

Frank Oppenheimer, a physicist, brother of J. Robert Oppenheimer, founder of the Exploratorium in San Francisco

Michael Oppenheimer, professor of geosciences at Princeton University, authority on climate change

Ernest Oppenheimer, was a diamond and gold mining entrepreneur and financier, who controlled De Beers and founded the Anglo American Corporation of South Africa

Franz Oppenheimer, a German sociologist and political economist

Harry Oppenheimer, a South African businessman of De Beers Consolidated Mines Limited

Jonathan M. E. Oppenheimer, managing director of De Beers

Joseph Suss Oppenheimer, financial advisor to Karl Alexander, Duke of Württemberg

Peter Oppenheimer, senior vice president and chief financial officer of Apple Computer

Stephen Oppenheimer, a popular science writer in prehistory.

Oppenheimer & Co., a global investment bank, and a division of Oppenheimer Holdings

Oppenheimer Funds, a mutual-fund family in Springfield, Massachusetts

Oppenheimer Insurance Holdings, of Toronto, Ontario

Joel Oppenheimer, an American writer

Alan Oppenheimer, a film actor

Quite an industrious family. Robert Oppenheimer is the pioneer credited with making the Atomic Bomb. In order to proliferate massive casualties an atom bomb needs to be laced with poisonous chemicals. That is where his brother Frank Oppenheimer, a physicist comes into play. Frank makes the chemicals and diseases that fill Robert’s Atom Bomb. After they poison the planet their brother Michael explores the effects of Atomic Bombs on the planet. The chemicals that Frank made also get distributed as diseases to the South African’s. This weakens the population and allows Ernest Oppenheimer, who controlled De Beers and founded Anglo American, to exploit the South African’s whom they have poisoned and starved. Ensuring their continued exploitation of South Africa’s rich minerals. There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind whether De Beers is still dealing in blood diamonds. It is not fair to say they are responsible for just blood diamonds, that would not do their family proper justice. They deal strictly in blood money. From Diamonds, to Platinum, to Atomic Bombs, to Oppenheimer funds, located in Manhattan New York. Same location as the Manhattan project. This helps to illustrate the lethal nature of Wall Street. Of course they have a member of the family who is a popular science writer of reinventive history. They have diversified into technology naturally, working as the CFO for Apple Computer. They also have another writer in the family Joel Oppenheimer. He is the founder of the Village Voice and is widely credited with being the pioneer of tabloid media. All of the media is crap, but the Oppenheimer’s took it to the next level. Dribbling Diarrhea. People did not have enough currency toilet paper, they had to sell us tabloid paper too. Alan Oppenheimer is an actor. All of the Oppenheimer’s are actors though...They act like distinguished high society folk. When in fact they are a bunch of crows chauffer driven around. Preying on helpless dead bodies.

There is also the town of Oppenheim, not coincidentally, this town in located in Germany. People had better wake up to the truth about the Holocaust. Hitler was Jewish, Oppenheimer’s are Jewish, they are the same Jews that sacrificed Christ. The Skull and Bones are headquartered in Germany, the same location the current Pope grew up as a Nazi. The Roman Catholics are technically Jews, since their supposed savior was Jewish.

Even the President of the Mineworkers union James Motlatsi, was outraged that a major mining deal executed by a black South African would be for marginal mines. How could it have been a major mining deal if it involved only marginal mines at this point? This whole article is nothing but a load of crap. It was a major mining deal and we can explore how this beast re-consumed Africa post Apartheid. It was just a corporate restructuring orchestrated by Babylonian Benefactor’s- LAWyers. Hopefully, Cheney’s attorney understands why he got shot in the face. It is the duty you pay when you work with Dicks. Why are African’s getting paid in RAND when the companies that own the mines are European Anglo American’s? RAND corporation itself is headquartered in the US…The UK says their money is worth something because their military says so. Any time African’s get paid by Anglo American’s, the paper always ends up being worth toilet paper.

 The only reason we survived was that our management style was fundamentally low-cost. He gave jobs to 5,000 of 7,500 employees at the Orkney mine and halved the management ranks. He rejiggered work shifts so that the shafts would be productive 353 days a year, up from 276 days.

What a cute way to describe 2,500 people being fired while cutting the management team in half. In addition to increasing their work days from 5 days a week to seven days a week. They probably get Christmas off, I do not know how they decide when their slaves receive their other 11 vacation days during the year. Forbes does not mention the increased hours of these 353 day shifts. If they are working ten hour shifts 7 days a week they get paid a little over $1.00 per hour. As opposed to Apartheid days when they made $125 a week for five days labor or $2.50 per hour. To recap ARM cut 33% of their low end employees and 50% of low level management positions, in order to compensate they got increased work days. They also received a 25% pay cut. Free Markets replaced Apartheid and things got significantly worse…

Since then Motsepe has diversified, swallowing up or forming partnerships with several other old mining companies and adding a wide swath of minerals, precious metals (platinum and its cousin) nickel, chrome, Iron, manganese and coal. In 2003 ARMgold merged with Harmony,  Motsepe did a complex transaction involving ARMgold. Harmony and Avmin a miner of base precious metals with an exploration division active in Zambia, Congo, and Nambia. The result: Avmin folded into Mossepe’s Company, which was Renamed simply ARM. In 2005 Motsepe made and ambitious pledge: double ARM’s size by 2010. The next year it struck it struck $360 million coal deal, becoming the black empowerment partner of the South African coal division of diversified Swiss Headquartered miner Xstrata PLC. ARM took a minority stake in Xstrata PLC. ARM took a minority stake in Xstrata’s South African operations with an option it exercised later 2006 to acquire another chunk (ARM now effectively own 26%). Together ARM and Xstrata agreed to develop a new South African coal mine.

The sum total of all of these transactions is Gobble Gobble Gobble. Anglo American which is now called ARM maintains a stake in every mining Company in Africa in order to put their frontman Motsepe up and claim black ownership. They had to do a series of complex legal transactions in order for ARM to maintain minority stakes in these European companies. In order to appease new Post Apartheid Governance. Who are these people fooling? What is the minimum equity that Anglo American needs to have in order for these other Companies European Companies to be considered black owned? They of course tell you…The coal deal that ARM made with Xstrata is for 26% ownership. I went on Google and typed in 25% black ownership in South Africa. Naturally, 25% black ownership is the minimum equity required (hence their 26% stake). By 2013 all mines must have a minimum of 25% black ownership. That is why this sell out Puppet is the front man for every single mining company in Africa. Renamed ARM. I wonder what type of Management style Motsepe helped these other companies to implement once they could say they were nationalized and black owned. How much rejiggering was done in the name of African progress? 

It always breaks my heart to see these eight-year old African children running around with a loaded Gun and an empty belly. I once researched whether there were any weapons manufacturers in Africa. There is only one Company and their name is ARMASCOR…Every single mine in Africa is owned by a Company named ARM. Got to Arm a Score. It was probably more efficient to open up a weapons factory in Africa…They were already bringing millions of weapons to the country anyways. By opening up weapons factories in Africa, they were first able to save shipping costs. But more importantly, they could pay the factory workers $1.00 per hour, versus today’s minimum wage of $7.50 per hour. These saving really add up. Slave laborers manufacture the guns that are used to kill them and their families. It would seem that De Beers is dealing in so much more than blood diamonds today. A good majority of all of the blood spilling in Africa since the beginning of slavery days to this day, stops at the feet of De Beers.

This is the model for Africanomics. The Oppenheimer’s and their fellow Bonesman bring Guns and Disease. Take the land from those living on it and then force them into slavery in order to mine this land. They then take out the minerals and sell them to those who can afford to pay for them. They sell the resources for Dollars, Euro’s, and Pounds. When slavery was finally deemed immoral they decided to appease people and pay them. The paper they pay with is made of the same paper that prints Euro’s, Pounds, and Greenbacks. Unfortunately, there redemption value is less than 10%. Resources go out, toilet paper, disease, guns, and industrialization come in. People need to wake up and realize the truth. After reading this article, you can no longer play dumb. 99% of of all jewels are bloodied and diseased. Continue supporting these industries and it will cost you a lot more than just green. The only reason De Beers and Oppenheimer’s continue to exploit the billions of people living in Africa is because consumers make it worth the cost of their Soul. Minerals are only worth the arbitrary value that people assign to them. If nobody bought any more diamonds, they would be left with tons of supply and no demand. The price would plummet and it would no longer be worth it for them to continue killing and starving billions. There would be no money in it for them. It is possible they might continue killing because they have become addicted to the taste of blood. It is more than likely, however, they will be forced to crawl back into their holes. These people have built their dynasties on vanity. They walk around like they are Royalty because everyone else worships their diamonds and money. By no longer supporting these industries we will be revealing the truth about them. Anyone still dealing in diamonds will be wearing God’s infrared on their forehead. The last thing they want is the truth to be revealed about them. It is more important what others think about them, than what they think about themselves. If they had to do any introspection they would not be able to handle the truth of what they have become. Their entire lives are based on Lies, they want people to believe they are gods. These human farses claim they have accomplished feats that they never did and claim they intend on doing things they never will. Like their supposed space landing, as well as their future plans for Mars exploration. These men will never be going any direction other than down. The places beyond planet earth are only visited by men of God. These men want you to believe they are gods, but they are just a bunch of frauds.

People who are tired of suffering the consequences of this worldwide genocide can start making a difference today. Everyone should start by selling their diamonds back and using the proceeds to repatriate Africa. Think about the potential beauty of this plan and the number of senseless deaths that can be spared (including our own). The first people that return their worthless mineral, that has arbitrarily been deemed priceless and forever, will get the most for their stone. Then as more and more people follow suit, the buyers will start paying less and less for them. This reduced purchase price will be reflected in the price of diamonds sold. If nobody is buying them and people are selling what they already bought….The market will just disintegrate. If people cannot sell their minerals at Rapaport prices, then they won’t purchase them at Rapaport’s cost. The reason diamonds are supposed to be forever, is because they are supposed to forever maintain their value. Diamonds would become forever worthless. This same logic should be employed for all needless consumer goods. It will unwind this materialistic pressure that is preventing all of his from breathing easy… People need to become more conscious about which companies they are supporting. People must be more aware of the companies they are supporting or investing in on Wall Street. If people stop buying what Wall Street is selling, the world will be free of poison. Dow Chemicals will be disbanded. The only thing wall street sells is death. The reason it is called Wall Street is because slaves walked in front of a tall wall where wall street traders bid on them. They then took their lot’s of slaves and distributed them in smaller auctions throughout the country (they were traders). People have been pressured into no longer wearing fur because it causes the needless suffering of Our Pawed Family members. What about the human family? If we applied this same type of pressure on precious jewels, soon nobody will be wearing them. Those that continue to will have to face their own vanity. These diamonds cost ARM nothing. They stole the land and they pay nothing for labor, why are We paying them a fortune for death?

Here is some information that De Beers presents on their Web site regarding their social responsibility. Does this guarantee ring true?

Conflict Diamonds

Conflict diamonds are rough, uncut diamonds used by rebel movements or their allies to finance armed conflict aimed at undermining legitimate governments. In 1998, the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) - Global Witness brought to the world’s attention the fact that rebel groups were funding their war against the legitimate government in this way.


The De Beers Group has been working with governments through the United Nations and other international organizations to ensure that future conflicts cannot be funded in this way, and the De Beers Group was instrumental in creating the World Diamond Council to represent the international diamond and jewelry industry in the Kimberley Process.


At De Beers Diamond Jewellers, we can guarantee with 100% confidence that all of our diamonds are conflict-free.

Maybe you want to hear it straight from God’s mouth. Jesus spoke out against injustice and downpression before the United Nation’s Assembly. Then his Son David, AKA Bob Marley, made these words into music. I have bet my entire life on Jah and Bob being the Son’s of Man, you should too...

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