Monday, August 17, 2009

Fire and Ice

Liars are people who misrepresent themselves with words and intentions…Now that I know myself, I can honestly say that I do not lie. I have lived a Lie, but the only person I have ever lied to was myself. The reason people lie is in order to make other people see them differently than they actually are. If I were successful at conveying my misrepresentation, then people would view me as somebody that I am not. People become the lies they tell. The more successful the Lawyer (Liar) the larger the Web they spin. After building on many lifetime’s of lies, you end up in the predicament that We are in today. Leaders claiming to be War hero’s, in war’s that their families started. All of their friends and family collecting Nobel Peace prizes for treating the diseases they are creating. They have even claimed to have left their own negative energy here on earth and flown to the moon. Eventually the world ends up being trapped in a Web of lies. Until finally We are all living one big “white lie.” People tell white lies because they want to spare other people’s feelings. I will not spare anyone from the Truth. The more I care about someone, the more I try to paint the truth for them. Truth tends to Life and Salvation. Lie’s lead to death and eternal damnation. People tell white lies because they do not want to have to confront the truth. The truth sometimes hurts, but trust me when I say…Lying hurts you more than you can imagine. You can believe the Roman KKK Church and their Nazi story. Or you can learn from me the story of Humanity. It is not unreasonable to ask people to believe I and I’s story versus that of the Nazi’s.


Let’s examine my story and then theirs…The Son and the Moon represent Man and Woman. Everything created on Earth is the divine manifestation of the Mother and Father. Two Soul Mates. What happens when you mix Fire and Ice? The answer is Life. The Son and the Moon are Fire and Ice. The Son is the Salt in all life and the Moon is the water. Notice I always spell the word Son with an O and not a U. It is not by mistake. When the Son melts Ice you get Salt Water. All life originates from there. Life began when the Moon pulled the Son out of a Salty bubble. This was before time and before the idea of Gender. Sexes were required in order to share Love and procreate. All life has the same elements of Salt (Son) and Water (Moon). A baby comes out of a Salty bubble, it is called a womb. What is an Egg? SeaMen is Salt. Blood is Salt. Bones are Salt. Life is Salt, Water, a Soul, and God’s miracle. Evolutionist could never explain why people and animal’s have eyes. They have no Soul, therefore, they would not know that eyes are windows to your Soul. Evolutionist and the rest of their propaganda machine do not know or understand God. God give’s man his eyes, in order to find their Soul. Once people have found their Soul, they will find their way home. The reason these men cannot see, is because they are blind and they won’t be coming back to God’s Kingdom. My eye tracks like a homing pigeon. Babylon calls it a “Lazy Eye” my people call it a Rasta Far Eye. If I cannot find my way back home, then it does not look good for others. Since I am supposed to show the way...People who are born without eye site can see better than most. The reason they have decided to come into this world blind, is in order to better know their own Soul. Those without eye site have a much better chance of finding themselves and working on Soul transcendence…People who have eye site cannot see they are having their Souls stolen…Because there eyes are attracted to the wrong things. People might view Stevie Wonder as disabled. But Stevie knows whose really disabled. His Wife wrote a beautiful song about wanting to be a flower in the next life. Now she is…


All Life originates from the Son and the Moon. The ocean is comprised of Salt and Water. Salt is the vitality and water is the Loving nourishment. Modern scientist claim the ocean is 30% salt and 70% fresh Water. They say humans are comprised of this same percentage. Percentages, however, are very misleading and these numbers are no different. The two are inextricably linked, it would be impossible to separate them in order to come to this determination. There is no fresh water reservoir void of salt. Blood is Salt, but it is a liquid, naturally there is water in blood. The water that people drink gets circulated in their blood stream. Scientist have picked up on this as well. When they see water they call it white blood cells. When they see salt they call it red. Looking through their dumb microscopes…When you see the world through a microscopic lens you get a superimposed gigantic image, of something that is not even detectable to the naked eye. They see just a sliver of the big picture.


That is why these shitheads agree with the idea that there could be white blood cells. Naturally the white coats call the white blood cells your “immune system” how Ironic. There is no water without salt, but salt molecules contrast with water that has a less dense salt content. Under a microscope it looks like there is a darker image. They are not red, but darker. It is like looking at the foam on the ocean.


Salt is the Son and it sparks life. Creating heat, the heat bubbles and these bubbles are how the ocean breathes. The ocean is alive and it has the same structure as the human organism. Bones are made of hardened salt cartilage, corral is made of this same composition. The ocean has hair, it is called Sea Weed. All life stems from salt and water. The Sky is made up of these same contents. The Earth’s entire composition stems from the Ocean. The sky is comprised of the ocean with more oxygen. When the salt bubbles, clouds form, just like the foam that you see on the oceans surface. The clouds then brings nourishment, in order for life to grow. That is why the clouds come first thing in the morning leaving a morning mist, on the green of the land. Scientist have even noticed that plants have 96% the same DNA. To be accurate plants have 100% the same DNA. Plants have veins just like humans do. From the roots underneath to the leaves on the plants and trees.  DNA stands for Does not Apply by the way. Plants have the same DNA as Humans and Animals. Anyone thrown in jail on the basis of a DNA match should be immediately released from prison. If you could throw someone in jail for having the matching DNA of a murderer…Then you would have to throw every, human, animal, plant, and the rest of the earth in jail. Since We all have the same DNA.


Evolutionist call it a “Universal Common Ancestor”. You can also release anyone in jail for fingerprint matches. It is true that fingerprints are dynamic and that means everybody’s fingerprints are constantly changing. Every time I take a shower my fingers wrinkle. This changes their texture. Do the people from the hood not take showers? Even if they didn’t, your body completely regenerates itself every seven years. The earth was made in seven days, the seventh day representing completion. Seven days in a week. If you are a pure Soul you come back as the same person every seven generations, with the improvement of the previous six.


The problem with the world today is Our Rulers. They do not Lead people, they rule them. Treating the people as subjects to be exploited. They steal all of their food, resources, and basic necessities. Returning death, disease, and destruction. Destroying all of the water leaving a third of the world thirsty. This forces those that have not, to be at the mercy of those that have what they stole from them in the first place. The more they increase this disparity, the more people become awed by money. If they are not striving to be like The Bush’s they are definitely not trying to end up on the bottom like African’s and other Third World Nation’s. People are forced to run this rat race or they don’t eat. They then implement too many tactics to mention, in order to get people needing all of the wrong things. These men know that all anyone needs is Love. These animal’s eat up all of the corn and leave nothing for anyone else. Forcing people to make food, shelter, and water a priority over Love. Eventually We end up believing that the world is beyond saving…We fall into despair believing the story they have told for Us. Nobody has any interest in writing their own story.


People are often amazed when I purify their water. I will allow them to have a sip and while they are holding their cup before their next drink, I purify the water with my intention. I am meditating on something positive, Peace, Prosperity, Love…When that person takes a sip of the water they can taste a marked improvement. In a world that cannot taste the plastic when they drink water out of cups, or plutonium when drinking out of aluminum cans. You know that this would indicate a marked improvement in taste. This illustrates the power of proper intention. People’s thoughts lead to their actions. If your thoughts are corrupted by the TV then your actions will represent this corruption. The TV is the director, not the reflector. Every individual manifests their own reality, in a very concrete way. What you take in, you put back out, and what you put out -comes back. If people can exercise this type of control over their own life with the power of their mind absorbing and omitting energy. Then it would make sense, that your mind gives off a frequency and that your mind can effect not only the properties of water, but your entire environment. Human’s and water are comprised of the same basic properties.

Dr. Hedo offered evidence of this in a study he did on water, in his book the Healing Power of Water. His premise was that water’s properties are affected by the environment. He then made several jars of identical water and wrote words on the bottles. Love on one bottle Hate on the other. Compassion and Indifference. Healing-Destruction and so on…He then put these bottles in a freezer and used a slow timing camera to film the freezing process. Knowing that right before the water freezes it will make the shape of a crystal or snowflake (before it becomes hardened ice). What he was able to do was photograph the snowflakes that the water made. The jars with beautiful perfectly shaped Crystals had the words Love and Compassion written on the bottle. On the opposite end of the spectrum were the words Hate and War. The snowflakes looked like bullet riddled windows. The words in between these extremes adjusted accordingly. They used all different languages and the results were identical. You might be wondering how water knows how to read… The water is not reading the letters. In fact, the water is feeling the intention of the letters. The feeling that the individual who wrote these words had, when these words were written. This should illustrate to people, the power of the written word. Consider the intentions of Rupert Murdoch, Forbes, and the rest of the people that write our curriculum. The origins of the word curriculum is telling. It means circle and it was in reference to a course where people literally went around in circles. It now literally translates into the “course of one’s life.” How are you enjoying the merry go round?

This helps to shed some understanding on why people sometimes have trouble understanding what I am writing. They have read nothing but bullshit their entire lives. We give off a much larger frequency than We are conscious of. The more we understand our ability to change our environment, by changing our way of thinking and being aware of the mechanisms that shape our ways of thinking…The more life on earth will improve. The fact that one third of the people alive today do not have access drinkable water, should illuminate for people the massive amounts of death and destruction being propagated.

Every Soul is a spark of Light. Unfortunately, too many people are using butane to power their lighter and it is polluting the earth. We are all part of this beautiful thing known as Life on Earth. We are in Heaven, but We are simultaneously living in hell…The earth has a Soul at her core and all life on earth is connected to this collective Soul. The devastation of the planet and its inhabitants destroys the earth’s Soul. These Weapons of mass destruction prevent the people from coming together and healing. When these Weapons of Mass Destruction (AKA Government) are removed…This negative energy will be devoured by the earth and a new day will arise.

The Earth’s Soul will be reconnected to everyone and the results will be astounding. There is no such thing as a Sound Barrier, or an Ozone layer. What scientist see is the earth’s soul energy surrounding the earth. From the earth’s core to every Soul on earth to the atmosphere this frequency reaches. This might look like a layer. They call it a barrier because once you pass it, there is no such thing as gravity. Gravity equates to Negative Energy (G=NE) Once death has been removed from the atmosphere, Mother Earth will be bursting with life…Finally able to breathe again. Plants will have personalities, when you play music for them, you will be able to watch as they dance. Everything will slow down. People will have time to remember what We are supposed to be doing here…Share and Make Love. Then make a better life for Our children, by showing them how to grow Love in more ways. We are not improving the quality of Life for Our children today. In fact, We are making it markedly worse. The earth will be uninhabitable in the very near future if massive change is not overtaken.


Let’s put the final nail in these Astronauts coffin. If you have read this far and you still believe the Moon is a “dry California desert” as NASA describes it…Then I can honestly say, there was no reason for you to have learned how to read. You have zero comprehension. None the less, I offer the following information. Consider it an update to the theory of Relativity. Everything is connected-Gravity = Negative Energy (G=NE). Consider what happens when you get passed this negative energy that is preventing us from experiencing Livity. There is no gravity, which means you cannot control anything. Something else happens, there is no longer time or space. Beyond that point is eternity…The only people getting passed the Ozone Layer/Sound Barrier are God’s children. No astronaut is headed in that direction. Even if this were not so, if one of these Crazy Baldheads ever tried visiting the Moon on one of their airplanes, She would make them wish they had chosen to visit the Son instead. It will be a Cold burn.


Bob Marley knew what he was saying, when he says: “Every Man has the right to decide his own destiny. And in this judgment there is no partiality”. What Bob is saying is that everyone determines their own fate. Almost everything that exists in nature is alive. Everything the Government sells is quite literally death. Remember a Diamond is the most valuable commodity, far more precious than people. Look at what We are doing to people who are mining bauxite in Jamaica (a worthless mineral at the earth’s core). Releasing poisons into the atmosphere, then mixing these minerals with poisonous chemicals (like plutonium) in order to make aluminum. Aluminum’s only purpose is to poison people with plutonium aluminum cans. If We are killing people in bauxite mines and destroying entire communities for worthless minerals at the bottom of the earth. What do you think the death toll has been for the land where diamonds and every other “rich mineral” exists? Hint-Drip…Drip…Drip…People need to reassess the cost of living. Everything below diamonds requires us to commit a jihad against the earth and scrape worthless minerals out of her belly, releasing poisonous gases. You can stare at a diamond for the rest of your life, and you will go blind before you change its contents. Water on the other hand responds because it is alive. All minerals below the earth are completely worthless and people who do not subscribe to this belief are not only writing the death certificate of hundreds of millions of poor and enslaved laborers…They are also signing their own death certificate, because now they know the True Cost of these “Jewels”. We are all connected to human suffering, as well as, all of the Earth’s suffering. People need to shift their energy and focus away from diamonds and open their eyes to Life. Not all that glitter is golden…Those bright lights might be nice, but they sure won’t leave you sharp.


God is everything that is alive, anything Babylon is selling is associated with death (literally). Anywhere you find their Military, the Earth will be void of Life. If the Earth is void of Life, God will not be seen. Going back to this idea of Water and the frequency that your body omits. Look at things this way. When you meditate on Love, Peace, and Compassion, your environment will manifest this reality. Focus on money and greed and you will manifest that nightmare. The Skull and Bones got all of the money and the power and now they are left with a lot worse than nothing.


Anything that has eyes has an identity, everything beyond that is a part of the collective whole. When We leave this body, We multiply in accordance with our works. If someone did not know God, knowing neither greatness nor ugliness…That person manifests nothing. Like a pine cone falling off a tree. If you were a Loving compassionate person, who helped out those who were less fortunate and stood against injustice…This goodness multiplies and you become a part of everything. You will come back in the form of your grandson for starters. But It goes well beyond that. There would be no fun in being a Lion or a Lioness, unless you knew you deserved to be King’s and Queen’s of The Jungle. The human experience is the base line for all other life on Earth. A Lion knows when he is in a fucking Zoo. What can We do, it is safer than out in the wild. At least they did not kill H.I.M. he has a chance to be freed one day. The African Lion has a lot in common with African’s in prison from Africa to America. This same mentality applies to Pigs. If the pigs did not know that their actions in past lives is what got them stuck in their pig pen. There life would have no point and those eyes would be void of identity. If a Pig did not know that it deserved to live in its own shit, stacked on top of other pigs. Being fed synthetic food, and then being forced to get shots filled with human growth hormones and steroids. Before being led to a merciless slaughter. Converted into bacon, ham, and sausage…There would be no point to this life, if that was the only existence that the pig knew. It makes the conditions a lot more uncomfortable, when you were once a Bucking Ham. Or you lived on a ranch in Texas that used to be used as a pig and cattle ranch. Bob told you “No Wig Ham shall prosper”. We spoke in code. Wig referring to “The Wigs” Ham being swine. What was the name of the donut eating cop in the Simpson’s? Abrahamic Jews and Muslims don’t eat pigs, because they know pigs are cops, government, and big business.


 You will notice that never once in the Bible did you hear the Lord ask men of God to sacrifice Chicken’s or Pig’s. The reasons they were not asked to sacrifice these animal’s, is because they did not exist.  The more evil multiplied their works, the more animals required to feed the beast. There were no Turkey’s until the Pilgrim’s arrived... These birds have wings, but they don’t fly. Bob told you to bend down low fisherman’s row. Let me tell you what I know…You gonna reap what you sew. For every Soul suffering, because of your mechanisms of inequity…This suffering is then proportionately suffered by you in eternal hell. If you help those who are less fortunate, this goodness will be multiplied for the indefinite future. The real rub about going down with Babylon. The suffering of the world’s poor is only a sliver of time, in the scheme of Eternity. The poor only suffer for a short period. Evil men and women are one and done…They then ship off to eternal hell. That is when they meet the people whom they have caused suffering. It is called Judgment. It is the truest essence of kharma. We are all connected to Life and each of Us is given the opportunity to chose Life or death. The only area that God intervened was to make sure, that Evil’s seed did not multiply. That is why they are always left with just a seed weed. This Weed has a blurry lens provided by his father. Combine that with the money that is going to be showered upon him, Redemption Road, gets a lot more difficult. Those who please God and thus Mankind, get multiplied.


What has happened is the development of enormous inequity and brutality. Evil is not multiplied, therefore they are much smaller in number. In order to maintain control they had to improve technology. Using military, medicine, Television, and various other programming intended for controlling and Ruling. While billions of men, women, and children are diseased and starving.


These men are a bunch of savages. They kill elephants for Ivory. The demand among the Chinese elite requires the senseless slaughter of sweet Animal’s. Just another precious commodity associated with death. Fortunately, Elephants along with the Lama have a long memory China…All of Us can taste what you and America are manufacturing in those sweat shops and factories. Did you know that if you chain an elephant to a pole during its adolescence, when that Elephant is grown, you will no longer require a chain to keep the Elephant at bay. Its mind will believe it is chained all the way through adulthood (Elephants are known for their intelligence).


Did you also know that it is also possible to read all that I have just written and still not comprehend what you are reading…If you have been chained to a 12 step brain washing camp, complimented by a heavy dose of the Television. You can still be sitting their with your thumb up your ass, believing We have been to the Moon…


Not realizing that you have just learned the location to the gates of Heaven and Eternity. Remove this negative charge, by charging the positive and you will be amazed at how high We can all get. Remember past the Ozone layer, there is no longer time and space…People need to pay attention to their contributions. Are you flying or dying?


Here is a quote from a Bob Marley song:

You see men sailing on their ego trips.

Blast off on their space ships

Million Miles From Reality


Red Hot Chili Peppers:

Space may be the final frontier

But it's made in a Hollywood basement

It's Californication


Born and raised by those who praise

Control of population everybody's been there and

I don't mean on vacation

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