Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Moon and Global Warming Myth

We have never been to the Moon

This illusion has been created by the most potent drug in Mankind’s creation

The Television

Where their fantasy makes your reality fall into confusion

They show footage of the first moon landing

The camera that filmed the footage was outside of the space shuttle from which they were emerging

If there was already a camera man out there filming, he should have turned his camera on when he left the cabin. Since he was the first to walk on the moon technically

The cameraman must have needed an outlet to plug in the camera he was using

How did they manage to get a live picture beamed down to everyone watching television back at home?

Did we have Satellite DirectTV back then…

There was not even live programming

There were no satellites at the time of this landing

No such thing as a cell phone

But people supposedly watched a live space landing on their television

That is some kind of broad casting

Nobody ever watched the space landing live on television

People watched TV shows and movies displaying other families watching the space landing


Their history is constantly changing

 Neil Armstrong commented on how dusty the surface was after he stepped down

 It is time these Government officials received a little information

There is an equal and opposite reaction to everything

Wherever there is extreme heat you will find extreme freezing

Why aren’t we planning on flying to the Son

That would be a tough story to be selling...

The moon is just as freezing as the Son is boiling

They should make some suits and we will allow them to put em on when they are ready to go visit the Son 

As soon as they close their eyes for the last time, they can have this suit put on them

They can then have a first hand account of how hot the Son actually ends up burning

These politicians can wear some sun block or parablobbin for their protection

The Son never gave anyone cancer, it was the government and the parablobbin they were selling that was causing people to be dying

Once every government official has had a chance to meet the Son, cancer will be gone


Buzz Aldren recently made his argument for future mars exploration:

"We know that there is no life on the moon, but with Mars we cannot say the same

If there is no life on Mars, then we will bring life. Germs and Urine"

That was an exact quoting

Had Buzz actually made it to the moon there would now be life/urine and germs there, according to his reasoning

That must have been what Christopher Colombus told Britain before his American exploration

Christopher did in fact discover life and they were called Indians

They got germs, as well as, pissed on

What an amazing coincidence

Armstrong also happens to be former Military Intelligence

He is wearing the colors of an officer. They are all dressed like a bunch of clowns


Back to the Son burning

There is symmetry to everything

The reason you know Neil never stepped foot on the moon

He would not have said it is dusty like a California desert

He would have said “shit it is freezing”

The surface looks like glaciers and the ice is steaming with a cool smoke

That is why if you look at the moon you will see what looks like black smoke surrounding

The atmosphere turns to a black smoke when it touches the ice surfacing

Hopefully he had steel spikes in the shoes he was wearing

The Son and the moon are both permanent

One does not disappear with another replacing the other

 The earth rotates half way every 12 hours

While on this rotation you get cooled by the moon and heated by the Sons Rays

Always in perfect balance

Twelve hours one side of the earth receives heating while the other side receives cooling

This should help explain this global warming myth

Tobacco farming Al can listen to my Inconvenient Truth

Al does not know anything about the truth. Vanity and Trickery are his specialty

He now works with the inventor of the internet at Kleiner Perkins working on Green Technologies

Al did note during the film that everywhere there was extreme heat on one side of the earth there was equal cold on the other side

It can also be called cause and effect

If there is increasing heat and then increasing cold…

The two would cancel out

The earth as a whole does not increase its temperature

It is true that the government is poisoning the entire planet

You don’t have to go to Antartica and look at small floating pieces of ice to know that

The reason the caps are melting is because Big Government has been Oil drilling

The original Rockefeller center was located in Antartica, a fact worth noting

There is a reason Alaska is considered to be part of America, but it is not contiguous

Those were two of the first places we began Oil explorations


Oil is the earth’s life blood and when you steal it prematurely for no reason, it destroys the environment

Literally sucking the earth's blood by drilling

There was already enough flowing in the Red Sea to power everything

Where Mecca and Saudi Arabia are located not coincidentally

Life exists on the ice that is why the polar bears are disappearing

It is not because they are incapable of swimming

Their land has literally been sucked dry and they are forced to come into the city


That is where The Governor of Alaska is living

She works for the big Oil Companies and she likes to shoot polar bears from the helicopters she is flying in

At the expense of the Alaskan taxpayer I’m imagining

Sarah Palin might be our next president


When a butterfly flaps its wings on one side of the earth it can be felt on the opposite side

Just because you don’t live in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Palestine. It does not mean that you cannot feel the “smart bombings”

Everyone is affected, but some people are more capable or realizing

It is time people detoxed from the methodone metronome

People need some re-programming

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