Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Econ Prose

Let me offer you your first Economics Class

The inflation bubble is quite literally filled with Gas

Nobody ever considers why the price of goods consistently inflates

Technology is supposed to create all of these amazing market efficiencies

People are constantly losing their jobs, replaced by robotics

Manufacturing that requires manual labor has been outsourced

American companies pay 1.25 a day to women and children while they slave away often being poisoned

These companies no longer have to worry about workmen’s compensation

When you take into account all of the previously mentioned factors you would expect deflation

Manufacturing costs should be consistently falling…


This is where increases in the price of commodities comes into the equation

In industrialized countries the only commodity that determines inflation is the price of gasoline

Inflation is the instrument of Satan

Oil is the mechanism

Consider what happens when the price of Oil starts increasing

The cost of doing business increases, in particular shipping

Transportation, food, and utility costs start soaring

Wages do not increase relative to inflation

The poor’s money ends up literally disintegrating

These are the people who do not have enough gas in their tank to make it home after a long day of working

The KKK calls this an Economic Lynching

This increased inequity strains the balance of the system

Creating desperation…

This leads to crime, from which the government stands to be profiting


Consider the massive amounts of money that ends up disappearing

The government currently taxes at a rate of 100+% of earnings

Ten percent city taxes, ten percent state, thirty five percent annually and the rest upon dying in estate taxes

It really adds up when you consider property taxes, vehicle taxes, vehicle registration, parking meters, and parking tickets

This is to say nothing for all of the public utilities


Let’s explore some of the areas where we can save some tax money

We have never been to the moon so we can save 30 billion annually

If We remove the Government We can remove all of the ingredients that lead to killing

Cigarettes, liquor, Wall Street and Dow Chemicals, prescription medicine, gasoline, and street drugs like crack cocaine

The Government owns, poisons, and taxes extra on all of them

We can then get rid of police and the justice system

This is where things really start unwinding

Prison and the justice system are second to only military spending

Let’s first look at the financial model of the prison system

The Government owns the land where they build them

They own the contracting companies that do the construction

All of this in addition to charging the taxpayer far more annually then these inmates end up costing

People forget that prisoners helped build the railroads, what is a Chain Gang?

I have been working on the railroad all the live long day…

Those were freed slaves, now balled and chained who sang that sweet melody

Prisoners are still working making license plates

They do all of their own laundry and there is no housekeeping services

The food is shit and piss

The only real costs are guards and donuts

Government makes a fortune off of the prison system

 They even empty out prisons whenever there is a war we are fighting

It’s always the poor that end up dying

Prison or War end up being their only two options

They have to participate in gang wars selling drugs before going to prison

These kids are not dumb, they are starving, and have no other options

At least Baghdad is safer than the hood, and with their vest on, it will probably just be a limb they end up losing


If I ran the world I would ban all weapons

Nobody wants to have to carry a gun

People are supposed to have them for protection

If nobody else has one then there is no need to be carrying

The only people who would want to keep one intend on murdering

When guns and death are removed God’s presence will be felt by everyone…

Anyone who knows God will know that murder is a Sin against H.I.M

Only God can Judge Man, everybody will have their day of reckoning…

Especially the workers of inequity

No more need for a House of Represent A Thieves

Police with guns would no longer have any necessity

The need for taxes and Government would end up evaporating

We know that America went from a surplus- to minus over 100 trillion during Bush’s eight years

Think about how much money they made disappear


This 100 trillion is in addition to the trillions they stole tax collecting

One would expect to see the stock market skyrocketing

Where are the earnings from companies like Halliburton, Dupont, Dow Chemicals, Boeing, Hughes Aircraft, Airbus and that is to say nothing for the Oil companies

The major indices do not reflect this growth

The taxpayers paid for the war, the government made all the military equipment itself

What they pay their soldiers they get back at the canteen in liquor and cigarette sales

The oil companies picked up all of these new wells at the expense of the taxpayers

We stole all this new oil, yet the price of Oil skyrockets?

This is because of wall street and the public markets

They are trading with imaginary barrels of Oil in futures contracts

AIG Dow Jones Futures

Wall street likes making money on imaginary transaction fees

This phenomenon started back in the first Gulf war when Saddam destroyed America’s Kuwaiti Oil fields

The world saw all of the black water and Oil fields up in flames

The price of oil went through the roof because speculators believed we might run out of oil fields

People have not noticed that America does not attack the regions where Oil is

That is why all the fighting in Iraq is near Baghdad away from the Oil fields

No fields were damaged in these most recent invasions


If the Oil companies acquired all these new fields and they did not have to pay anything in acquisitions

While Wall Street artificially inflates their inventory of barrels

Where did this new found equity go? It did not vanish…

The taxpayer paid and the government supposedly spent well over 100 trillion beyond our taxes.

The money went in someone’s pockets…

Inflation requires this money to have been reinvested

Why is the taxpayer, paying these executive bailouts for hundreds of billions

War is supposed to be good for economies

How did George Bush leave office with the stock market crash?


In Forbes they only show the billionaires boys club, this only includes reported assets

Foreign holdings in Oil fields, and mineral mines do not get reported

That is why you never see the trillionaires club

They do not report Dick, George’s, Charles,Vladimir, and the rest of these Oil Companies Executives total assets

In the end it is not about who has the most digits on their bank statements

Money only represents power to these individuals

It is used strictly for exploitative purposes

They just made the money disappear on their computers

There is not even 100 trillion pieces of paper


Consider the perception of change, versus the reality

Let’s revisit this idea of technology

Twenty years ago people had a brick for a cell phone

Now We carry our small iphone with portable music, Internet, and mapquest option

How necessary are these technological improvements

Instead of listening to old vinyl we have a CD, now we have a HD Plasma Television

Is Direct TV included on our list of improvements in the quality of living?

Despite all of these amazing technological advancements over this 20 year period of time…

New luxury vehicles are somehow getting the same gas mileage today as they were back then


No wonder these automobile companies are struggling

While we have experienced a “technological explosion”

Twenty years of building engines and all of their vehicles still average 23 Miles Per Gallon

I would like to see their annual reports over this period, it would be interesting to review what they spent on research and development

What did their alternative fuel research end up totaling?

At least We now understand why We had to pay them hundreds of billions…

They are a bunch of idiots and thieves

They figured out how to employ robots instead of humans at their factory plants, but they cannot get better then 23 miles per gallon on their engines


Economic tricks of the workers of inequities

Without inflation industrialization would cease

The reasons for this are many, but we will consider a few of the benefits (or detriments)

Inflation ensures that money never stays on the sidelines

If the price of goods continues to increase, then you will also need to increase earnings

Savings and retirement require investment or the cash they have sitting on the sidelines will become worth less

It ensures Wall Street continues, if there were no retirement funds, or pension funds they would have some liquidity problems


People have become nothing more than numbers statistical tragedies

When inflation rises in a country the value of those living in the country falls

South Africa suffers inflation at an annual rate of 400% Israel’s is -.02 %

South Africa’s paper is worth 1-400th of Israel’s money, you starting to understand how inflation is working?

Not surprisingly Israel’s two biggest industries are military and biotechnology

Doe anyone know the numbers of the Hebrew language?

They don’t exist, numbers are a European system

There are millions of languages that prevent people from communicating

The international language has become currency

International numbers system, that is how people and countries end up communicating

The reason English is the most widely spoken language around the world, everyone speaks the language of money

People need to learn to speak the language of International Loving 

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