Thursday, August 6, 2009

From the We to the Me

Sin is experienced by everybody…

As long as Our minds remain in captivity

This leads to greed, envy and jealousy 

The dawning of man’s vanity

Requiring Us to submit Our will to somebody

No different than having to prove something…

This ugly behavior has caused Us to lose site of Our own unique beauty


People kill for Money…

Those who determine the value of currencies have the largest armies

There is an inverse relationship between a state or continents economic inflationary reality

And the value assigned to the lives of the people living in these respective countries…

Treating people as statistical tragedies

Africa Is the most beautiful continent in the World, this contrasts sharply with their indigenous peoples current reality…

People should contemplate, when they are in Africa on their Safari’s….

Why can’t the vast majority of the population afford clothing and basic necessities?

The Godless Worship Pro$its


How can we explain this cycle logically?

It begins with our conditioning

Is anyone paying attention to the Television?

Nothing but fantasy and brutality…

Neither leads to the betterment of society

The people who make money off of commercials offering you a TIVO…You don’t say?

Better pay attention.. .It’s called programmin….

Don’t get too Highly Defined

Or you might get caught Worshippin the man profitting….

No WMD’s- I guess they are still investigatin….


People have become blinded from seeing God’s beauty throughout humanity

Buildings so high- people have stopped noticing the beautiful blue sky

Resulting in a tainted consciousness- acceptance of War and Poverty-

Leading to our collective depravity…

People breathing the same air as We

We have spent 100’s of billions on a space program and never been to the moon, but we cannot prevent children from dying of an empty belly…

Is that what you are telling me?


Man’s sin was the loss of the We and so it began the idea of a “you” and a “me”

When the blind are leading the blind nobody can see


We need to begin living more consciously

So people can see the real fantasy

It is important to understand that the collective we suffers when someone goes hungry…

Gravity equates to negative energy


We are all descendants of Adam and Eve…

Yet somehow we have forgotten this reality



The Bible says something about being judged by how we treat the least among thee…

How are we doing in this category?

Dividing the people continually is the strategy


It is time we began acting brotherly towards everybody

If we removed poverty, Love would be the only thing we would need…

The path to The Kingdom is to Love without exclusivity


Loving is the only path to living abundantly

We are talking the achievement of levity- no such thing as gravity…

It starts with awakening to the illusion of a “you” and a “me.”

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