Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Way I See Life

In order to find out life's deeper meaning, you have to ask some questions. People often want answers, without first asking the questions. This is the way I see life today. 

I believe that Life is a Love story. Before you can even have a Love story, you must first define what Love is. If all you had ever known in your Life is Love, then you could not know what Love was? You would need a basis for comparison. Angel's rely on devils, to show them what they are. It would be impossible to see the stars shining without darkness. I believe humanity has come to this point of brutal inhumanity. In order to help people gain an even deeper appreciation for Love and decency. You cannot appreciate the gift of eternity, without the illusion of death. Eternity would be void of meaning. In order for Life to be appreciated the illusion of death needed to be created. Consider the intelligence of creating this illusion. It forces people to appreciate Life. How much different would your relationship with your parents be, if you knew you were going to be together for eternity. This enhances our appreciation of the time we have with our Loved ones. Additionally, it increases our own personal appreciation of what it means to be alive. Intelligent life is described as having the capacity to change and learn new things. What would be the point of procreation if children are going to be the same as their parents. A parents job is to teach their children what they have learned through living life. Their child then takes these lessons and adds to them, hopefully evolving in a positive direction. Teaching Love ensures that your seed will get bigger and better. Love only grows. 

If all life were identical and everyone lived forever. There would be no intelligence to this design. Life and death are necessary because it creates phases. Physical growth also requires the creation of identity. In order to grow, a baby needs food and water. This need helps to create an identity. A baby knows to cry when he or she gets hungry. Life needs to be lived in phases. One could not appreciate the childhood innocence of their first kiss, until after they have gained experience.

If every organism were identical the World itself would be void of meaning. Differences should be appreciated, variety is the spice of Life. The more diversity a garden has the more beautiful it will appear. You will notice that life in the garden will come to reflect this beauty. The butterfly's will all have a beautiful multicolored appearance. Whenever you see butterfly's flying around daisy's they are always black and yellow. When the butterfly was a caterpillar it received its nutrients from the daisy's core. The core is black and the pedals are yellow. When the caterpillar becomes a butterfly the wings will be black with yellow spots. That is why countries that have the greatest plant biodiversity also have the most divergent species. Birds reflect their environment in much the same way as a butterfly does. The Monarch is the King butterfly, it has been around the longest. It reflects life's oldest colors, orange and black. Or day and night. 

The most common colors of fish are blue and yellow. When the Sun reflects off of water it turns yellow. The fish naturally mirror the most common colors of their environment, blue and yellow. When blue and yellow mix, you get the color green. That is why there is so much greenery everywhere. Grass, algae, plants, trees, leaves. Green is a dominant color. When green is mixed with yellow it becomes green. If you mix brown with blue, you get a sharp greyish green (or hazel). We can see this illustrated in the different colors of the human eye. When you come from a country that is close to the son, your eyes turn brown. If you come from a cold environment, your eyes turn blue. Russian's often have blue eyes because the suns reflecting off of the snow creates a sharp reflection. That is why nobody goes on a ski mountain without UV Lenses. Eyes turn a blue lens in order to protect the eye from the Sons reflection. Blue is neutral with orange. The third color is green or hazel eyes. A combination, of brown and blue. If your ancestors came from Russia through Africa to America, you are likely to have hazel eyes. Surfer's have blue eyes and blond hair because they are getting a reflection off of the water, while on their surfboards. The reflection is not as bright as the reflection off of snow. But they are subjected to this reflection for much longer, and they cannot wear sunglasses. The blond hair, also reflects this yellow because when the Son reflects off the water it turns things yellow. Their hair is wet and they are in the Son. I grew up in water and for the first nine years of my Life, I had blond hair. If you want to turn someone's hair blond use lemon juice. The reason they have thick hair is because they are always in salt water. Salt is the main element of all life and is therefore associated with growth. A woman's womb as well as a bird's egg is comprised of salt. Bones are hardened salt. They start out soft and supple, grow stronger, until finally they become brittle. SeaMan is salt. Blood is salt. Humans are comprised of Salt, Water, a Soul, and God's miracle. 

Clouds are salt, hence the reason they are white. Clouds nourish the earth with water. First thing in the morning, low clouds come down and water the vegetation. Leaving morning droplets...Skin color is determined by the color of our blood, skin is clear. If you peeled the skin off of a black and a white person and then looked at the two pieces of skin. You would not be able to distinguish a color between them. The closer people live to the equator (i.e. Africa) the hotter their blood becomes and the darker their skin coloration. When you get embarrased, you first start boiling and perspiring and then your skin turns red. When a black person goes skiing they turn white. Literally, a crusty white surface grows and they become ashy. Discriminating against a race of people because they come from a different environment is pure lunacy. That would be the equivalent of stating, that you do not like any birds with orange feathers. What would be the logic? If the most beautiful environments all have diverse ecosystems. Shouldn't we encourage this type of diversity when it comes to humanity? 

Consider what happens when people are removed from nature. When living in a concrete jungle, people start to reflect their environment. When people give up their passion for a profession, they lose their identity. God never made two people alike, not even identical twins. There is no need for competition, fair competition requires all things being equal. While all men and women were created equal, everyone has different individual talents. How can there be so many people doing the same professions? People who do their passion find fulfillment in life. Wall street executives, Lawyers, Insurance Salesmen, order takers, etc. They are all a dime a dozen, easily disposable and replaceable. The only butterfly's you are going to find are going to be bland like vanilla. They are called moths.

Consider the Genesis of Adam and Eve. After they ate the apple from the tree of life. They first established an identity. They immediately understood they Were naked because they saw themselves for the first time. Then God told them they would not be able to Live forever in the Garden of Eden. The illusion of death was created. They then had Cain and Abel. Cain killed Abel because he was their parents favorite Son. In order to have a favorite...There needs to be difference between your children. A basis for comparison. Adam and Eve had another Son, but Cain was spared by God. The reason Cain was spared and allowed to procreate, goes back to this idea of duality. Angel's requiring Devil's. It should also be noted, they obviously had daughters. Women have been completed deleted from the Bible. They only get credit for leading to man's downfall. Of course they had daughters, how would Cain and Abel multiply?

Their Church claims Jesus was a Virgin. But his Wife's name was Mary. His mother's name was Mary Magdalene. When he was crucified, the Bible clearly states, both were in Jerusalem that day. Has anyone ever seen The Last Supper? Mary is seated right next to Him. Jesus was not a fictional character, someone who can just be repainted at The Roman Catholic Church's discretion.

If you are God and you are everything…Then you are really nothing. God is referred to as I Am. The intention was to create an appreciation of The Kingdom of Heaven. The righteous are God's stars. Evil is God's darkness. Collectively all Life is a reflection of the divine creator. Each leaf breathes oxygen into this world. Look at the veins in a leaf. Then look at the veins on the back of your tongue. You will likely find they match. A Leaf is God's tongue, She does not have just one body. God is everything. If your tongue matches that of God's tongue...Then God must live in you. Heaven can only be understood by having comparison. Without sin there could not be salvation. Two Soul Mates could not appreciate each other if they were the only two people they ever knew. What would be the intelligence of having these two stagnant organisms that never change and just hang out on earth forever. It would be the equivalent of appreciating diamonds. The real diamonds are people. Think about how worthless diamonds are. The best ones are all the same. A flower is worth far more than a diamond, it is alive. A diamond begins as a mineral (not a seed) at the earths core and as it grows  it changes its properties. First becoming copper, silver, gold, platinum, and finally a Diamond. All diamonds look the same, differences require a magnifying glass. A flower is alive and it has an intelligence system. Flowers determine how much water and nutrients are needed for continued growth. Somehow a worthless mineral that does not even know it is a diamond is considered priceless. Flowers usually accompany diamond gifts. Flowers are nothing more than a nice touch. It makes sense, the flowers that were cut only have another week to live and diamonds are forever (that is because they were never alive). All the diamonds in the world are not worth one drop of blood. 

I believe Life is a test. The answer to all the questions is Love. Those who do not have Love in their hearts have failed. Those who have Love and share Love will receive their just due, their reward will be eternal Heaven. In order for people to appreciate the precious nature of human life. We had to come to a point where people are killing over minerals,paper, and the different variations of blood color. People must understand that Love does not have a color. 

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