Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fuzzy Picture

Are you confused? You probably thought America hated Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini. The media is constantly trying to recreate history, fortunately the truth cannot be changed. Consider our situation today…

We now know that Saddam Hussein had no Nuclear Weapons, but at least he had a moustache like Hitler. The media of course already knew there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction. That is why they were broadcasting in Iraq on the first day of the UK invasion. The reporter would be standing about 100 yards in front of rockets that were blasting off in the opposite direction (bombs bursting in the air as they explode). These news Anchors are not brave men. The reason they showed up in Iraq on the first day is because they knew there were no WMD’s. There was no military resistance either, that is why the reporters were not concerned about any blowback from opposing forces. There were no long range missiles, not even the threat of scud missiles (which Saddam supposedly used against Israel in the first gulf war). Makes you question our state of the art military. We have sent million’s of troops, private engineers, as well as blackwater, and eight years later we cannot stymie the violence. When they show pictures of insurgents they are driving around in 1970’s Toyota pick up trucks with two guys sitting in the truck bed toting AK 47’s. People forget that Iraq’s entire military was disbanded immediately. The most sophisticated weapons at the “insurgents” disposal are the rocket launchers that America sold them. American military misplaced 400,000 weapons in Iraq during the war (according to the BBC). I wonder whose hands those weapons fell into.


It makes you wonder why we are there eight years later when we had secured Iraq on the day we invaded. There were plenty of Us who thought Saddam hated Israel and the Jews. The first gulf war supposedly started over a financial disagreement between George Bush and Saddam. Saddam supposedly wanted America to forgive the 10 Billion dollar debt that he had incurred during his war with Iran (their mutual enemy). He did not believe that he should have to repay the loan, because his fighting against Iran served their mutual interest. George Sr. also sold Iran weapons during this conflict (you remember Iran Contra). When Kuwait (which is America) refused to forgive these ten billion digits, Saddam decided to set some Oil fields ablaze. This act of aggression caused unfathomable environmental damage, destroying the entire earth. Because Saddam was like “Hitler” he naturally hated Israel. After he scorches the Oil fields provoking the action of Saudi Arabia, which is the U.S and UK’s Main Military air base in the Middle East. The UK responds with a vicious aerial attack scorching the entire earth…Saddam (being a shrewd military strategist) decides to attack Israel, launching scud missiles. He must not know that Israel’s two biggest industries are Military and biotechnology. The two naturally go hand and hand, as biotechnology was founded by the creators of chemical weapons. Bayer, Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, Oppenheimer, Monstanto, Dow Chemicals. These are the manufacturers of Cancer, AIDS, Toxic Shock Syndrome. TSS is caused by Johnson and Johnson Tampons. Johnson and Johnson adds plutonium to their tampons, in order to poison and sterilize women. Part of a Nazi sterilization program. Unfortunately, instead of becoming sterile many users of Rely died on contact. People need to check their ingredients. Take a Bayer aspirin and there is a good chance it will be the last headache you ever have.


Israel bombed themselves or nobody or Israel was never attacked during the first gulf war. The way that I know for sure that Saddam never attacked Israel is because of the footage that they showed. They would show rockets being launched from the ground. Displaying these big missiles being loaded and then shot out of these giant machines. If there were any missiles that were launched from Iraq, they were not fired out of a machine. The reason I know that no scud missiles were blasted out of a machine is because they would need to be laser guided in order to go that distance. Laser guided missiles are long range and require a remote control pilot. In order to guide a missile from Iraq to Israel requires a third party guidance system. Therefore, it would not require any launching pad. CNN would show a missile being loaded and then fired into the night sky. Then they would cut to a building blown in half and in flames in Israel. If the damage was authentic then Israel must have bombed themselves. Probably had a few of their own stealth bombers fly overhead. We are even discussing going to Iran because they claim to be boiling water. They hate Israel and the Jews like Hitler. The media has likened Ahmadinjad to Hitler, accusing him of wanting to “wipe Israel off the face of the earth.”


It is important for people to wake up and realize that We are all living under the rule of the KKK. Fascist-Communist-Nazi Dictators. It is one gigantic circle jerk and everybody is getting loads dropped on their heads. Worldwide Conspiracy. Welcome to Mussolini and Hitler Co. Rome and Germany. KatholiK Church and Skull and Bones. Their story is constantly changing. The one thing that always remains consistent about their broadcasts is the agenda. They do not distribute the News in order to inform you. Instead they program you to be confused.

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