Friday, August 7, 2009

The Schism of Man and Woman

Let me break it down, as scientifically as I can. This message is important, I suggest you pay attention. Look at the Son and the Moon as Man and Woman. Two souls before the idea of sex even factored into the equation. Different sexes are required for the sake of procreation. Planet earth is the divine manifestation and combination of the Son and the Moon. In order for life on Earth to flourish sexes were created. Earth is the collective Soul of the Mother and Father. All life on Earth is connected to this unified Soul. Love then stems from this Union of Man and Woman. It expands and grows from there. The closer the union between male and female here on earth, the closer the Moon and Son will be to one another. Unfortunately, the reverse is also true, when there is a schism between the sexes, the Moon and Son move further apart.

The Son provides the Earth with Sonlight and heat, the Moon cools down the Earth after the Son has passed through. Darkness is conducive to cooling. The earth is in constant motion, while the Son and Moon are also in constant rotation. I believe they call it a state of perpetual motion. The Earth’s rotation is much faster. If you look at the moon on a cloudy night, you can understand the speed of the Earth’s rotation. It is easier on the eyes to stare at the Moon (though it still stings). Clouds are part of the Earth’s atmosphere, clouds are Salt, and Salt is the basis for all life on Earth. When you look past the clouds at the moon, you can see how quickly the clouds are shifting position relative to the Moon’s placement. The clouds are moving faster moving counter clock wise, than the moon is moving clockwise. This speed of rotation can easily be illustrated by the simple fact that the Moon and the Son never stay in one place. Early in the day the Son might be behind you, while later in the day it will be in front of you. The Earth rotates for twelve hours in the Son and twelve hours under the Moon. Heating and Cooling, they are complimentary.

This point illustrates the stupidity of rocket scientist, Government officials, and fake astronauts who claim We have been to the Moon. Beyond the obvious fact that they would have frozen to death had they approached the Moon. Just as they would be burned to death, if they approached the Son…They are so clueless that they actually describe the Moon as a vast desert. If the Moon were a vast desert, then we would be experiencing global warming for sure. In fact, the whole earth would be molten lava. What would cool us down? We would be rotisserie chicken.

The times when the Moon and Son are closest together, is at dawn and dusk. If you enjoy doing water activities on the back of a boat…You know that the water is going to be placid first thing in the morning or right before dark. The deeper the schism between Man and Woman, the further and further the Son and Moon end up separating. The more that Love between man and woman is severed, the more violent a society will become. There is nothing more violent than the violation of a Woman. This violence then grows exponentially. That is precisely why these corrupt Governments and their Religions subjugate and mutilate women. Has anyone noticed how the Bible does not mention the story of one single woman? Besides Eve, who supposedly made Adam succumb to temptation, which led to their removal from the Garden of Eden and subsequently led to their mortality.  When in truth the apple is what gave them life, just like the Woman. The apple represents the gift of knowledge of Self and thus led to a deeper understanding of one another. The Catholic church claiming Jesus and his mother were both virgins. Even though the Bible documents both his Mother Mary Magdalene and his wife Marry were in Jerrusalem on the day He was sacrificed. The last supper shows his wife sitting right next to Him. The perpetrators of violence know that this schism will lead to a broken and violent population. Thus requiring, extreme religious militant repression, as is the case in Saudi Arabia. Or in the case of Africa, you have complete lawlessness, which allows the foreign interest to continue exploiting the resources. As well as make a fortune selling arms to both sides of the conflict. This naturally leads to unnatural disasters, such as Tsunamis, Hurricanes, and Earth quakes. If you have placid water and temperate weather conditions at dusk when the Son and the Moon are sharing…Then you have the exact opposite reaction when the two are furthest apart. You would have torrential waters and extreme weather conditions.

Al Gore noted in his well received documentary that wherever there was extreme heat on one side of the earth, there was extreme cold on the other side. Going back to my earlier point regarding equal and opposite reaction or cause and effect. Global warming is indeed a myth, because the extreme heat is then canceled out by the extreme cold. There is no question, however, that We are destroying the environment. The earth is quite literally spinning off its axis, while mother nature is doing back flips. One of the root causes of unnatural disasters is Oil drilling. Both offshore and land based drilling. Oil is the Earth’s Life Blood (quite literally). It is called the Red Sea, because you can see the Red Oil in the Middle East. It is called a fossil fuel, because it is made up of the Earth’s fossils (i.e. Life). Life on earth is constantly regenerating itself through its lifeblood. Life never ends. Life only stops for those who stop Living. People who have lost their Loving.

When Oil companies steal the Earth’s lifeblood prematurely it creates these irregular pockets throughout the earth’s surface. These pockets are created because the Earth’s surface is weakened and it softens due to lack of nutrients. The bottom then falls out, creating craters, particularly in the ocean. Drilling prematurely releases toxic gases that were not supposed to ever be released. Earth’s gases are petrifying the minerals before they surface. When these gases get released prematurely pressurized bubbles float up into the water from below the Earth’s natural surface. This in itself when it collects enough pressure can create strong enough propulsion for a hurricane. When you combine the gases with these new soft pockets, it serves to propel this water and create irregular weather patterns. When water goes over these abysses it must increase its force in order to roll through. This manifests in stronger waves once the pocket is passed. This also explains the reasons for Tsunami’s.  While it is true that We are destroying the Earth, this has nothing to do with global warming. Al should rename his movie: The Inconvenient Truth About How My Partners And I Have Destroyed The Entire Earth and Your Life.

While people might not see God Him and Her are both watching. The only thing technology has improved is Man’s ability to destroy himself and the women who were destroyed a long time ago. People had better save themselves, before the world is beyond saving. That will be when the Son and the Moon are at Polar opposites of the Earth’s orbit. Anything beyond this point would mean the two are getting closer. This is the point where the Earth will be shook off its axis. The majority of people today have been misled by deceptive Church’s Synagogues, and Mosque’s. In the process people have lost site of God. But God has not lost site of them…The two of them are not impressed with what they are seeing. They have their own satellite tracking system and they are preparing to reset the game. Shake up the dice and start a new roll.

The good news at this moment in time…Nobody has anything to lose. People who die for Truth, Love, and Freedom come back again. The rest of the people are going to be drowned by a Tsunami while at home on their ranch in Texas, about to shoot one of their Lawyers in the face...While you might not be on a ranch, you are going to be shocked when you see that mountain of water about to swallow you. Especially when you are in Kansas. People need to find God, before God finds them. Hatred and Violence have permeated this Earth and spread like one of their man made diseases. God’s presence is not felt where Sin has left the land barron. Hate and Love share a few similar characteristics. Both have the potential to proliferate quickly. The more you have of each the more you should expect in the future. Hate has only prevailed for this long because People have lost God, mainly because the Government and Church are running interference. They do not even know the God that lives inside them. God is the secret ingredient of Love’s potion. God is Love. When people find God they find meaning. They know that God made them who they are and that everything that has happened, happened for a reason. Because they were always a part of God’s plan. Once people have that understanding and feel that Love for themselves and their individual blessings. They can then share this Love with their women, and vice versa, before you know it, Love starts spreading. 

It has been said that Love will conquer everything. The Ethiopian New Year is September 11. While many people view this day in its proper context. A senseless massacre orchestrated by our own Government in order to justify senseless killing in Iraq and Afghanistan. All for the sake of division, hatred, death, destruction, and Power. They would be correct on all accounts, however,  I choose to look at things differently. While the shock and vibration of this act of hatred has been felt by the entire world. It will also serve to galvanize the people. By taking Us to such a place of darkness and hatred, the people are now thirsting like never before for Love and Light. September 11 served to provide the impetus for a new day of Love and Understanding. Angel’s rely on Devil’s to show them what they are. People need to decide whether they want to wear the wings of an angel, or become a Pig with hoofs and horns. After they sacrificed Christ by putting nails in his hands all animals were marked. God’s creatures all have paws, it is their stigmata (think of Lion’s, Dog’s, Cats, Monkey’s and Apes have hands). Animal’s that have hoofs, like Pigs and Cattle are reincarnated black and white’s, Government officials, and Wall Street executives. They treat people like animals, forcing them to have inoculations, living in their own shit, while waiting to be led to their slaughter. That is why they ended up in pig pens, getting synthetic feed, steroids, and growth hormones, before becoming bacon. Notice chicken’s and turkey’s have wings, but they can’t fly.

God is a reflection of the Love We are collectively sharing as a society. God’s lack of presence should clearly indicate how much (or little) Love people are sharing these days. When people start sharing their Loving, God will provide the strength to forward in a new day. In order for people to witness God’s miracle, they have to first know God. If God could fix all the Worlds problems, what pleasure could humans take in this? They did nothing to achieve their salvation, God did everything for them…

The Star of David represents the Union of Man and Woman. Two triangles representing opposite sexes, coming together to form a perfect union. When Women are subjugated, the family unit crumbles, leaving a huge gash in the moral fabric of Society. There is a direct correlation between female subjugation and violence. The less respect men have for the Women who give birth to Life, the less respect they have for human life. In Saudi Arabia women have no voice  or choice in how they live their lives. Saudi Arabia’s Government chops the head off of gay’s, recreational drug users, and anyone who practices a religion other than the Sharia Muslim law. If they can cut your head off for practicing another religion, the inference is clear, anyone other than Muslim’s should be put to death. Women are not allowed to vote or receive any inheritance according to Sharia Law. This practice of not allowing women to inherit wealth is in order to force them to become dependent on a man. America is just a varying degree of this process of financial servitude. Babylon creates jobs that are void of creativity and passion. Since women are Loving they are naturally more creative and passionate. They do not excel in Calculus, nor do they have any interest in financial models.

People that are not unified are easy to divide. When the people are divided they can be controlled. That is the reason Saudi Arabia has the strictest Laws, they have the most worthless Oil to protect. These men are so hideous and miserable, they know they are incapable of pleasing a Woman. Therefore, they make it law that Women have their clitoris removed when they are young. Often times, without the aid of anesthesia. Instead of being reminded of their failure to please  every time they have sex, these men would rather remove their pleasure area. Women are forced to have these surgeries by their families, if they do not have the procedure, nobody will marry them. Egypt and Iran are other wealthy countries where this practice is widespread, in accordance with Sharia Law. This ideology has permeated throughout Afghanistan as well. That is why these women regularly poor gasoline all over their bodies and then set themselves ablaze. It is appropriate that they should use gasoline to set themselves on fire. Naturally death and destruction have spread throughout the land. Wherever there is death and destruction, there is no fresh drinking water. These women were already burning from the inside out.

Speaking of violence and no fresh drinking water, let’s talk about Africa. In Africa the militias are told by their leaders that gang raping virgins will make them invincible in combat, as well as cure them of Aids. If this is what the Militia’s are doing, how do you think the men in the villages are behaving. Women have nobody to turn to for protection. Well over 80% of African women have been the victims of violent rapes. These leaders know there is no crime more egregious than the violation of a woman. Killing comes easily after raping. If they have no respect for the place they came, you think these soldiers are going to have any regard for others lives. Things just steam roll out of control from there… At least in some cases of combat, it is a fair fight. Sharia Muslims are now spreading their poisonous religion throughout the continent of Africa. As if things were not bad enough for the African women, they are now being forcefully mutilated. Naturally, Africa is the most violent continent in the World. Not surprisingly, they are also the riches in Natural resources. The Sudan is on the other side of the Red Sea Mecca is pointed right in their direction…There is Oil all throughout Africa, as well as, many rich minerals and resources. The reason these military leaders tell their soldiers to participate in this gang raping and violence, including putting guns inside women and pulling the trigger…It guarantees that these soldiers will remain violent and the women will remain silent. Imagine what it would be like walking if your left leg did not know what your right leg was doing. African’s legs are going the wrong and opposite direction. Africa looks like a limber gymnast doing the splits. Divide and Rule.

People look at Africa and say, they are beyond helping. Blaming the individual’s and not the environment. It would be the equivalent of saying Pigs are filthy. Pigs were once Captain’s of Industry, former VIP’s. They lived on huge compounds, or worked as police protecting their wealth. They don’t choose to live in these filthy pens. They were put their, locked up, and then forced to Live in their own shit. Even if you put the most majestic creatures in a cage and then forced them to live in shit, eventually people would come to associate that animal with filth.

The reason African soldiers ended up in the military was because they would have starved otherwise. They get food for a gun, they cannot begin to question why they are killing. Many of them are not even old enough to hold a gun level. Then after they contract AIDS, either administered by needle, through sex, or born with it…They are then told if they want to cure themselves they need to find and rape virgins, with the help of the rest of their unit. It is systemic, they fuck everything up beyond comprehension, in order to make people believe the World is beyond fixing. They intentionally exploit, starve, and disease billions…In order to ensure everyone knows the problems are beyond fixing. China is a very repressive country when it comes to women’s rights. Their human rights record speaks for itself. Throughout America, you will find the most violent neighborhoods have the highest incidences of rape and domestic violence. African American women are more likely to get raped by a Police officer, then they are to be helped by one. What do you think these male prison guards do to female prisoners. Does anyone think the news would report a story regarding female prostitutes, and drug addicts getting raped in prison? Many are both.

Most prostitutes service officers in order to avoid getting taken into prison. Somewhat of an understanding between them. Remember all of those Western movies, the majority of the scenes involving the Sherriff, show him in the brothel.

Police don’t prevent crime in the hood, they cause crime. Nobody from the hood walks into a police station unless they are handcuffed. The only other time, is when they are going to snitch. The police do not work for them, if you voluntarily walk into a police station you are then working for the police. Women in the hood cannot turn to anyone for protection either.

This fracture between Man and Woman is the root cause of all societies ills. David’s Son is Jesus. John The Baptist was David. He wrote the Book of Revelation in Greece, while with Jesus Mother Mary Magdalene. John Prophesized that in 2000 His son would return and there would no longer be day or night. This of course would be accomplished by the Moon and the Son coming together in a solar eclipse of the heart. Changing the course of the Planet will undoubtedly require help from the Son of Man. People must realize, however, they have nothing to lose. They can either get busy Living or get busy dying. Love is meant for sharing. When people start to share this thing called Love it will catch like fire. It will burn those who are incapable of Love.

Misery love’s company, these Government’s, Churches, and Oil executives do not want people to see what they have become. That is why they make everyone as miserable as them. Their nightmare becomes everyone else’s nightmare. They glorify their wealth with popular shows like Dallas and Dynasty. People who have made enormous fortunes, in Oil. They all have questionable morals, to say the least. They make people worship their empty accomplishments. Whether it be their work cloning sheep, or potential breakthrough’s with stem cell research. Or their remarkable feats going to the moon and their planned expeditions to Mars (still no plans on going to the Son). They poison people and then collect Nobel prizes for their treatment of the disease. If people exposed them for what they really were they would be devastated. Their whole life is based on a lie and their vanity precludes them from revealing the truth. They are nothing more than what they are, an illusion. Just like their entire system. It is all based on lies. Lies lead to eternal damnation. The Truth is what will lead to your salvation. It starts with repairing the torn Nation of Man and Woman. That is the last chance for saving this World and bringing the Moon and Son back together again.

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